Bloom and Valtor in fan fiction: characters, characters

Bloom and Valtor are the most popular Winx fanfiction characters. This couple is regularly described by young fans of the series in stories of varying degrees of frankness. Why is this couple so attracted to the audience of the animated series "Winx"? We will try to figure this out.

Before proceeding to describe the love of Bloom and Valtor, you should understand what each of these characters individually is. So let's get started.

Who is bloom

In order to correctly understand Bloom and Valtor from collections of fan fiction, you need to remember that Bloom is Princess Domino, as well as his fairy guardian. She is one of the founders of the Winx club and is recognized as its leader. She is the daughter of King Oritel and Queen Marion, the younger sister of Daphne and the adopted daughter of Mike and Vanessa. She is also a graduate of the Alphaeus Fairy School and the keeper of the dragon flame. As the main character of the animated series "Winx Club", she became the first character to be presented to the audience. She is also a childhood friend of Selina, the main antagonist of season 6.

Character bloom

Bloom was shown by an insecure girl at the beginning of the series because of her ignorance of her true origin and misunderstanding of her strange but surprisingly powerful forces. Later, when she learned more about magic and about herself, she became increasingly interested in her past and her biological parents. An escapist by nature, she tends to run away when things become too heavy or confusing for her, but she is also stubborn and impatient.

Relations Bloom and Valtor

Bloom can also be impulsive from time to time, leading to very bad consequences for both her and her friends. Her greatest strength and greatest weakness is the status of the guardian of the Dragon Flame, which is also shown in some Bloom-Valtor fanfiction. The Dragon's Flames made her perhaps the most powerful fairy in the “Magic Dimension,” but besides this, she also attracted powerful enemies such as Trix, Darkar, the Witch Ancestors, and, of course, Valtor. In the collections of fan fiction, Valtor and Bloom are the most popular couple.

Despite its shortcomings, Bloom still has a kind and noble heart. She makes sure that all her friends, allies and family (both the receptionist and the real one) are always happy and safe. She showed herself selfless, caring, brave and decisive. Bloom acts harshly when necessary, but always puts up a helping hand for people in need.

Dark bloom

In this form, she is very insidious, does bad deeds and is loyal to Lord Darkar. In this form, Bloom is the exact opposite of itself: it becomes heartless, abusive, reluctant, mediocre, selfish, manipulative, mischievous, cruel and carefree. To prove her loyalty to Darkar, she steals for him a fragment of the Codex from Alphaea. She also committed other bad deeds in the last three episodes of the second season, when Darkar discovered that he needed the forces of light and darkness in order to claim the power of Relic.

Thanks to the fact that Skye confessed his deep love for her, Bloom was able to use her healing power for all who are struck by the magic of Darkar, including herself, thereby freeing herself from the control of Darkar and returning to normal life. She regains the power of Relic and joins her friends, gaining Charmix, with the help of which they destroy Lord Darkar and his fortress. “Valtor and Darkar vs. Bloom” - fanfiction on this topic describes precisely the events of the second season of “Winx”, where the Dark Bloom shone with might and main.


Bloom is the second daughter of King Oritel and Queen Marion Domino, the younger sister of Daphne, and also the keeper of the Dragon Flame, which Daphne passed on to her shortly after her birth. When she was a child, her kingdom was attacked by the witch ancestors, Valtor and Mandragora, who destroyed Domino, turning him into a frozen abandoned planet. Daphne was unable to recapture the witches, so she sent her sister to Earth to protect her, and also gave her the Dragon Flame.

On earth, Bloom appeared in a burning building, which her future adoptive father, Mike, a firefighter, doused with water, trying to put out the fire. Mike saved Bloom. He and his wife Vanessa, the florist, eventually adopted her. Bloom had a happy childhood, and she did not know anything about her background. She and Selina were close friends in childhood, playing together in the Flower Forest. In her youth, she received a gift (her beloved rabbit Kiko) and met her enemy, Mitzi. She also dated a boy named Andy.

Who is Valtor

Valtor is the main antagonist of the third season of the Winx Club. In human form, Valtor is shown as a very pale and tall man who looks physically about thirty or forty years old. He has long light brown, almost strawberry blond hair that flows down to his waist, thin gray eyes with dark purple eyeshadows and especially high cheekbones.

