Business Career: Management And Planning.

A business career is a progressive advancement in a certain area of ​​professional activity . It involves high-quality and status professional growth, advanced training, development of abilities. On the other hand, an increase in the amount of remuneration for work done is also involved in this concept.


A business career involves more than career advancement. The qualitative side of a career implies the development of a certain type of activity or occupation. That is, you can bring a huge number of varieties of careers depending on the professional characteristics of human activity. This may be the career of an artist, manager, doctor, politician or military.


Professional progress is directly related to the individual characteristics of a particular person , his main character traits, such as determination, ambition, etc. Awareness and personal vision of their future in the profession is the basis for moving up the stairs . It is from here that the formation of a person’s position in the professional, working sphere comes. Factors that influence career growth include with confidence the personal life, that is, life outside work.

Since in this matter so much depends on the subjective characteristics of a person, it is logical to conclude that promotion management is also in the hands of a person . Indeed, career planning has a direct impact on actual progress.


There are different types of careers . It can be interorganizational and intraorganizational. Allocate a career professional specialized and non-specialized. There is such a thing as a horizontal, vertical, and latent career (or centripetal).

The most harmonious and promising option is career planning so that development proceeds both at the professional and intra-organizational level. Management of a business career in this context requires a person to perform several of the following tasks: understanding the relationship between the future development of the entire company and himself personally in its composition, planning his own capabilities in accordance with professional achievements and career prospects, eliminating career deadlocks, exploring his own potential development to avoid unrealized expectations, etc.

The business career of a professional in a certain field includes several classic stages . These are peculiar segments of a person’s life in the sphere of his professional activity.

The preliminary stage is the time of study and preparation for work. Usually lasts up to 28 years. This time is given to find your place. Then comes the stage of formation, which lasts about five years. This time is spent on the development of selected professions and the formation of qualifications.

Only after this can we talk about the stage of promotion. Actually, a business career as such from this stage is just beginning (in the traditional sense). This stage stretches for about 15 years (up to 45) and is accompanied by advanced training, the acquisition of experience, skills and a higher status, as well as the necessary independence. Confident self-expression of a person as a person begins. A person strives for higher remuneration for his work; interest also appears in other alternative sources of additional income.

At the conservation stage, the peak of a career sets in. It lasts up to 60 years. Further training continues. This period is already characterized by creativity. He achieved independence and self-expression.

And the final stage is the completion of a career. A person is already thinking about rest. This is a crisis period when a business career ceases to have increased value in the eyes of a person. The time comes to think about self-expression in other activities. For example, in your favorite hobby.  


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