What are the start-up devices for cars and how much do they cost?

Probably every motorist was faced with the problem of a discharged battery. This is especially unpleasant when everything is detected 5 minutes before departure. There are two ways out of this situation. The first is the installation of a new, pre-charged, battery on the car. The second is recharging the old battery with a special device. Of course, the first method will solve the situation very quickly, but few of us store 2 charged batteries in the garage. Therefore, the only way out will be the use of devices such as launchers for cars. We’ll talk about them today.

car chargers


All launchers can be either 12- or 24-volt. The first type is recommended for cars, minivans and vans. As for 24-volt appliances, such launchers are used for trucks and large buses. There are also 6-volt appliances. As a rule, such tools charge only motorcycle batteries.

What is this device?

Starting devices for cars are small boxes made of durable plastic, on which there are special ventilation holes and connectors for terminals. On the front side of this mechanism there is a power indicator, as well as a regulator of the magnitude of the charge current. In addition, each device is equipped with an ammeter scale that allows you to determine the current charge level of the battery. Inside the starter - charging devices for cars have a circuit and a special fuse that protects the device from incorrect connection and its further failure.

car chargers Price

At the moment, there are 2 types of device data:

  • household;
  • professional.

The first type includes a special transformer and a diode bridge. Despite the plus in the price category, many drivers often scold such devices. And indeed, household starter chargers for cars are very vulnerable to short circuits. If you connect it incorrectly (confuse the plus with the minus), in the next few seconds such a device will simply burn out, and you will not save it by anything. In addition, the battery charge mode they are not very happy.

As for professional devices, they are much more reliable and safer to use than household ones. Such devices are equipped with fuses that prevent the risk of a short circuit. Professional tools also have special clamps, thanks to which you can easily fix the device to the battery, which also prevents the failure of the ROM. Among the significant advantages, drivers note the possibility of adjusting the charge current, as well as a stable supply voltage.

starter chargers for trucks

Start-up devices for cars: price

At the moment, the cost of such devices is very diverse. Households are sold at a price of 2-3 thousand rubles, and the cost of professional starts at 7000 and can reach 26 thousand rubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9219/

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