Found a treasure in a dream: interpretation

Sometimes a person sees at night that he has found a treasure in a dream. Naturally, in real life this event would be very pleasant. But is everything so clear in the interpretation of sleep?

in a dream find a treasure with gold coins

Psychological aspect

Not always a dream has a mystical meaning. Sometimes night visions are closely related to human psychology. So, if a person found a treasure in a dream, this may mean:

  1. Rebirth or renewal of personality.
  2. Previously unfulfilled ambitions, goals. It is possible that now you are given a second chance to prove yourself.
  3. The time has come to put into practice the experience and knowledge that you have accumulated to this day.
  4. You can offer this world much more than what you are doing now. Think about it, maybe you have some hidden talents.
  5. Perhaps many inexplicable things happen in your life. Most likely, you will soon understand their essence and meaning.

found a treasure in a dream

Mystical meaning

If a person found a treasure in a dream, it means that someone close or beloved actually pursues evil or selfish goals. So, “digging up” means getting to the bottom of a relationship. Nevertheless, there is a pleasant exception. If there is gold in the chest (jewelry, coins or bars), this discovery will not bring you disappointment. By breaking up a relationship with an insincere person, you will gain much more.

Arabic dream book

Arab culture is of interest to many. This also applies to the interpretation of dreams. Eastern sages have always enjoyed authority. If a person found a treasure in a dream, this may mean the following:

  • luck in gambling or arguing for money;
  • any business that you start does not bring success, and therefore it is worth taking a break;
  • perhaps soon you will fall in love with the person with whom you will build a strong and happy family;
  • a dream can portend a valuable gift, but you should think carefully about whether to accept it, because it can be a trap;
  • You will find out that best friends are deceiving you and intriguing you.

European dream book

European interpretations may differ slightly from the eastern. So, finding a treasure in a dream may mean the following:

  • you are in constant search for the meaning of life, and therefore will soon find what is important for you;
  • you are wasting so much effort in your field of activity, because success will bring you a completely different occupation;
  • if you transferred the treasure to someone else, it means that friends or colleagues who have been marking your place for a long time will take advantage of your efforts;
  • if you collect treasure in a chest, it means that you create problems for yourself out of the blue.

find a treasure in a dream

Velesov dream book

Surely many people had to find a treasure in a dream. Why is there such a plot? Velesov's dream book includes such interpretations:

  • hopes for work or a romantic relationship will be empty and baseless;
  • perhaps you are in danger of illness or unpleasant chores;
  • if in a dream you are looking for a treasure, someone from the inner circle deceives you;
  • if the chest was filled to the top with gold and precious stones, you will find success in all areas of your life;
  • there are too many temptations in your life that negatively affect your character and state of mind.

find a treasure in a dream why dream

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's interpreter will help to decipher almost any dream. Found a treasure with gold? So something good will happen, an unexpected joyful event will happen. If your “excavations” did not bring the desired result, it means that some disappointment awaits you in life (this may concern both love and work). Searches can also be a harbinger of unpleasant troubles and tedious fuss.

If instead of a valuable treasure there are some useless things in the chest, such a dream is of neutral importance. On the one hand, you will do what you intended, but on the other, the result will not surprise you. But if you are going to bury a full box of gold, then you are in dire need of self-realization. Stop digging in your talents.

Pay attention to the dream in which someone tells you the direction where the treasure is. Soon a person will appear in your life who will obsessively offer you participation in some profitable enterprise. But by agreeing, you will only incur losses. It is better to achieve financial well-being on your own.

Modern dream book

Modern life has made some adjustments to the interpretation of the pictures that you see in a dream. Finding a treasure with gold coins means a coming happy event. Nevertheless, your joy will cause a lot of gossip and gossip among others, which will not allow you to fully enjoy it. At the same time, the more coins there are in the chest, the more envious you will have.

Also, if you had to find a treasure in a dream (coins), you should count on improving your financial situation. True, it will be temporary. It can be a big bonus, a small win or a cash gift. If the treasure is not of material value, your current ideas will not bring you any benefit.

If in a dream you are trying to find a place where the treasure is hidden, it means that you are wasting your time. Engage in a business that will really start to make you profit. If you dig the earth for a long time, but still do not find the treasured chest, losses await you. If you still find the treasure, then you will find spiritual harmony and establish a trusting relationship with loved ones.

dream found a treasure with gold


Despite the fact that there are well-established interpretations of dreams, do not forget about individual characteristics. When trying to decipher night vision, always consider your psychological state, as well as the events that occur in your life.


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