Wall mirror in the hallway: overview, installation features for Feng Shui and photo models

A mirror is an important element of the decor that visually increases the space, makes it lighter and more spacious. Despite its simplicity, the mirror is a multifunctional element. This is a mandatory item in the house, especially in the hallway, because when we go outside, we always look at it. In addition, the hallway is the face of any apartment, so it is important to beautifully and correctly arrange it. To choose a suitable mirror in the hallway, get acquainted with its varieties, shapes, sizes and compare prices.

How to choose a mirror

Choosing an accessory to complement the interior is not an easy task. A reflective surface, often used as a decorative surface, is of practical importance.

Choosing a suitable mirror is quite difficult. To do this, consider:

  • The footage of the room. The size of the mirror in the hallway depends on the area of ​​the room. Too small a mirror in a large corridor does not look appropriate.
  • Door placement. Do not hang the mirror too close to the front door.
  • Furniture. Do not forget that in the hallway in addition to the mirror there are hangers, bedside tables, ottomans. Therefore, correctly position the furniture and do not litter the space.
  • Illumination. Floor and oval mirrors do not look good in limited lighting.
  • Financial opportunities. The price of the product depends on its size and frame.

If your budget is limited, a stylish wardrobe with a mirror in the hallway will be the most optimal solution.

Mirror in the hallway


The placement, size and shape of the mirror affect its functions:

  • It is better to hang a mirror in the hallway in full growth opposite the entrance. Such placement will allow you to look in the mirror every time before going out. After all, it is easier to notice the flaws in the image.
  • Mirrored interior elements make the room lighter and more spacious. With the help of the original design, the room will be transformed, filled with bright colors and unusual brilliance.
  • Mirrors framed in baguettes will emphasize the general idea of ​​the room and complement the interior style.
  • The presence of mirror surfaces and inserts visually increases the space. For small rooms, the best option would be a hallway compartment with a mirror. Such a design move will save usable space and increase it several times.

Each mirror performs a specific load and easily copes with the task. It is only necessary to choose the right mirror accessories.

Mirror in the hallway wall

Product Forms

Of particular importance in creating a modern interior is the shape of the mirror. Do not forget that the choice of product depends on the interior of the hallway. As for the form, the mirrors are:

  • Oval. Oval is a classic and common form of a product. Rounded shapes make the room cozy and comfortable, soften the space and add more light. For a hallway in the style of Provence or country, an oval mirror will be a real find.
  • Narrow. For small rooms, a narrow vertical mirror is best suited. Such a product is a thin panel and is characterized by several advantages: affordable price, compactness, unique design and versatility.
  • Round. A round mirror in the hallway is ideal, and smooth, soft outlines will visually smooth the corners and make the interior light and delicate.
  • Rectangular Products with a strict but practical form. A popular option, is in great demand among buyers. Rectangular mirrors are divided into two types: horizontal and vertical. A horizontal mirror expands the room, reducing the height of the hallway. It is placed over the bedside table or in niches. Vertical products, unlike horizontal ones, make the room a little higher. A vertical large mirror in the hallway makes it possible to see yourself in full growth.
  • Rotary. An interesting and unusual part of any interior is the turning mirror. Using a special device, the design is easily adjustable.

On sale are often found models of products of unusual shapes: triangular, curly and diamond-shaped, and even irregular in shape.

Large mirror in the hallway

Types of Mirrors

To rebuild the space, to place and change accents in the interior - this is the main task of the mirror. To achieve maximum harmony in the hallway between the interior and reflective surfaces, familiarize yourself with their species diversity. Popular options include:

  1. The mirror in the wall hallway is a practical version of various shapes and sizes, with and without a frame. Products are suitable for installation directly on the wall. Some models are equipped with small shelves or hooks.
  2. Floor mirror. This category includes mirrors with a rotary mechanism, which must have a frame. Such products will require a large space and a well-lit place. Floor mirrors have a high cost.
  3. Mirror finish. The installation of mirror elements on the walls, ceiling and floor expands the room, creates the illusion of infinity. Minus mirror finish - high cost and the need for constant care of surfaces.
  4. Mirror composition. The mirror composition consists of mirrors of various sizes and shapes. Used as an element of decor, and no more.
  5. Mirrored furniture elements. A dresser with a mirror in the hallway is the most practical option for the location of the mirror. The dressing table and trellis are also good for the hallway.
    Wardrobe with a mirror in the hallway

