The indicator is an important component of technical devices

An indicator is a device that displays some kind of information. It is used to visually monitor certain events, signals, processes. There are many different types of indicators: electronic, mechanical, etc. Electronic devices have gained popularity.

indicator is

An electronic indicator is a device that allows you to display any information. Such devices are installed on all household appliances, in industrial equipment, etc. The indicator helps the operator in the workplace or the layman in his home, in the car quickly, and most importantly, visually assess the required parameters (for example, the battery indicator), especially those that he is not able to determine using his senses. In those cases when high accuracy of estimation is needed, digital multi-digit indicators are used, and when it is enough to see the absence or presence of a signal, indicators of a single type are used.

There are many display options. In addition to specialized indicators, such as mechanical dial, electronic digital or matrix, often use household electronic elements. So, for example, a conventional incandescent lamp or a semiconductor LED can serve as an indication in warning systems or control panels.

charge indicator
A specialized matrix type indicator can be used for domestic purposes, for example, to create billboards. That is, depending on the use, both the lamp, the diode, and the electronic matrix can have a general purpose. His name is an indicator. This allows us to draw the following conclusion: the indicator is determined not so much by purpose and design features, but by its use in a specific device or device.

Classification of indicators

1. By appointment - group and individual.

2. By the method of image formation:

- passive: liquid crystal, electrochromic, electrophoresis, ferroceramic;

- active: LED, cathodoluminescent, gas-discharge, incandescent.

3. By the nature of the displayed information:

- digital - displays digital information;

- single - transmits the state with color, brightness;

- scale - it is performed in the form of several single indicators, displays the level or value of a quantity (for example, a charge indicator);

- mnemonic - in the form of a geometric figure or image;

- alphanumeric - displays data in the form of letters, numbers and signs;

- graphic - transfers both symbolic data and drawings;

- combined - combines two or more options.

4. According to the design of the information field :

- Familiarizing. This type includes vacuum, gas discharge, glow indicators.

- Sign synthesizing. These include matrix, segment, seven-segment indicators.

5. By information capacity: singly charged and multiply charged.

battery indicator
6. By the method of image formation: dynamic (multiplexed) and static.

7. By color: one-color and full-color.

8. By the method of information transfer: analog and discrete.

We have listed the main types of indicators, however, there are a number of parameters (overall dimensions, element brightness, viewing angles, response time, voltage, etc.) that divide these devices into subgroup groups.

To summarize, letโ€™s say that an indicator is a device that displays information about the level, value of various data, such as voltage, current, temperature, battery charge, etc. Indicators greatly simplify a personโ€™s work with various devices, they save time and help to avoid accidents etc.


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