Customs Clearance Specialist

Western countries have been familiar with the concept of customs broker for over a hundred years. We started talking about such a service industry only after the collapse of the Union. A customs clearance specialist is today a fairly sought after and highly paid profession in the world.

customs clearance specialist
Companies operating in the foreign economic market require the delivery of goods to the designated point at a certain time and in full safety. In this case, the cargo must go with the accompanying documentation and without various penalties. But not every company can boast of employees of this level. Therefore, in such cases, a customs clearance specialist will come in handy.

His area of ​​activity includes:

- Representation of the interests of the customer at customs, customs operations on his behalf;

- declaration of goods;

customs broker is
- providing the necessary documents and information about the cargo to special bodies;

- payment of customs duties, VAT, excise taxes;

- sometimes work at customs requires the personal presence of a broker during the inspection of goods, which allows this process to be carried out much faster;

- conducting legal advice, during which the client explains the specifics of the legal framework.

Regardless of the way the cargo is transported - by sea, land or air, the customs clearance specialist must correctly present the goods transportation system on the way. Since sometimes imported goods can grow very much in price due to taxes, customs duties and necessary permits. And this deal for the businessman will not make sense. The customs broker should foresee this and warn the client.

customs work
What is required to provide this type of service? A petition is required to be entered in the register of customs brokers in the form and a license for this type of activity. And:

1. The presence in the state of at least two people with a certificate of specialists of the corresponding profile. In this case, you must be a citizen of Russia, have a higher education and confirm your knowledge with a qualification exam.

2. The liability insurance policy in case of damage to the client’s property or violation of the contract with him. The insurance policy must clearly stipulate a guarantee for damages in each case.

3. Providing security for the payment of various taxes and customs duties in an amount equal to at least one million euros at the rate of the National Bank. As an option, a bank guarantee is acceptable , the transfer of the amount of money in the required amount to the account of the FCS, a guarantee agreement.

4. The organization should not have the status of a state institution.

5. The absence during the year of facts of bringing to administrative responsibility for an offense in this area of ​​activity.

6. There should be no arrears of customs payments in the amount of more than 500,000 rubles.

The customs clearance specialist acts within the framework of the Customs Code in the Customs Union and the Federal Law "On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation", which supplements the Customs Code.


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