Soft contact lenses Air Optix: photos, features and reviews

When it comes to choosing contact lenses, there is not much information. The soft optics market is truly huge today. Almost every year there are more and more new finds and ideas from manufacturers of ophthalmic products. Some of them turn out to be a real breakthrough in eye medicine and help millions of people to see the clear colors of the world again. This is undoubtedly pleasing. But each of us is individual, and what is great for thousands of people can easily harm you. Approach to the selection of such products must be very, very careful. Sometimes you have to try on more than a dozen lenses in order to finally find what really suits you. We will talk about the products of Ciba Vision, which is one of the most recognizable on the market. This is a reliable assistant in the struggle for clear vision. Ciba Vision Air Optix contact lenses once became a real breakthrough in the art of creating comfortable, reliable and safe optics. And even after many years, they steadily maintain their position in the global market.

contact lenses air optix

Air optix

The Air Optix range of soft contact optics has been designed to provide patients with a safe and comfortable use of lenses. Silicone hydrogel lenses made a splash in the field of ophthalmology. This material is hygroscopic, which means it allows the eyes to breathe. In the process of wearing lenses, the surface of the eye remains covered by a foreign body. This creates an obstacle to the penetration of air, and therefore, the patient may experience oxygen starvation, and this can cause serious pathologies of the cornea of ​​the eye. Air Optix contact lenses have no such problem. They can be worn for a long time without removing, and the eyes will always receive the necessary oxygen. Such lenses will not cause irritation and will not dry out. The moisturizing reagent in the composition of the material will moisten the surface on its own, and not absorb moisture from the eyes, as was often the case with the previous generation of lenses. Especially for people who can develop corneal hypoxia, a unique model has been developed - Air Optix Aqua contact lenses (3 lenses or 6 in a package for convenience). The unique method of surface treatment of this optics makes it much more resistant to protein deposits, which means that wearing lenses will be safe and will not cause corneal injuries or infection. To date, the Air Optix line has several types of lenses, each of which is designed taking into account the particular vision of potential customers. Let us dwell on each of them in more detail.

contact lenses air optix night day

Lenses "Night & Day"

Soft contact lenses Air Optix Night & Day is a unique development of ophthalmologists. They have ultra high oxygen throughput. You can wear these lenses without removing them for a month. You will not just forget about the unpleasant sensations, but that you generally wear soft optics! Hydrogel material provides reliable hydration and breathing to your eyes. The manufacturer took care of the care. You do not need to remove, rinse and disinfect Air Optix Night & Day contact lenses. They have the unique property of not retaining deposits on themselves, which means that they always remain clean. You can sleep in them day or night and not worry about the possible consequences. Special development will help to correct your eyesight during the day and at night. A real find for people leading an active lifestyle!

contact lenses air optix aqua 3 lenses

Highly moisturized

Air Optix Aqua soft contact lenses have several advantages at once: they breathe well, have a high level of hydration, and their unique design allows the material to take the shape of your pupil. The outside of the lens has a smooth angle of 37 degrees, this helps to quickly place the lens in the right position, without unnecessarily injuring the eye. Often such difficulties arise in people who are just starting to use such optics. Air Optix Aqua's soft contact lenses are specially designed for people with sensitive eyes. They are especially suitable for people prone to oxygen starvation of the cornea (hypoxia). A high degree of hydration will make wearing comfortable. It is recommended to use such a product for both beginners and experienced users. Beginners should learn to use it from daytime wear, when the eyes adapt, it will be possible to switch to a prolonged mode (but not more than a week of continuous wear). This product can be purchased in various packaging. There are Air Optix Aqua contact lenses - 3 lenses and 6. But you can buy them individually if you wish, especially if the optical powers of the left and right eyes are different. Wearing such lenses is designed for one month.

