Refrigerator "Kraft". Customer reviews and overview of popular models

The place of honor in the kitchen is occupied by the refrigerator. Many housewives choose the unit carefully, given its capabilities, dimensions and technological features. However, not everyone is ready to pay a large sum for household appliances. The Russian brand offers Kraft refrigerators, reviews of which indicate that the models, despite the economy class, are quite energy efficient and have an attractive appearance.

craft refrigerators reviews

Rich lineup

The company produces a wide variety of refrigeration equipment. Its assortment includes single-chamber models, freezers, single-chamber mini-samples and even voluminous, two-door units. But the classic two-chamber Kraft refrigerators are especially popular. Customer reviews show that the equipment is working properly, breakdowns are rare, and the electronic display is not satisfactory.

Kraft 450 refrigerator reviews

Consumers appreciated the convenient arrangement of shelves in all models, the capacity of two-chamber samples. Most refrigerators have a No Frost system. This greatly facilitates the life of the hostess. It is also important that there is a series of equipment where an electronic display is provided and the ability to control the temperature in the refrigerator compartment.

kraft refrigerator customer reviews

User reviews

If noiselessness of household appliances is important for the consumer, then Kraft refrigerators will be the best choice. User reviews show that most models work almost silently. At the same time, the level of energy consumption is significantly reduced. Among units declared by energy class as A +, the KRAFT brand shows the best results.

Many buyers are concerned about the external data of the purchased equipment. In this case, Kraft refrigerators also did not fail. Reviews of picky consumers indicate a strict and concise design. Units are made of durable plastic with the addition of metal elements. For aesthetes, tempered glass options can be recommended.

Many people prefer single-chamber refrigerators from the Kraft company. They are bought for country houses, hotel rooms and as a temporary option. In this case, consumers do not want to spend much, but they want to get a high-quality and functional unit in the end. The Russian brand presents such an opportunity and more and more deserves the trust of the buyer. Small models are suitable for everyday needs, and their work is not satisfactory.

kraft 400 refrigerator reviews

Browse Popular Models

Most residents are accustomed to installing a classic two-chamber refrigerator in the kitchen. The company represents a wide variety of such models. They are distinguished by dimensions, equipment, technological capabilities and colors.

Kraft KFHD-400 RWNF

The classic budget option, where the freezer is located below. The height of the unit is 188 cm, which is quite convenient for most users and allows you to place many products.

Many people like the internal content that the Kraft 400 refrigerator has. The reviews buyers leave are mostly positive. Glass shelves are durable and easy to clean. Compartments are also provided on the door.

The freezer can be set to fast cooling. Both cameras are equipped with a No Frost system. This approach makes the refrigerator quite popular with consumers.

It is important to note that the doors can be hung on the back side. This makes it possible to install the refrigerator in a convenient place and makes use more comfortable.

The model is equipped with an electronic display. Management is fully electronic. There is an audible warning of an unclosed door. The refrigerator comes in matt white.

craft refrigerators reviews

Kraft KFHD-450 HSNF

Stylish and sleek unit. Made in an elegant silver color, which allows you to maintain the appropriate interior of the kitchen. The model is quite tall. Product dimensions are: 195X60X68.5. Such dimensions allow you to place the products needed by a large family. The freezer compartment is also quite roomy. Useful volume is 95 liters. The power of freezing is palpable. Up to 15 kg per day can be frozen. A quick cooling system is provided.

Reviews of the Kraft 450 refrigerator show that the equipment works almost silently. In addition, there is the possibility of supporting autonomous cooling during the day. Users note the presence of a large number of various shelves and compartments that are designed to store vegetables, fruits, eggs, cheese, chilled products, etc.

A touch screen is provided for control. It also provides child protection and an audible signal when the door is accidentally forgotten.

Compact refrigerator Kraft BR 75I

All Kraft refrigerators have extremely positive reviews. The choice of model depends on the needs of the buyer and the purpose of the unit. If an option is required for a summer residence or a hotel room, consumers choose compact samples. The most popular and stylish is the Kraft BR 75I.

The equipment is equipped with a refrigerator compartment and a freezer, which is located on top. The claimed energy class C, but according to reviews is much higher. A drip system for defrosting is provided. This means that the excess water generated in the refrigerator compartment, getting into the tank, gradually evaporates. The freezer requires manual defrosting.

Kraft mini-refrigerators are distinguished by their special appearance. Customer reviews indicate an elegant appearance. The model is made in brutal black, and the door has a silver tint.


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