Bloom and valtor

His clothes consist of a long maroon jacket with an inner layer of lavender color and gold pins over the folded cuffs. Underneath, he wears a purple vest over a white ruffled shirt, purple trousers, and gray Indian knee-high boots.

In its demonic form, Valtor is a gargoyle-like creature of maroon color with a huge muscular body, large webbed wings and light blue eyes.

Valtor's character

Valtor is a very proud man, justly proud of his strength and mind. Patient and smart, Valtor prefers to study his opponents before attacking them, studying their weaknesses, until he finds a weak point in the enemy that you can put pressure on. This attractively sinister disposition made him the main character of the Bloom-Valtor fan fiction.

These traits, combined with his tendency to hold back dissatisfaction that lasts for decades, make him an incredibly ruthless opponent. The most remarkable case of this was Bloom, as Valtor sought to destroy her life inside and out. Bloom's parents, Oritel and Marion, were responsible for his defeat and late imprisonment in the Omega dimension.

Despite all these powerful traits, Valtor seems to have a fragile ego, because when the Winx continued to ruin his plans, he became angry and impatient. His impatience, as a rule, is also described in the Bloom-Valtor fan fiction.

Origin of Valtor

When the Great Dragon created the Magic Dimension, a piece of its flame was mixed with the original darkness. This piece of Dragon Flame was later found by the ancestors who shaped it in the shape of a boy and raised it as if it were their own son. Desiring to make him the most powerful wizard in the universe, the ancestral witches sent him to conquer all possible dimensions as soon as he reached adulthood.

During his conquests, Valtor met Griffin, who joined him, striving to become the most powerful witch in the entire Magic Dimension with the help of the Ancestors. However, Griffin eventually realized the fallacy of her choice and renounced Valtor to join the "bright side". As well-known fan fiction often describes, the love of Bloom and Valtor sometimes makes this villain himself switch to the bright side.

winx fan fiction about bloom and horn

Later, Valtor attacked Domino, helping his “mothers” to destroy the kingdom when they were looking for the Dragon Flame, until he encountered the rulers of this world, King Oritel and Queen Marion. Together, Oritel and Marion were able to defeat Valtor and send him to the Omega Dimension, where he had to spend eternity while in a frozen state.

The role of Valtor in the third season of the animated series

Shortly after the defeat of Darkar, the Trixes were captured, frozen, and sent to the Omega Dimension for the evil that they committed in the first and second seasons. However, Aisi managed to free herself, as she is a witch of ice, after which she freed her sisters. Soon they came across a frozen Valtor. Being released, he opened a portal to the Omega Dimension and enslaved the local mermaids, making them submissive monsters. After that, he imprisoned Queen Ligey, the ruler of the world of mermaids, in his underwater dungeons and made most of the mermaids his slaves.

For some time he remained on Andros, remaining next to the Portal. From there, he went to many Realms and stole their magical treasures, starting with the magic Sun of the Solarium, where he teamed up with Countess Cassandra and Chimera. It was there that he first saw Bloom and immediately felt a connection with her. From this meeting the triumphal procession of Bloom-Valtor fan fiction across the Internet began.

When the Winx go to Andros to help Leila, Valtor reveals his true intentions - to become the supreme sorcerer of the Universe, after which he tells Bloom that there is a connection between them, and at the end of his speech he euthanizes Leila.

After Valtor attacks the peaceful kingdom of Espero, the entire Magical Dimension is put in a state of emergency, and Miss Faragonda reveals to Bloom that Valtor was actually made from a piece of Dragon Flame that was mixed with the original Darkness (which was discovered by the ancestral witches), and that he fought along with the witches against the Society of Light, founded by the parents of Bloom, the Spokesman and Marion. Her parents would have known that taking a couple of Bloom and Valtor books of fan fiction (and the whole Winx fandom) would be a real natural disaster for the Internet!

