Why dream of kissing your hands? Dream Interpretation for Men and Women

Sometimes dreams are so vivid and memorable that immediately after waking up a person begins to think about what they mean. Having woken up, people are looking for what they dream of, that they kiss their hands or something else that they dreamed to find out what fate had in store for. The interpretation depends on what the vision was, on what day of the week it was dreamed of, how it was perceived.

Why dream of kissing hands

I’ll dream about it ...

Seeking the answer to the question of what dreams are about, kissing hands, a person hopes that this is a good sign. However, as with any search for answers about night dreams, you always want what you see to be a good, good omen.

For a girl, the search for an answer to the question of why she dreams, what kisses her hands can bring unpleasant surprises. So, in some dream books it is said that such an action indicates condemnation, shame, especially if several men kissed their hands. Such a dream may indicate that it is worth behaving more modestly with the opposite sex. Because of some actions, others will strongly condemn the girl, considering her frivolous.

And what is the dream of kissing the girl’s hands? If it seemed like a handsome guy was kissing his hands, this portends a quick marriage.

Why dream of kissing a child’s hands

For married women

At least the meaning of sleep is sought by married women, wondering why they dream of kissing their hands. For ladies in marriage, such a dream portends happiness, especially if the husband kisses his hands. Such a vision speaks of a happy family life.

If such a dream was with another man, then this indicates a danger, a threat to marriage. Most likely, the spouse will be jealous, which can cause frustration. The husband may have doubts about his wife’s loyalty, and before the sleeping woman there will be a difficult question of choice. Why dream: a man kisses the hands of a married woman, but not her husband, but a completely stranger? Such a dream says that in the near future a rich and respectable man will begin to show interest in the lady and show her signs of attention.

If a married woman kisses a woman's hands in marriage, then in reality she will be awaited by the attention of some married man. It is interesting to her and has already begun to show signs of attention, but it is worth being careful. Such relationships lead to condemnation, problems.

Children kiss hands

If you dreamed that your own children kissed their hands, then this indicates unlimited respect and reverence. Such stories are most often dreamed of by older people who have disagreements with children. If you suddenly dream of such a dream, then you can calm down, because everything will soon improve, relations with the offspring will be strong, friendly, the differences will go away.

Why is a girl dreaming of kissing a hand

Kissing to others

If you dreamed that the dreamer kisses the hands of another person, then this indicates that the sleeping person is in great need of outside help. It will be difficult for him to cope with difficulties on his own, it is unlikely to succeed without the help of an outsider. But who it will be, man or woman, tells the plot of a night dream.

And why dream of kissing a child’s hands, what does it mean? If in a dream the dreamer kisses the hands of his child, then he should expect joy from a loved one. But if the children are strangers, then joy should be expected from an outsider. Sometimes support, help comes from where you can’t expect them at all.

If a woman dreams that she kisses the hands of another man, then this indicates full submission to the will of the chosen one. The dream speaks of the need to reconsider your relationship, it may be worth starting to value yourself more, respect, love. Otherwise, a man may refuse a companion, who is in solidarity with him in everything, who has no opinion of her own. Such ladies can not openly talk about their feelings, and in vain.

Why is a man dreaming about kissing his hands

Dream portends

If you dreamed that someone was kissing his hands and at that time the dreamer was crying, then in reality one should expect the disclosure of a terrible secret about his behavior, the realization that he was once wrong. Such a dream can speak of a long-awaited reconciliation.

And why is it that the guy kisses the guy’s hand? Such visions are not a good sign. Perhaps they say that it is worth paying attention to those people who surround the sleeping person, especially the beloved girl. She may be a completely different person. Relationships with her will burden the sleeper, which will lead to prolonged depression.

If you dream that you kiss your hands, and you feel disgust, this portends a meeting and communication with unpleasant people. It will not be possible to avoid this, as this will negatively affect the career.

Dreamed chief

I dreamed that you kiss the hands of your boss - in reality this shows a desire to move up the career ladder. The dreamer will make a lot of effort for the management to pay attention to him. As a result of hard work, you will be noticed, but not immediately. We'll have to wait a bit, patiently.

Hands licking a dog

Sometimes in a dream it may seem that a dog is licking its hands. Such a dream is considered auspicious. The dog is a true friend who will help to cope with any difficulties. He will not leave the sleeping in trouble, will provide any help.

If you dream that the dreamer kisses or licks his own hands, then in reality you regret yourself, consciously avoiding problems and difficulties. You are afraid to face them.

Kissing bride hands

A dream in which hands are kissed is considered prophetic. However, for a more accurate interpretation, one should recall as many details as possible, take into account the day of the week, the marital status of the person who kisses and who is kissed, and the status of the person. Be sure to take into account the emotions that felt sleeping. If they were positive, then such visions can speak of good, and disgust, a negative feeling is a sign of something bad.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K918/

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