contact lenses air optix aqua multifocal

With farsightedness

With age, most of us develop farsightedness. Ciba Vision was sympathetic to this issue and offered those who are older contact lenses Air Optix Aqua Multifocal. Now you can forever forget about heavy and uncomfortable glasses with thick glass. Delicate thin lenses will return to their old vision during the day and will not fail at night. You will see equally well, both close and long distances. Air Optix Aqua Multifocal contact lenses can be worn continuously for a week. They are perfectly held on the surface of the eye and do not create inconvenience. The life of such a lens is 1 month.

contact lenses air optix for astigmatism

With astigmatism

Air Optix for Astigmatism contact lenses are made for special eyes. For a long time it was believed that astigmatism is a diagnosis for life, and only glasses can correct such a deviation. But a solution has been found. Today, both ophthalmologists and their patients have already been able to evaluate the universal development and give them the highest rating. The toric contact lenses of Air Optix for Astigmatism perfectly correct vision, are well fixed in the eye and are easy to select for each client. The most voluminous areas are at 4 and 8 hours, they stably hold the lens on the patient’s eye. She does not "swim" and does not irritate the eye. In such optics, you can sleep or take night walks. These lenses can be worn for no more than 1 month.

soft contact lenses air optix aqua

They will change the color of your eyes.

The colorful contact lenses of Air Optix Colors will make your look attractive and give it a sparkle. Want a dramatic change? Easy! The lens collection is presented in 9 different shades. And the unique design of Air Optix Colors will make wearing colored lenses even softer and safer. The coloring matter, unlike color lenses of other companies, is not applied to the surface of the optics, but is introduced into the composition of silicone hydrogel. Thus, the surface structure of the lens is not violated, but remains perfectly smooth. Such lenses will not cause microtrauma to the cornea and make use comfortable. A darker border of the color edge will make the look even more expressive and bright. Such contact lenses of Air Optix, reviews about their practicality and convenience have gathered very positive. Only in rare cases, clients noted unobtrusive dry eyes, which were easily solved using moisturizing drops. Ophthalmologists recommend removing colored lenses at night so that your eyes can better relax. The lens is designed for use within a month.

Wear without taking off?

The lenses are made prolonged, that is, they can be worn continuously, without even taking off at night. But at the same time it’s worth treating your eyes with understanding. Being under an artificial film, even of high quality, is not the best prospect for a vulnerable eye. Eyes need a rest. Therefore, try to remove the lenses at night so that your eyes can fully relax. If you feel discomfort when wearing lenses, then soft optics need to be abandoned or lenses from other companies should be tried. Constant discomfort can lead to serious consequences.

contact lenses air optix reviews

Product Reviews

Contact Lenses Air Optix is ​​used by a huge number of people around the world. The vast majority of reviews of this product are positive. Many have solved the problem with visual impairment precisely thanks to the lenses of Ciba Vision. They have been using the product for several years, and are not yet ready to change it to any other. But there are rare cases of negative feedback. Although the company claims high-quality breathable material and excellent hydration, for some patients the product did not fit at all. There was dryness, sand in the eyes and tangible discomfort. For some, a feeling of fatigue occurred after prolonged use of lenses. Well, the choice of contact optics is not an easy task, even such an optimal material as silicone hydrogel, too, turns out to cause individual intolerance.

colored contact lenses air optix colors

How to care?

Air Optix contact lenses require the same care as any other soft optics. The material from which the lenses are made has a special structure - less organic deposits settle on it than on conventional hydrogel ones. But caring for them is also necessary, especially if you often remove lenses. Get an individual lens container and fluid. Before removing the optics, pour a small amount of liquid into the container cells. Remove the lens and apply a few drops of the solution to it, gently rub it with your fingers and rinse with a fresh portion. The lens can now be placed in a storage container. Remember that all manipulations should be carried out only with thoroughly washed hands. Always keep the container clean.

To summarize

Ciba Vision is developing a large number of optical materials and products, striving to use only cutting-edge methods and materials in its development. Its products are considered one of the best and are popular with many people in all corners of the globe. We hope that Ciba Vision will not stop there, and soon we will see even better, unique and reliable products that will help us maintain, maintain or restore our vision for many years.


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