Victoria Agapova: childhood, first successes, personal life

Victoria Agapova can safely be added to the list of the most charming, stylish and attractive girls in Russia. Now her face is familiar to many viewers, but in order to become famous, she had to go a very difficult way.

Victoria Agapova

As a child, she was a bully

Briefly describe the biography of Victoria Agapova is impossible. Her busy life is full of bright moments. Charming girl was born in Moscow on October 17, 1985.

From childhood, she was an incredibly active child. The future star could not sit in one place for more than one minute. This habit was preserved at an older age, the schoolgirl liked to enroll in various circles, and after some time interest in them disappeared. As a teenager, Agapova became interested in learning languages, at first she was attracted to German speech, and then she began to study English in depth.

taste of life

All the sciences for the girl were given quite easily. But her behavior always left much to be desired. Comments from the class teacher constantly appeared in the diary, and mom and dad to high school became regular guests at school.

First successes

While all of their peers were preparing to enter the institute, Victoria Agapova preferred the modeling business. Success brought her the international competition Elite Model Look, in which a charming girl was able to reach the finals. She understood that she could not do without a good education. Therefore, she had to combine her career with studies at the Humanitarian Institute. M. A Litovchina (specialty - director).

Victoria Agapova biography

A few years later, the young model accidentally hit the radio station as a guest. She was attracted by this type of activity with which she wanted to connect her life. For more than 8 years, Victoria Agapova worked as a radio host on Silver Rain.

The TV show that made her famous

A young star became more popular every year. She conducted radio broadcasts, appeared on magazine covers, interviewed world stars, but all this seemed to her not enough. In 2010, she tried herself in the role of the TV presenter of the program “Taste of Life”. This documentary project was broadcast on Channel One. It told everything about food, the features of each product and about popular dishes from around the world.

Victoria Agapova Leading

An excellent duet was the leading Victoria Agapova and her partner Vyacheslav Manucharov. In each issue, they laughed, joked, told various stories. For the audience, this show was not only informative, but also funny.

The show “Taste of Life” brought success to the young girl. After the release of several programs, they began to recognize her on the street. Victoria herself fell in love with this project, she always reverently talks about it and looks forward to the next shoot.

There is a fine line behind impudence

To everyone, Agapova seems impudent, stabbing and passionate in nature. But only close people know that in fact behind this lies a very subtle and vulnerable soul. A star can be upset about a sad movie, an abandoned kitten, or someone else’s unfortunate story. The most important thing for her in life is close people. For every holiday she wants to surprise them with an original gift.

Victoria Agapova Leading

The TV presenter never pursued wealth. She knows how to save and save money. First of all, she chooses the job that will be interesting, and will not bring big profits. Unlike many women, she is not interested in branded things; she is not shy about buying a T-shirt for 200 rubles and going out into it.

To a greater extent, the young beauty is attracted to travel. She dreams of visiting India, Australia and Iceland. Forever Paris conquered her heart.

Happy personal life

For a long time Manucharov courted his partner. He admitted that he wanted to marry her. The young man respected Victoria for her frankness: she would never flatter, deceive and try to present herself in a better light. But all attempts to establish a relationship with her did not bring success. In one of the interviews, the presenter admitted that she has a young man. With him, she feels like a happy woman, partners understand each other without words, and many things connect them. She keeps the name of her chosen one a secret, because she believes that it is not worth demonstrating her relations with a large audience. The couple has not yet thought about children, as young people believe that they have not achieved everything they dreamed about.

About plans and dreams

To date, Victoria Agapova has a huge number of plans and goals. First of all, they relate to career growth. The girl dreams of creating her own show on the first channel. She also wants to connect her life with the automotive business. A fragile leader can independently diagnose any vehicle. In her free time, she plans to visit all countries of the world, to study the culture and features of each of them.

Agapova is not that person who simply exists - she incredibly loves life and makes maximum use of her every moment.


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