What do glass fragments dream of: the meaning and interpretation of a dream

About what dreams of glass fragments, described in many popular commentators. This vision is quite symbolic, and therefore should not be ignored if it is a dream. What does it mean and what events portends? This will be discussed now.

Loff's Dream Interpretation

If you want to know why glass fragments are dreaming of, you should look into this interpreter. Here is what it says:

  • Did you sweep them off the floor? This indicates that a person is on the right path of life. Do not be afraid of difficulties and changes - they will bring only happiness.
  • Did the dreamer hold a splinter in his hand? This indicates his naive outlook on life. The simplicity and trustfulness of others are used by him, and this will not end in anything good.
  • In the vision, did the fragments somehow end up in the person’s mouth? Such a vision portends many difficulties in the future. Disagreements are coming at work, a lack of understanding in the family, a breakdown in relationships.
  • Why dream of shattered glass on the floor? It is believed to be in tears. It is likely that the dreamer's family relationships will be put to the test.

The main thing is that they are not mirror fragments. Because such a vision usually bodes betrayal and deception.

Broken mirror

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

According to this interpreter, the fragments symbolize the consequences of a conflict or scandal. The sharper they are, the more serious the problems will be.

Also, the vision in which the sleeper saw pieces of dishes does not bode well. It is usually a dream to quarrel with friends or relatives. It is recommended that every effort be made to resist confrontation. Or you should try to find ways to reconcile the quarrel. Otherwise, things will go too far.

It is worth knowing about why glass fragments in the leg dream. This dream is a sign that soon some long-standing event or resentment will painfully remind the dreamer of himself.

Why dream of collecting glass fragments?

According to Freud

Every person who wants to know what the broken glass is dreaming of, should look into this interpreter. In Freud's dream book, it is said that this vision symbolizes the fragility of the relations developing between partners and their susceptibility to external influence.

If a man dreamed how his girlfriend accidentally broke a glass, it is worth being wary. This portends the omissions and spontaneous quarrels.

Did you feel that your loved one was accidentally injured by a splinter? This is a disease. Also, this dream may indicate that a person invests in relationships is by no means as active as his other half. And it hurts her.

The guy dreamed how his girlfriend intentionally broke the glass into fragments? This is for treason and betrayal. If the girl dreamed of this, then it was time for her to take up her personal life. This vision suggests that she is bogged down in her loneliness, and it kills her from the inside.

The dream book will tell you what the broken glass dreams of

The interpreter of Miller

This book also describes in detail what shards of glass dream about. It is believed that this promises vile events in reality.

If it seems like they are piercing the body, one should expect a large number of reproaches from loved ones and intrigues from enemies.

The person in the plot of the vision was away and stepped on a splinter there? This promises communication with an unpleasant person. Also, this dream may hint that it is time to go about your business, postponed for later, if you intend to achieve results.

It is worth knowing also what shards of glass in my mouth dream of. Such an unpleasant vision promises a reckoning that a person will have to endure for the words spoken by him or the actions committed. If there is nothing wrong with him, then a dream can portend material difficulties.

Broken dishes

Dream Book Wangi

The interpretations proposed by this interpreter should also be read.

For example, why dream of collecting glass fragments? Dream Interpretation says this is a warning of future difficulties and problems. They will be small, but they will be able to slow down the implementation of plans. It is recommended to prevent probable obstacles in time. Otherwise, you will have to be distracted by them later.

If these were fragments of a mirror, then the value is even worse. Such a dream foreshadows the emergence in life of a whole series of troubles that will destroy everything that a person has worked for a long time. It is recommended to refuse trips and important transactions planned for the near future, otherwise you may crash.

But the fragments of dishes are considered a good sign. They say that all the troubles will pass by without touching either the dreamer or his loved ones.

What are the shards for?

French dream book

It is also worth a peek. It was said above about why it is dreamed of collecting fragments of broken glass - but what if these were parts of shells and other explosive ammunition?

Unfortunately, such a vision promises a complete collapse in the business sphere. And if a person was also wounded by such a fragment, then it is worth being prepared for betrayal. Someone from his family will be an imaginary friend and betray, using the trust for his own purposes.

The fragments of the broken mirror, in turn, promise the sad news of tragic events.

But there is a good interpretation. So, for example, if a person has dreamed of fragments of some ancient object - you can rejoice. This promises the dreamer to find some interesting hobby that can even begin to make a profit.

Sharp shard

Other interpretations

There are still some interpretations that were not mentioned before. Here are the most interesting of them:

  • Did a man see shards pierce him? This is to nit-picking from the side of his soulmate.
  • Was the dreamer breaking some glass barriers into thousands of small fragments? Such a vision holds the promise of fulfilling a secret desire.
  • One single sharp fragment portends the emergence of contention between close people. The reason for this will be contradictions and dissimilarities in opinions.
  • A splinter pricked his leg, but not stuck in it? This is to the gradual deterioration of the dreamer's affairs, to which his neglect of them will lead.
  • Has a man made an attempt to collect broken glass in a dream? Such a vision promises risks and health problems. Perhaps a person will try to return what was previously lost.
  • Did he hold a large fragment of a mirror in his hand and look into it? Oddly enough, but this dream should be taken as a harbinger of great happiness.
  • Had to remove the fragments from the floor, sweeping it? If this happened in your own home, it means that in reality a person will succeed on his own. Did he do the cleaning in someone else's house? This suggests that teamwork will bring success.
  • In a dream, had to collect broken pieces of dishes and try to glue it? This vision is considered a sign of vain hopes.
  • Did a person actively break bottles in his dream? This is a storm of fun and a strong hangover.

In general, a vision in which fragments were present can be a foreshadow of a variety of events. Therefore, trying to interpret the dream, it is worth taking into account all the details. It is from them that the meaning of vision depends.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9192/

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