Bloom is angry at valtor

Shortly afterwards, Valtor joined the Princess of Diaspo to weaken Bloom. Then Valtor decided to take revenge on the members of the Light Society and captured the Cloud Tower, imprisoning Griffin, who once was on his side, but betrayed him and joined the Light Society. Then he began to attack Alpheus along with Trix and the Witches of the Cloud Tower, whom he had successfully enslaved. After a heated battle in the woods with Valtor, Miss Faragonda disappeared. Pixie was later turned into a tree. When the Winx went to Linfeuil to find a way to heal Faragonda, Valtor sends Trix to stop them from doing this. Trix attack the Winx and cast a spell on the black willow, whose tears were the only way to save Faragonda. Because of this, Flora almost dies, trying to save her younger sister Mile, and gets her Enchantix. Flora heals Yves and defeats Trix. Winx collect Willow's tears and return Faragonda to her real appearance.

After that, the Winx go to Andros, where the negative energy coming out of the Omega open portal collides with the energy of Andros, forcing both worlds to be on the verge of destruction. Tecna, sacrificing herself to close the Portal, allows herself to "be sealed" in the Omega dimension. The grief over Tecna’s loss is so great that the Winx will immediately attack Valtor in the Cloud Tower. As a result of the attack, Griffin was released, and Tecna was eventually found. However, Bloom falls into despair when Valtor tells her that her parents are dead. Photos of the love of Bloom and Valtor (as well as thematic drawings on this topic) are often made just from this episode.

Then Valtor burst into the Museum of Magix to steal the relic, the box of Agador, and managed to take possession of it, using his cunning mind, despite the intervention of Winx and Naboo. Valtor puts all the spells that he stole into the box to become even stronger. Valtor’s influence on Solaria disappears when the Winx prove that Countess Cassandra and Chimera are connected with him, after which the traitors are arrested. To defeat Valtor, the Winx got the Water Star from the Golden Kingdom.

To infiltrate Alpha and steal all the spells stored there, Valtor deceives Faragonda, Griffin and Saladin, forcing them to fight each other. In Alfey, he is attacked by the Winx, but he tells Bloom that he devoured her parents, making him part of his body. Winx later broke into the Cloud Tower after learning that Valtor had made Bloom invisible. She was able to contact the spirits of the ancestral witches who were still present there, learned from them that Valtor had never won or absorbed her parents, and that they were still alive and in a place inaccessible to magic. Whatever miracles the Winx world did not show us, the fanfics Bloom and Valtora, despite their enormous popularity, were not beaten in the original plot of the animated series.

To a large extent, the weakened Valtor took its true demon-like form and used the elemental spell to flood the Cloud Tower, send a tornado to the Red Fountain, burn Alfey and cause an earthquake in Magix. Bloom tried to find Valtor to stop him, first falling into a trap, but then defeating him and releasing all the spells he captured, except for elemental spells. When the elemental spells returned to him, the lake water, threatening to drown the Cloud Tower, also returned to its original place, and the Winx left Valtor in caves under the lake. Even Trix turned his back on him when he asked them to catch Winx, because they saw his true form and fell out of love. He was defeated and lost all his spells. Using all his energy so as not to lose the elemental spells, he was drowned by his own water spell. All the worlds that Valtor harmed soon returned to normal. Romance, drama - The Bloom-Valtor fan fiction is far from the real passions that took place in the series.

Bloom and the bifurcated valtor

However, he was not dead, since Bloom still felt his presence, and therefore decided together with specialists to go in search of Valtor's body to make sure of his death. Valtor was able to copy the power of specialists - Galia, Brandon, Timmy and Sky - and made them fight against Bloom, Tecna and Stella. However, shortly afterwards, Valtor was once again exposed, and Bloom used her Dragon Flames to put an end to his protracted existence in this world. Valtor was almost completely defeated when the ancestral witches told him that Dragonflame was waiting for him. He must return to him as a punishment for losing his strength in his thirst for revenge. They tried to use him to fulfill their own revenge, and ordered him to destroy the entire Magical Dimension after he finally regained his original demonic form. The ancestral witches could not influence the outside world from the dimension in which they were, but they could still influence Valtor, since he was actually their son.

He was about to cross the Andros Portal to carry out the orders of his mothers, but the Winx soon arrived. Bloom, using a spell, forced her spirit to enter Valtor's body and extinguish it Dragon Flames with her magic pollen, effectively destroying it from the inside. And this is despite the fact that Valtor had previously suggested that she join him and fight with the ancestral witches with him in order to save the Spectator and Marion. After all, the witches were the ones who made her parents disappear. As the NTs-17 fan fiction tells us, Valtor and Bloom are a popular couple thanks in large part to such an ambiguous ending.

