Job description of a driver of a passenger company car: basic provisions, duties and recommendations

Job descriptions for drivers of passenger cars regulate the rights and obligations, as well as all aspects of his work responsibilities, including qualification requirements, length of service, etc. Based on what kind of transport is used, the provisions of the instruction may be different, and they also depend on the scope of employment of the company. The employee, in the performance of his duties, must be guided by the rules of vehicle maintenance, as well as the job description of the driver of the car.

Key Points

Among the main functions of the driver are customer service, commissioning and use of the machine, its repair, documentation of events, as well as safe and timely transportation of passengers or goods, depending on what services the organization offers. The employee hired for this position is subordinate to the chief of the business unit and the general director.

job description of a driver of a passenger company car
In matters of accepting and dismissing a driver from work, both of these leading persons participate. To occupy this position, a person must receive appropriate education, meaning secondary, technical, professional. Then, take advanced training courses to obtain the category necessary for the performance of his duties. In addition, he needs to work as a driver for at least one year and carry out a comprehensive medical examination in order to gain access to driving a car.


According to the job description of the driver of a passenger company car, he must keep the vehicles entrusted to him in constant readiness, fulfill the certified daily plan, as well as the tasks assigned to him by the management. He must also prepare the car before leaving, refuel, coolant and oil, check tire pressure, return the vehicle to the garage after work has been completed.

Sample job description for a driver of a passenger company car
If during operation there were any malfunctions, he should eliminate them. He should also fill out documentation on the accounting of traffic and other road documentation, in case of breakdowns, immediately notify his superiors. He is obliged to strictly observe the traffic rules on the road, to fulfill applications received from his superiors, to have with him all the necessary documentation for transport, to drive only in a sober state, without any health problems. He must timely conduct scheduled technical inspections of the fixed machine.

Employee knowledge

The job description of the driver of a passenger company car suggests that his knowledge should include all regulatory and guidance data that directly relates to his work responsibilities. He also needs to know the technical characteristics of the transport entrusted to him, how to operate it, the rules of the road, the basics of maintenance and repair work with a car, as well as its structure and principle of operation.

driver job description design sample
He must understand what signs indicate a malfunction and what could be its cause, as well as know how to fix it and what consequences the breakdown can lead to. It also includes knowledge of how the use of light and sound devices, tires, batteries is carried out, and understanding how to increase their service life. This includes all the rules, standards in the company, work schedule and more.


The standard model of the job description for drivers of passenger cars contains a list of rights. An employee can offer his superiors options for improving his work, demand from the management that it creates harmless and safe working conditions for him, and also fully provides him with all the means necessary to fulfill his duties. He has the right to normal working conditions in accordance with the labor legislation of the country. In addition, he has the right to demand from the administration of the organization where he works so that the vehicle entrusted to him is timely sent for maintenance.

job description of a vehicle driver form

Another form of the job description of the driver of a vehicle may also include rights relating to the carriage of passengers and goods. The driver has the right not to transport the passenger when in a drunk or other altered state, in violation of public order and unethical behavior, if he can pollute the cabin or carry prohibited baggage into it.

standard model of a job description for a driver of a passenger company car
He can refuse to use the vehicle if its serviceability is incomplete and there is a threat to health and life, as well as if he has not received appropriate instructions, training or he does not have individual protection. He also has the right to refuse to transport the goods if it contains prohibited items, the safety rules are not followed, or the driver revealed other violations in accordance with the legislation of the country.


The job description of the driver of a passenger company car implies that he is responsible for not properly performing his duties or for fulfilling them not at the time stipulated by the contract. Also, for any errors made in the process of work, for the disclosure of any confidential information received in the course of performing their duties.

the job description of the driver of a passenger company car regulates the rights and obligations
In case of non-observance of traffic rules on the road or in case of poor performance of the functions of transporting people, the driver is also responsible. He is also responsible for untimely or complete failure to comply with instructions of the authorities or regulatory rules, for violation of the work schedule, etc. The driver can be held liable for the loss or damage of any material assets entrusted to him, including tools and so on. Also for any violation of the Administrative, Labor or Criminal Code during the performance of their work. He is financially responsible for the vehicle and any other material benefits received from the company for use.


The driver can obtain all the information of a different type regarding his functions from the director or the head of the business unit. He also interacts with medical personnel conducting a medical examination before flights, with a leading specialist in occupational health, as well as with employees in the human resources and accounting department. As a workplace, the vehicle itself, a parking lot, a garage, a viewing hole, etc. can be used, depending on the specifics and focus of the company where it works.

Job evaluation

A sample job description of a driver of a passenger company car may contain such a clause as performance appraisal. It is carried out in different companies according to criteria that can be modified depending on the needs of the organization.

car driver job description
In most cases, they look at how well the employee fulfills his duties, whether there are customer complaints about him, whether he maintains the cleanliness and serviceability of the transport entrusted to him, what he looks like, if he takes the car on time for technical inspections and checks its serviceability, and repairs any breakdowns that have occurred during operation. Also takes into account the quality of preparation of cars before scheduled inspections. Whether he keeps records correctly, submits reports on time or not, and whether he respects labor discipline.


The main points that the job description of the driver should contain are considered above. The design sample must include not only general provisions, but also all duties, functions, basic knowledge, responsibility and rights of the employee accepted for this position. In addition, the document must be coordinated and put on it all signatures, including from the employee, confirming that he has read and agrees with all the provisions and standards in this document. All instructions may vary depending on the needs of the organization, but in strict accordance with the laws of the country.


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