How to become a sales manager from scratch?

"Sales Manager" sounds very proud, especially in the context of the development of modern business. This profession requires organization, professionalism, and a creative approach. Many are interested in how to become a sales manager, think that they need an economic education, but even graduates of economic or business departments often ask the same question.

Time planning

Sales Manager Tasks

First of all, we will analyze what is included in the job description of this specialist.

From the name it’s clear that the task of the sales manager is to sell. In different companies, this process occurs in different ways. In one company, sales managers advise phoning customers by phone, in another they call them themselves and offer their products.

Also, the sphere of activity of many employees includes the processing of incoming applications when customers have left a request for a product, service or consultation, or simply ask a question about the range. The task of the manager is to help the client find answers to questions.

Many are afraid to take up this work, because either sales are perceived as a banal imposition, or a person is embarrassed by his inexperience. In fact, if the first reason is just a myth, then the second is stupidity. Because how to become a sales manager without experience is quite possible provided that the applicant has at least the minimum set of required qualities. Let's consider them in more detail.

Ability to communicate

Necessary qualities

First of all, it is important to understand that there are no common criteria for quality work for all sales managers, because depending on the scope, you need to be able to adapt to the environment. But the most basic and necessary is the ability to sell a product or service in a legal way.

Since you can become the best sales manager only having a certain set of qualities, we will consider them in more detail:

  • Understanding the principles of business and marketing.
  • Sociability, ability to negotiate and communicate with customers.
  • Non-conflict and stress resistance.
  • Good manners.
  • Accuracy, presentable appearance (when it comes to offline work).

Since becoming a sales manager is both easy and difficult at the same time, you need to understand that a professional portrait of a specialist in this field consists of many characteristics and conditions. One of the criteria is profile education. It is an advantage rather than a prerequisite.

Manager training

Specialized education

Many online courses for young professionals tell you how to become a sales manager, however, no educational institution has such a specialty. But there are more extensive and multifaceted: management, management, business and entrepreneurship, psychology, economic psychology, economics and the like. Graduates of each of these faculties may well be sales managers. Moreover, it is much easier for them to master their duties, as they already have an understanding of how the business works. Graduates of the specialty "Psychology of Entrepreneurship" and others alike have a particular advantage, since they know how to communicate with clients.

Since becoming a sales manager from scratch is quite realistic, profile education is not necessary at all, although it is appreciated by many companies. Practice has shown that the heads of sales departments value practical skills of a specialist more than the availability of a list of documents on studying at a university, advanced training, participation in conferences and so on.

Sale of business premises

Specialist Success Criteria

It’s not enough to know how to become a successful sales manager; you need to put this into practice.

Detailed success criteria are built on the basis of what tasks the sales manager faces. The main criteria are:

  • The level of sales of services or goods.
  • Sociability.
  • Literacy in spoken and written language.
  • Knowledge of the range of products or services, the ability to correctly and clearly answer customer questions on the range.

And based on your success, you can talk about how to become the best sales manager.

The first steps to the profession

We turn to the question of what it takes to become a sales manager. First of all, you need to make sure that you really want to develop in this area, since engaging in an unloved business will ultimately lead to the so-called burnout syndrome, you will not be satisfied with yourself either as a person as a whole, or as a specialist.

If for any reason you are forced to get a sales manager, although this is completely uninteresting to you, either look for other options, or try to find advantages in this work. The service sector involves constant contact with people, and many quite clearly feel the mood of a specialist, and the impression of communicating with him directly affects the level of sales. And how to become a sales manager, if you are not comfortable communicating with people?

Set yourself psychologically for the upcoming work.

Be sure to learn the basics of marketing if they are not familiar to you. This is necessary so that you understand the principles of functioning of any business and trading activities in general.

Understand which business niches are the most and least successful in your area. This will help in choosing a company for work, especially if a percentage of sales is offered as a salary.

Car sale

The role of a car sales manager

The auto business is one of the most profitable in many countries. The car has long ceased to be a luxury, it is perceived as a necessary thing. That is why working in corporations that sell cars is really profitable. At the same time, this is a very responsible job.

Let's consider in more detail how to become a car sales manager.

As in any business, a sales manager should ideally know the range of products and the portrait of the target audience. Understand the technical characteristics of all cars, find out the desires and preferences of potential customers (you can just read the forums of motorists), do not be lazy to find out on the same forums the impressions of car owners from their cars.

Many salons suggest a so-called test drive: the opportunity for a client to try out a car before buying. Do not neglect this service if it is offered by the salon in which you work.

Property For Sale

Real Estate: Sales Manager Tasks

In real estate, we are talking about quite a lot of money, and this involves hiring responsible and professional specialists. How to become a real estate sales manager? This is more complicated than, for example, a sales manager in a mid-level gadget store; you need to have some experience, if not in real estate, then at least in a similar price segment and level of responsibility.

The scope of a real estate sales manager may include assistance in the following services:

  • Rental of premises for private use or business.
  • Sale of premises.
  • Construction.

In any of these areas, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the client and help him choose the room that suits him.

B2B Sales

Tips & Tricks

A good specialist usually studies all the pitfalls of the profession at any stage of work. Basic tips on how to become a sales manager can be useful only for beginners, but for those who are ready to develop further.

  1. You should ideally understand the assortment of goods and services that you offer. In this case, you will not have difficulties if a potential buyer asks a question about the technical characteristics of the purchased item or about the features of the service provided.
  2. Banal politeness and business ethics are the most important law of a sales manager. Even if the client is rude, turns to personality, behaves rudely and inappropriately, you cannot answer him the same. Elementary should not fall to the level of rudeness, not only as a specialist, but also as an adequate person.
  3. After hours, practice communication skills. Listen from the side of how you are conducting a conversation, for example, asking friends in advance to play customers and record the conversation on a voice recorder or camcorder. Friends can also be asked for an opinion.
  4. Learn sales formulas and marketing basics. Do not try to manipulate the client, people do not like this and are unlikely to want to buy something from you. Even if they buy, they are unlikely to want to recommend your store to their friends and contact you again.
  5. You can’t lie to the client. If, after purchasing a product or the service provided to him, he will be reasonably disappointed, negative feedback and loss of customer are guaranteed to you.
  6. Continuously improve. Read literature, forums on the topic, stay tuned for business news, especially in your niche. Do not confine that your task is only to sell and nothing more. If you stand still in terms of professional development and self-education, you will not be able to grow as a professional.
  7. Make arrangements with the authorities in advance for cooperation. This may be a salary (a specific monthly salary), percent of sales, as well as salary and percent of sales together.


The question of how to become a sales manager can be asked yourself and others repeatedly, but the actions are much more important and effective. Simple at first glance, work requires attention, stress resistance, marketing skills and communication skills.


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