Fanfiction "Bloom and Valtor: Love on Ice"

"If I leave tomorrow or in three years, I can know for sure that you will not be a threat. You have no strength to kill me now when you are in love. Tell me, who really won this war?" You yourself understood this.

The voice coming from the camera did not scare Valtor - at least he did not show it. The concrete slab of the bed on which he lay was cold and straining his shoulders, but his position seemed to him quite comfortable, as if the small space did not annoy him, and he did not care that his beloved burgundy jacket was now nothing more than a shabby piece tissue hanging on the body.

His eyes slowly glided over the camera, dropping to a figure partially obscured by darkness. "Now it's my turn?" he asked, his voice tensed with excitement. "I thought that the Forces that created the world planned it all, and I just went my own way."

"A joke about something so serious. You're in your repertoire." His voice was soft but clear, and Valtor knew this better than the owner thought. He felt the excitement and indecision, which was once a rarity, but now seemed to be present at each of their meetings. At every court hearing, when she got up to talk about how terrible he was, he heard this. Although most believed that this girl really wanted to see him dead, Valtor could say that her words were well thought out and rehearsed. A bad game went right in front of his eyes, but he could not leave the theater.

He sat leaning against the wall to stretch his back. "Why are you here, Bloom?" Her eyes, two shining sapphires in the darkness of the prison cell, narrowed and did not come into contact with him. "I came to help." Now it was interesting. "Indeed?"

"Tomorrow, the last day of the trial."

Valtor nodded slowly. "I heard, and this is important because ..."

“What about the idea that the judge will reject the jury twenty seconds before the end of the trial to find you guilty, no matter what two hours they should start the trial itself?”

He shrugged. "As well as…"

She sighed in exasperation and finally stepped forward, heels snapping on the concrete floor. "They will bring you back to Omega."

The man put his chin on his knee. "Yes, that was the right decision for the dark wizard who wanted to enslave the entire Magical Dimension."

"Do you care that you are so close to death?"

He grinned. "Omega doesn’t kill you, my dear, it would just ruin all the pleasure of life. Imprisonment in a heap of ice forever until you lose your mind ..."

"Or until a group of already crazy witches sets you free." A shadow of a smile appeared on her lips, as if she were trying to defuse the situation.

The sound of footsteps outside the cell destroyed the almost friendly feeling in the air. Valtor looked at her, and she stepped back to the shadow, where she was not visible. When she was out of sight, he leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes, pretending to be sleeping. The sound of footsteps approached, and the darkness beyond his centuries became even greater, clearly indicating that the guard had stopped right in front of the camera. For several seconds it was quiet, and then the sound of walking steps was heard.

Valtor kisses bloom

After a moment, Valtor opened his eyes. Bloom looked down the hall through the drawers. "We have some time until he returns."

He arched an eyebrow. "What do you suggest?"

“I will free you,” she said simply. “I know all the return routes and security flaws. It may take some time, but we can create an illusory spell, and before they expose us, we will be halfway to Earth.”

"Why is the earth?" He tried not to notice a note of humor in her voice.

"They least expect to find you there. As long as they look for you, I can convince the court that you are somewhere else ..."

"And I will not be there?"

Bloom rolled his eyes. "It's not funny".

"I'm not laughing".

She stopped moving. She seemed to wake up from a nightmare, but the nightmare was a reality, not what was in her head. Her eyes fell on him, guarded for the first time in several months. “I'm serious,” she finally said, her voice cautious.

“Me too,” he replied, stretching lazily. "Honestly, Bloom, what do you think? A few late night trips to the Cloud Tower changed your mind about who I am? I was created solely from the dark matter and fire of the Great Dragon. Darkness will always be part of me."

"But you said ..."

"I know well what I said. And did you believe that? I've lied to you many times, my dear, why not?"

Bloom leaned against the wall, as if she could reach the area of ​​the closed chamber, where words did not reach her. “You're lying,” she insisted, but he heard the nervousness in her voice and realized that she was doubting herself. "I know what you are. Valtor, I know you would not say that."

This time he laughed. "Valtor, you know, maybe I have a split personality."

