Effective cucumber diet for quick weight loss: reviews, a description of the diet

As you know, cucumber is a popular product for many diets. After all, the calories in it are negligible, it is cheap, and many people like its refreshing taste. Cucumber diet for quick weight loss, reviews of which can also be found here - a great method that allows you to safely and quickly bring yourself in good shape.

fast weight loss cucumber diet reviews

Sample menu for the week

Let's start with the main thing. This diet is designed for one week. This time will be enough for the body to begin to expend energy stored in the fatty layers. About how to lose weight on a cucumber diet, while not harming your health, will be described below. So, the menu for every day of the week.


cucumber diet results

  • Breakfast : 2 small fresh cucumbers, a slice of bread with bran, coffee without sugar.
  • Lunch : lean vegetable soup, apple for dessert.
  • Dinner : cucumber vegetable salad with fresh herbs and green peas.


  • Breakfast : same as on Monday, coffee.
  • Lunch : a little boiled veal, a vegetable salad of radishes and cucumbers.
  • Dinner : same as on Monday.


  • Breakfast : 1 fresh cucumber with vegetable oil, 1 slice of wholemeal bread , black tea (unsweetened).
  • Lunch : a piece of steamed fish, a small glass of boiled rice, 1 lightly salted cucumber.
  • Dinner : vegetable salad with cucumbers and herbs, seasoned with vegetable oil.


  • Breakfast : the same as on Wednesday, coffee.
  • Lunch : a small glass of boiled rice, 1 fresh cucumber, 1 orange for dessert.
  • Dinner : the same as on Wednesday.


  • Breakfast : 2 small fresh cucumbers, coffee.
  • Lunch : vegetable salad of radish, cabbage, cucumbers, herbs, seasoned with olive oil.
  • Dinner : a glass of low-fat yogurt or 1% kefir, 1 apple.


  • Breakfast : the same as on Friday, green tea.
  • Lunch : vegetable soup with meat broth, 1 boiled egg, 1 green apple.
  • Dinner : salad with herbs and cucumbers, seasoned with olive oil.


  • Breakfast : 1 boiled egg, coffee.
  • Lunch : vegetable soup, 1 green apple.
  • Dinner : 1 fresh cucumber.


It should be remembered that the cucumber diet for rapid weight loss, reviews of which are given below, is not recommended for people suffering from intestinal disorders and kidney diseases.

how to lose weight on a cucumber diet

Expected results

As you can see, the diet with a cucumber diet is not rich. It consists mainly of vegetables and herbs, which are rich in fiber. Therefore, to cleanse the body, this cucumber diet is very useful. The results are astounding. For a week of application, you can lose from two to six kilograms of excess weight. Just do not forget that active physical activity is contraindicated when it is followed. Most likely, you simply will not have the strength to do hard work or sports.

Weight Loss Reviews

Now let's listen to what women say about such body correction methods as cucumber diet for quick weight loss. Reviews about it are mostly positive. They say that the most important thing when observing such a strict diet is to tune in to weight loss. After all, I want to eat constantly. Light vegetable salads and soups are absorbed very quickly, and the feeling of hunger returns within an hour after eating. But the reward for the torment will be noticeable weight loss. As the women say in their comments, after the start of the cucumber diet, many of them in a week were able to put on their favorite things that were previously small.

Thus, we found out that cucumber diet for fast weight loss is really very effective. Reviews of women who have tested the method confirm this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9196/

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