LCD "Svetly" - Krasnodar offers only the best housing

LCD "Svetly" (Krasnodar) is rightfully considered one of the best and most successful residential complexes in the city. Krasnodar is a huge metropolis, spread out under the gentle southern sun. The name "Bright" is the most suitable for him. Let's see this together.

LCD "Bright" Krasnodar

Location of the complex

LCD "Svetly" (Krasnodar) has settled on a new street - Moscow. The territory adjacent to it is being built up rapidly, inviting new residents to their apartments. And among all the splendor, the indicated residential complex stands out.

Why is he so attractive? First of all, by the fact that it is being built by a construction company with a long-term reliable reputation in the field of construction in accordance with the strict requirements of the legislation in this area. In addition, the house is built entirely of brick, which provides the future with warmth and comfort in apartments. Brick is the best material for construction - it is strong and reliable.

On Moskovskaya Street, many high-rise and not-so-high houses are being erected at an intense pace. The city authorities also promise to launch a tram line on it, which will additionally create attractiveness from transport accessibility.

Description of the complex and apartments in it

The multi-storey residential complex offers warm comfortable apartments. The developer designed two identical buildings, facing each other and separated by a landscaped wide courtyard. It will have a Wi-Fi access point, children's sports and playgrounds, flower beds and lawns.

Multi-storey residential complex

The developer offers apartments not the largest in area - these will be studios, one-room and two-room premises. The former reach forty-one square meters, and the area of ​​the latter does not exceed sixty meters. For large families, it makes no sense to buy real estate in a newly built residential complex, since it is not suitable for expanding living space .

All apartments offered for sale will be commissioned with a finishing finish, which includes summing up all communications, electrical wiring for electrical outlets and electrical appliances. The builder will glaze the existing balconies and loggias, install entrance doors and metal-plastic windows. So the future owners will have to stick the wallpaper and cover the floor with some kind of floor covering.

To save utility bills, all apartments are equipped with special devices for metering water supply, electricity and heat.


The developers of Krasnodar have chosen Moscow Street to accommodate their already constructed and future facilities. This is one of the most promising areas of the city. And the pearl of the collection is the Svetly LCD (Krasnodar). A beautiful architectural solution: two buildings opposite each other with a wide landscaped courtyard between them. They are located in an area with developed infrastructure, which can be used by future residents of the complex.

These are kindergartens and secondary schools. By the way, the construction of a new school is also planned here. Near the complex there are medical institutions, a car wash. Hypermarkets and stores of the format "at home" can not be counted: "Magnet", "Tape", "Metro".

Transport accessibility

LCD "Svetly" (Krasnodar) is located almost in the center of the city. Therefore, getting from here to any of its points is absolutely no difficulty. There are many public transport stops on the adjacent Moskovskaya Street. It is planned, as we have said, the construction of a tram line. And the owners of personal vehicles will not know the problems with either parking or access to the complex.

Developers of Krasnodar

While the complex is under construction, the prices in it are very attractive. But probably, after putting the houses into operation, the cost of housing will rise.


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