Mirror Framing

The main decoration of the mirror is the frame. Framing is always selected for the general style of the room, the color of furniture and decoration materials. The size of the mirror affects the choice of raw materials for the manufacture of the frame. Most commonly used:

  • Tree. Wooden frames have been made to frame mirrors for centuries. Such a frame makes the product heavier, therefore it is suitable only for large mirrors.
  • Plastic. Plastic baguettes are as durable as wooden. They are used to frame volume mirrors, as they bend well. Do not forget that under the influence of a heavy mirror, a plastic baguette is often deformed.
  • Aluminum. Aluminum baguettes withstand heavy mirrors. Damage-resistant material blends harmoniously with metal fittings.

The mirror in the hallway is often decorated with classic concave frames. Profiles with a variety of ornaments and patterns stylized as an interior look especially advantageous.

Dresser with a mirror in the hallway

Mirror Illumination

The lack of windows in the hallway affects its lighting. The lack of light is eliminated with a wall mirror in the hallway with backlight. This is a great solution to the dark corridor. With the help of such an element, the interior of the room becomes more elegant and stylish. Additional lighting will bring a little romance and comfort, create a special atmosphere.

In addition to the mirrors mounted in the frame, the lighting fixtures for use are:

  • sconce;
  • floor lamps;
  • fixtures;
  • LED strip.

Observing simple rules, you can not only choose the right mirror, but also easily determine the backlight, choosing the optimal and organically looking option in the interior.

Hallway coupe with a mirror


Horizontal models do not differ in large sizes, while vertical mirrors are diverse. To purchase a mirror of the necessary size, decide on the place and installation method.

The standard parameters for a rectangular mirror are as follows:

  • 0.3x0.4 meters - minimum dimensions;
  • 0.4x0.6 meters - medium-sized products;
  • 0.6x1.2 meters - large mirrors in the hallway in full growth.

If the choice fell on a vertical product, correctly calculate the dimensions so that the canvas reflects the looking person in full.

Feng Shui Mirror

Nowadays, many people are fond of ancient Chinese Feng Shui teachings. It is no secret that this is a long-standing mystical doctrine of life in harmony with nature. The doctrine says that the mirrors in the interior must be placed correctly. For a hall, a round mirror is best suited, as it is a symbol of harmony. The circle protects the energy of the house, calms the nervous system.

The sages of the East are forbidden to put a stand and a chest of drawers with a mirror in the hallway. Too bulky furniture causes human energy great harm, it is better to limit yourself to shelves.

Feng Shui Science forbids hanging a mirror in front of the front door or in front of another mirror. This leads to the absorption of energy and limits the freedom of the spirit.

Mirror in the hallway Moscow


To give the mirror sophistication and tenderness, to make it more attractive, masters recommend decorating it. Most often for decorating mirrors use:

  • vinyl stickers, ornament, various shapes, but, decorating the mirror with stickers, the main thing is not to overdo it;
  • sandblasting patterns. Processing, will turn an ordinary mirror into a real work of art;
  • bevelling.

If there is no way to decorate the mirror with your own hands, you should buy a wardrobe with a mirror in the hallway with a finished picture. This option will look no less profitable, although the handmade is more valuable.

Mirror in the hallway

Where to buy a mirror

Buying a mirror in the hallway in Moscow is not difficult. Having visited any specialized store, you will find a variety of products from companies - representatives of the domestic and foreign market. Shops offer a wide range of mirrors at affordable prices. Pay attention, for example, to the following outlets: "MetalDecor" (Kholodilny Lane, 3, building 1, p. 3, 2nd floor, office 3246), "Stained Glass" (19 Khlobystova Street), " MaxLevel "(Smolenskaya embankment, 2/10), etc. If you don’t have time to go shopping, use the services of an online store.

Placing a mirror in the corridor is a win-win option, if properly presented. As you know, acquaintance with the apartment begins with the entrance, so you need to comfortably and reasonably arrange furniture, choose the right accessories and, of course, choose the right mirror. Do not forget that mirrors differ not only in shapes and sizes, but also have different purposes. All these nuances need to be considered when choosing.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9226/

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