"But you ... you saved my life ..."

"Is it fun to kill an enemy that you never met properly?"

"Cloud tower. This kiss ..."

"What about this?"

"You and me…"

He raised an eyebrow, already expecting what she was trying to say. "Do you think that one small night together changed the plan that I had in my head for the past seventeen years? Are you really more naive than I thought, Bloom."

“You said you loved me,” she finally whispered.

A small sigh sounded from his chest, but he crushed it. "Yes I love."

She almost cried, but still continued to insist. "What did you mean?"

He leaned forward and raised an eyebrow, his usual grin crossing his face. "What do you think?"

Valtor felt more than he saw when she laid the illusion on the camera. The next second, he was thrown on the wall and enclosed in chains of fire that burned what was left of his jacket, after which they took up his flesh. The pain was hellish, but he maintained his composure. The bloom before him was now very different from everything he had seen before: she was more determined, meaner, and desperate. “I hate you,” she muttered.

“You don’t hate me, you hate how I play this game. You thought that I would not go down to manipulate your feelings, but you were mistaken. I think the big, bad Valtor was worse than you thought, huh? "

She was trembling. Valtora was impressed that she had kept her mask of composure for so long until she gave vent to emotions. “You will pay for what you did,” she insisted, took a few bold steps forward and looked him in the eye. "Tomorrow they will convict you and return you to Omega forever. I will win this war anyway."

He laughed again. "Really? Your presence here made it clear that there is a way out of this place to bypass the security system, and I can use this information when you leave. I could even wait for the trial and allow me to be imprisoned in Omega so that everything about me they’ve forgotten. I slipped away once, I can’t imagine what could prevent me from doing it again. And as soon as I do this, I will start the cycle again and again - go around all the planets and steal every spell book and source until I reach my goal. "

"Once I stopped you. Why don't I do it again?"

“You love me,” he answered simply. “This is the best part of all this. You are at a loss for the fact that I manipulated you, but you cannot just take control of these feelings. I’ll run away tomorrow or three years later, now I have a trump card in our war. You don’t have the guts to kill me, which means that you will stay away from me or in the end give in to me. Tell me, Bloom ... "- he leaned over and looked right into her watery blue eyes - "who won the war?"

She exploded, releasing all her energy. He expected this to push him away, but to his surprise he discovered that she had attacked everything in the cell except him. Even when the chains on his hands disappeared, he saw burn marks on her shirt. She was trembling, tears rolling down her cheeks. He remained calm and fell back onto that uncomfortable bed. "Kiss for the release?" he asked in a too sweet tone and a grin on his face.

“Go to hell,” she replied.

"But then you will never see me again."

She looked into his eyes, and he wondered if she was really going to kiss him. But she turned away and disappeared into a cloud of smoke and dust. The spells disappeared, but the feeling of sadness and despair still remained. It would be interesting to see how she would behave tomorrow at the meeting, if at all. It would also be interesting to try to convince himself that what he had just told her was indeed for the better.

Fan fiction Bloom and Valtor: The Eighth Sin

The plot of this fan fiction deviates slightly from the usual third season. There will be unexpected reactions from Bloom and a very unusual relationship with Valtor, which makes him especially interesting and popular. The art of love Bloom and Valtor is the perfect cover for this fan fiction.

Valtor saves bloom

Another famous fan fiction

Annotation to the fan fiction "Valtor and Bloom: Moonlit Night":

"One additional sound - and Alphea will be destroyed. The fate of your friends is in your hands, dear Bloom," he brazenly frowned, pressing his tongue to her cheek, listening with pleasure to the girl’s lively breath. "Are you ... bluffing?" "What if I’m not bluffing? Will you risk your life and the life of your friends?"

Whatever the Winx fandom is famous for, Bloom and Valtor fanfiction are his gem. But not only this fandom is known for interesting romantic stories.

The best fan fiction in the world

The best fan fiction of all is deservedly considered the fan fiction "I am the Moon - Cosmos in you." It has nothing to do with Winx setting, but fans of all fandoms love it - from Naruto and Winx to Twilight and 50 shades of gray. Finished fanfiction “I am the moon” describes the interactions between the characters of this famous series, and there are not many masterpieces among them. "Space in you" is a peculiar exception.


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