"Soyuz 50AS-012": description, specifications, models, reviews

Modern high-end speakers are very expensive. Not everyone has money for such speakers. And then it makes sense to pay attention to the Hi-End speakers from the past. Many of them, even in modern realities, can give odds to a large number of modern speakers. These are exactly the Union 50AC-012. An excellent speaker system comes from the Soviet Union. It has an attractive appearance and excellent technical characteristics. We will talk about all this in detail. But first, some general information about these columns.

Union 50AC 012

General information about the "Union"

Strictly speaking, these columns can be attributed to products from the USSR with a big stretch. Their release began in 1991. And by this time, the Soviet Union had already collapsed. Nevertheless, the Bryansk Electromechanical Plant began the production of this speaker system. But it was not produced for long. By 1998, production was stopped, and the plant also collapsed successfully. Nevertheless, the Soyuz 50AS-012 AS looked and sounded great. It belongs to high-end speakers and somewhat resembles the unforgettable S90 from Radio Engineering. But this is a completely different story. Consider the design of these columns.

Union 50AC 012 Specifications

Appearance and design

As already mentioned above, these speakers are very reminiscent of the legendary S90 from Radio Engineering. And indeed it is. However, the color of the case is slightly different (stylized as light wood) and the treble and midrange controls are made in a different style. On the front panel there are three speakers (bass, treble and midrange), covered with a decorative grille. Near the bottom there is a phase inverter hole. On the rear panel are terminals for connecting to an amplifier. The acoustic system "Soyuz 50AS-012" is distinguished by its impressive size. The speakers are very large. And heavy. It is understandable, because this acoustics belongs to the floor class. Such speakers look quite nice. The problem is only that only a few specimens have survived in decent form to our time. However, we continue to consider this interesting acoustics. Next in line are technical specifications.

union 50ac 012 reviews

Main speaker specifications

So, let’s take a closer look at the Soyuz 50AC-012 column. The characteristics of this speaker system are excellent. This is as it should be, since the acoustics are Hi-End. In the USSR, these devices were called "the highest degree of complexity." The range of reproduced frequencies is quite impressive. The lower limit of the range is 40 hertz. The limit is 25,000 hertz. It is not surprising that the speakers provide high-quality sound in any environment. The sensitivity of the speakers is 85 dB. Great rate. Short-term rated power - 50 β€œfair” watts. But it is better to use speakers in the range of 15 to 40 watts. No longer worth it. May burn out. The nominal resistance is 8 ohms. Any amplifier can swing these speakers. However, it is better to use the full, "high degree of complexity." It is with such an amplifier that you can achieve the highest quality sound. Speaking of the latter.

Speakers Union 50AC 012 Characteristics

Sound quality

What sound can please users of Soyuz 50AC-012? Characteristics did not lie. The sound quality is actually quite impressive. But only if you use them with amplifiers such as Brig, Amphiton or Corvette. It is also worth taking care of the sound source. It is best to play all the recordings through a quality CD player. A computer or laptop with an external DAC is also suitable. The speakers are great at genres that don't require much detail: rap, hip-hop, techno, trance, pop and so on. But this speaker system perfectly copes with instrumental genres. Rock, metal, punk, classic sound quite authentic. There is a full scene, the frequencies are not blurry, the cod is not heard when playing the bottom. Great speakers come from the past. They will please even discerning audiophiles. But is it really so? Let's see what those who have already purchased such speakers will say.

speakers union 50ac 012 reviews

Positive feedback from owners

So, what do the owners of the wonderful Soyuz 50AC-012 columns say? User reviews in this regard are quite eloquent: almost all owners are satisfied with this speaker system. Many of them note that the speakers provide high-quality sound even with a mediocre amplifier. Another feature is the quality of execution. Users are really surprised that at such a time the Russian plant was able to produce such high-quality speakers. The owners also say that these speakers are very inexpensive. And at the same time they are an excellent alternative to modern Hi-End speakers. And indeed it is. You can buy these columns in good condition for frank pennies. In general, users are satisfied with the Soyuz 50AC-012 speaker system. But they clarify that high-quality sound is possible only in conjunction with other devices of the corresponding class. And indeed it is. However, there were those who, for some reason, were disappointed in these columns. What is the reason for this? Let's try to figure it out.

Acoustic system Union 50AC 012

Negative owner reviews

What did not suit some music lovers "Soyuz 50AC-012"? Negative reviews are few in number, but true. Therefore, you need to pay attention to them. It is worth noting immediately that they are not connected in any way with the quality of sound or assembly. Most complaints that finding such speakers in the secondary market is a big problem. At one time, they were not released very much. Therefore, not many managed to acquire them. Therefore, it is very difficult to find them. It is much easier to dig out their twins at the flea market - Radio S90. Also, many complain that very few such speaker systems have survived to this day in decent form. Most of the speakers are so killed that there is no point in acquiring them. Recovery will take more effort and money. There are those users who are not pleased with the design of the Union. They say they are too similar to other columns. But this statement has no right to life. The design is great. The developers chose the only right way - they copied the most successful appearance and slightly modified it. This approach is justified. Especially when you consider what time these columns were designed and created.


So, above we examined the high-end speaker system Soyuz 50AC-012. These speakers were created in 1991 at a radio electronic factory in the city of Bryansk. Many years have passed since then, but these speakers are still relevant. Unless, of course, it turns out they are found in the secondary market in fair condition. Even in modern realities, these speakers can replace high-end speakers. The Bryansk plant turned out to be a pretty successful model. Therefore, if there is a chance to purchase this speaker system, then do not miss it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9203/

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