How to make a knot self-tightening?

Knots are the most unreliable piece of gear. However, you cannot do without them. There are at least two of them in any gear. The first node allows you to attach the fishing line to the spool, and the second is designed to be attached to the fishing line of the hook. Anglers use self-tightening and sliding knots of varying complexity. Moreover, for the successful assembly of gear it is better to know several different ways to tighten the fishing line or braid.

Self-locking knot

The self-tightening knot is widely used by fishermen. It is quite simple, but original. Such a unit is tightened under load. The more effort you put in (within reasonable limits), the tighter the snap will be.


Self-tightening knot for fishing line has many variations. Each fisherman chooses the best tooling technology for himself. It is used to tie fishing line to the spool, and when installing the hook. Particularly often self-tightening nodes are used for assembly of the cattails.

The most popular node is used for bottom fishing for reels of a sufficiently large size. This allows you to wind the required amount of fishing line for long casting.

The self-tightening knot for the coil can begin to be knitted with inexpensive varieties of thread, such as backing. Equipment continues with a stronger braid or high-quality monolesk. Each angler can learn to make snap quickly and correctly.

How to knit a knot?

To understand how to tie a self-tightening knot , you need to consider this technique in stages. To do this, prepare the spool, as well as the corresponding fishing line. The thread needs to be wrapped once around the spool. Its tip should be left of sufficient length. So it will be convenient to make further manipulations.

From the tip of the fishing line you need to make a loop, deployed in the opposite direction. This end must also be pre-wound with lead thread.

Self-tightening reel assembly

Next, the free edge is passed through a loop that has formed at the base. The knot is tightened. To do this, it must be wetted with any liquid. When a ring forms, it must be put on the spool. In this case, the fishing line is delayed. To do this, pull the main fishing line. This simple method is used by many fishermen when winding thread on a spool. He has proven his reliability and effectiveness.


After the fishing line is pulled, you need to remove the unnecessary ends. They are cut with scissors or a sharp knife. The knot can subsequently be loosened. This removes the fishing line from the spool.

Having considered the technology of how to make a self-tightening knot , the fisherman must take into account several important points. In order for the gear to be reliable, it is necessary to follow simple winding rules. The fisherman must leave a few millimeters to the reel when winding fishing line. This technique will help to avoid slipping the thread from the spool. At the same time, casting the bait will turn out as far as possible.

When tightening the knot, you need to remember that the weakest point will now be the area above it. Here, the fishing line is slightly stretched, so its strength characteristics in this area of ​​the fishing line will be violated. Therefore, you need to be careful with the thread.

Why make a knot on a reel?

The self-tightening knot is recognized as a classic among fishermen. However, some lovers of relaxation on the pond prefer not to use knots for attaching fishing line to the spool. To do this, they acquire coils equipped with a special stopper or clip.

How to make a self-tightening knot

For simpler gear you will have to master knitting technology. Some fishermen attach fishing line to the spool by winding a large amount of monofilament. The fishing line itself keeps itself on the reel. If the fisherman uses only 100 m of fishing line, he should wind about 200 m on the spool.

The disadvantage of this approach is manifested in the fishing process. The fishing line will gradually wear out. In a pond, you will have to get rid of some of its sections. Over time, there will come a time when the amount of thread available is not enough to keep it on the spool. In this case, the fisherman still has to knit a self-tightening knot in order to be able to continue fishing.

Knot for knockout

Very often, fishermen use a self-tightening knot for the foreskin. This tackle looks like a rectangular cake briquette (makuhi), clamped on a sinker. You can practice tightening such a node on the wire.

Self-locking knob

The line is bent around the arm to make a loop. Next, the palm is turned away from you, while the thread is turned too and twisted it by 1.5 turns. Through this loop you need to stretch the main fishing line. It’s better to wet it so that the process goes easier.

The resulting loop is for a briquette made from flakes. If you pull the free end of the line, the knot will loosen. So you can change the bait. Therefore, it is better to leave a free end with a length of about 2 cm. So you can quickly and easily assemble the catwalk in a pond.


The knot self-tightening, although it is considered simple, provides the fisherman with a lot of advantages. This is the most successful technology for tightening the thread on the bobbin. It is used in a pond. The fisherman will not need any additional equipment for this. It is also not necessary to have any special professional skills to create such a site.

Self-locking knot for fishing line

Its easy to adjust. The more effort the fisherman makes, the stronger the strings will be tightened. The knot will not be able to untie itself. The only thing that is required of the fisherman is to ensure a constant thread tension. This reduces the risk of slip of the running ring.

If desired, the self-tightening assembly can be loosened and dissolved. This makes it the best option when creating a foreshank. Such qualities explain the popularity of this site among experienced and novice anglers. It is simple and reliable, so it is used everywhere.

Having considered the technology of how to create a self-tightening knot, even a novice angler can create a strong, reliable tackle. She will not let you down in the process of fishing for prey from the water. Simplicity of execution allows you to tie such a knot directly on the pond without any additional devices. The positive qualities inherent in this knot make it popular and universally used by both experienced and novice fishermen.


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