Where and how to get a private security certificate?

In order to officially get a job in the organization for the protection of private and public facilities, you must have a private security guard certificate with you. But if you get a job in a small business or in a store, then this document is unlikely to be required from you.

But where can I get a private guard certificate and what rights will you have after receiving it? Starting a job in a security company is not as easy as it might seem for the first time. It will not be enough just to call an ad and then go get a job.

public services get a private guard certificate

If you want to find a job in a private security agency and a large responsible corporation, you will have to try a little and collect some documents to obtain a document that will allow you to carry out security activities. Where to start? This article will cover all the information that will help you in how to obtain a private security guard certificate.

Who will not be able to receive this document?

Before you go and hand over papers to receive a document, it is worthwhile to find out whether you can even apply for it. Not all people are able to obtain a private security guard certificate for some reasons, which can be seen below. So this is:

  • Disabled people.
  • Minority, that is, when a person is less than 18 years old (except in some cases).
  • Citizens with a criminal record.
  • Suspected of any crime.
  • Citizens who are forbidden to conduct security work according to the results of the inspection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Prematurely graduated from civil service in connection with dismissal due to disciplinary offense. This restriction is valid for three years.
  • People who have canceled a similar certificate due to an administrative offense. Valid for one year from the date of cancellation of the document.
  • Citizens who have not undergone training or a medical board.
  • Citizens who refuse fingerprint registration, which is mandatory.

But is it possible to obtain a private security guard certificate if a person is not yet 18 years old? In what cases can this happen?

It should be noted that minors can also obtain permission to work as a private security guard. This is an extremely rare case in which a sixteen-year-old citizen must experience emancipation.

How to get a private security certificate? Quick guide

How to get a private security certificate

The process of obtaining such a document is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, and differs little from when you get a driverโ€™s license. You should go through only a few steps, after which you can officially go to work in a private security agency.

The answer to the question of how to obtain a private guard certificate can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Search for potential employment in the field of security.
  2. Collection of all necessary documents.
  3. Profession training.
  4. Passing medical examination.
  5. Exam.
  6. Drawing up an application for obtaining or renewing a private guard certificate.

At this stage, you can not worry about anything, unless, of course, you passed the exams and the medical board.

Where can I get a private security certificate? After the application has been submitted and approved, it remains only to obtain the document in the relevant authorities. When and at what address to come, you will be informed after the successful acceptance of the application.

To successfully go through all the stages of obtaining a document, you should know some nuances. More details about them will be written later.

The ranks of the guards

where can I get a private guard certificate

The greatest importance in the work of a private security guard is discharge. It allows you to create a kind of hierarchy among workers in the field of security. It should be noted that those who have the lowest rank will not be able to occupy senior positions in the security sphere. There are three types of security guards in the Russian Federation:

  • 4th category.
  • 5th category.
  • 6th category.

Lowest rank

The young guard receives this category at the very beginning of his career, and it is with him that everything begins in most cases. The opportunities for the owners of the initial discharge are not very large:

  1. The right to wear and use special equipment (handcuffs, vest, safety helmet).
  2. Formal employment in private security organizations.
  3. A mandatory employee check once a year related to the use of special tools described in the first paragraph

Although the capabilities of the fourth category are the smallest, the responsibility for the performance of the work remains at a high level. And precisely because of this, it is worth considering the question of how to obtain a private guard certificate of 6th category, because its owner has the right to work intended for 4 and 5 categories.

When a citizen is determined to associate his future activities with the security sector, he should not be trained in the lower category. This can only be done if it is necessary to test yourself in a new job.

Middle level

It is also possible to sign up for training at a higher level guard. In this case, you are not at the lowest stage and have good prospects for promotion. The capabilities of such guards are much higher:

  1. The possibility of employment in private security organizations.
  2. The use of special equipment at the workplace.
  3. The use of civilian weapons permitted in security activities (including gas cartridges, barrelless pistols and stun guns).
  4. Check once a year in the bodies of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate.

This category is most common among Russian security guards. Responsibility for their work here is somewhat higher. This is mainly due to the possibility of using new office tools.

Highest category

Any citizen can enroll in a sixth-grade guard training. Such guards have the greatest potential. Accordingly, getting this discharge will not be so easy.

where to get a private guard certificate

Six-digit users have the following privileges:

  1. Formal employment in private organizations.
  2. The possibility of using special equipment.
  3. The possibility of using civilian self-defense weapons.
  4. The use of firearms.
  5. Annual inspection.

It is worth highlighting that there are no big differences between all categories, but the salary of all varies. As the rank increases, the guard will increase his salary.

Learning process

Can I get a private security certificate

After you have studied the question of how to obtain a private guard certificate, you can proceed to practice.

When choosing a category, it is worth considering how much time and effort you are willing to spend on training. For example, the fourth category requires 98 hours of lessons and lectures, and the fifth will take at least 174 hours of classes. To get the 6th rank of a private guard, you should unlearn as much as 266 hours, and this is only a minimum. All these figures indicate only the minimum number of hours of classes, but in fact their number may increase slightly. If you do not pass the necessary hours of lectures and practice, then obtaining a certificate of a private security guard will not work.

Features of the medical board

how to get a private security certificate through public services

Before you get a private guard certificate, you must pass not only training and exams, but also a medical board that will show your suitability. It can be passed both before training and exams, and after them. To do this, you need to come to any medical institution, whether it is public or private. It is necessary to provide certificates on the suitability for work of a private security guard from such specialists as:

  • Otolaryngologist.
  • Therapist.
  • Surgeon.
  • Expert in narcology.
  • Psychiatrist.

Also, a certificate from an ophthalmologist may be required to obtain a certificate. For the highest level, passing this specialist is mandatory.

How to get a private security certificate through "State Services"?

how to get a private guard certificate of 6 category

With the development of Internet technologies, it became possible to obtain most of the documents through government sites. A portal called "State Services" will help you in obtaining many documents, including the described certificate.

Before you get a private guard certificate for State Services, you need to go through a small registration on this portal. To do this, you need to download a scan of your passport and wait one day to verify it. After that, go to the appropriate section, study all the information provided and provide a list of necessary documents.

After compiling the online application, you need to come to the appropriate department and, having paid the state fee, get a private security guard certificate in your hands.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9170/

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