Vitamins "Biotin": reviews, instructions for use, properties, analogues

Vitamin preparation "Biotin" (or vitamin B7 and vitamin H) is a remedy that is intended to fill the deficiency of the body of vitamins from group B. The course intake of vitamin can significantly improve the condition of hair and nails.

The composition of "Biotin" and the form of release

Vitamin preparation “Biotin” is produced in the form of elongated capsules, as well as tablets coated with a soluble membrane. Each capsule contains the active substance biotin in an amount of five mg.

Less commonly used "Biotin" in ampoules. This form of release is typical for mesotherapy in salons, as well as for home rubbing the contents of ampoules into the scalp.

Vitamin H

This vitamin is also part of some other medicines and dietary supplements. For example, MedoBiotin, Deacura, Laminarin, Discovery, Volvit, Glucosil, Hepaton, Ladys Formula, Neurostable.

Pharmacological properties

Before talking about what “Biotin” is for, it is necessary to consider the pharmacological properties of this substance. What are they like?

The active ingredient biotin (vitamin B or H) is a water-soluble vitamin from group B. This substance is involved in lipid metabolism, deamination of proteins and carbohydrates, carboxylation and decarboxylation. It also belongs to the category of elements, the presence of which is mandatory in the process of differentiation of cells, as well as for processes in the neuro-trophic sphere. In addition, biotin has a significant effect on metabolism in the body.

  1. It normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood by interacting with the substance insulin. This is extremely important for people with diabetes.
  2. It contributes to the proper protein digestion, participating in fat burning, as well as the decomposition of acids (fatty).
  3. It takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin.
  4. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and also normalizes the central nervous system.
  5. Controls fat metabolism in the skin and hair cells.
  6. Contributes to a significant slowdown in the process of hair loss, if it is not associated with hormonal disruptions.
  7. It has a positive effect on the hair structure, prevents brittle hair and helps to improve their growth, and also prevents stratification of nails.

A lack of biotin in the body, according to reviews, can cause insomnia, depression, loss of appetite, increased blood cholesterol, seborrheic dermatitis, nausea, hair loss, anemia, muscle pain, inflammation of the mucous membranes, and pale skin.

Products containing biotin

Vitamin preparation is often used in case of violation of the structure and hair growth. Patients taking this vitamin in most cases respond positively. Reviews on "Biotin" indicate that a two-week course helps to stop intense hair loss, and also makes them more fluffy, thick and shiny. Also, "Biotin" has a beneficial effect on the skin and its condition.

Indications for use

The instructions for use of "Biotin" indicate that it must be taken as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent in the following conditions:

  1. The lack of vitamin B7 production due to malnutrition and poor quality nutrition, excessive alcohol consumption, dysbiosis, prolonged course of anticonvulsant drugs and antibiotics.
  2. Nail problems: changes in the structure of the nail plate, impaired nail growth.
  3. Diseases of the skin: dermatitis, disruptions in the process of keratinization of the skin, disturbances in the sebaceous glands.
  4. Diseases associated with hair: seborrhea, alopecia, the appearance of gray hair, dandruff.
  5. Problems in the psycho-emotional sphere: apathy, depression, rapid onset of fatigue and fatigue.
  6. Nutrient Absorption Syndrome.
  7. Hereditary pathologies due to vitamin deficiency in the body.
  8. Digestive system diseases
  9. The appearance of the syndrome of chronic apathy and fatigue, decreased appetite, muscle weakness (as an element of complex treatment).

Vitamins "Biotin" for hair are prescribed to prevent their loss, as well as to eliminate dryness, brittleness and high fat content. In addition, a vitamin complex is recommended by doctors to normalize blood sugar levels.

Dosage and administration

According to the instructions for use, "Biotin" must be taken daily before meals, one capsule (tablet), washed down with a small amount of warm water.

Biotin tablets

The daily average dose for therapeutic purposes is five mg, including for hair. In case of diagnosing a syndrome of poor absorption of nutrients, it is recommended to increase the dosage to ten mg.

If the purpose of taking the vitamin preparation is associated with a hereditary metabolic disease, which is accompanied by a lack of biotinidase, the dosage can also be increased to fifteen mg. If treatment is associated with multiple carboxylase deficiency, the dosage is increased to twenty mg.

Course treatment is prescribed for a duration of one month. As a prophylaxis, you can use the option fifty - twenty - fifty, that is, the course admission stretch for fifty days, take a break of three weeks, then drink another fifty-day course.

You can also use the vitamin preparation "Biotin" in ampoules for the preparation of masks and add to shampoo. Two types of masks can be made: honey and egg-brandy.

To prepare a honey mask, you need one teaspoon of butter (cream), one teaspoon of clay (cosmetic), the same amount of honey and lemon juice. In this mixture add the ampoule of the vitamin preparation and egg yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on hair for twenty minutes. After you wash your hair with shampoo in warm water.

Shampoo with biotin

To prepare an egg-brandy mask, you need to take one egg yolk, two tablespoons of vodka or brandy and two tablespoons of vegetable unrefined oil. Add the contents of one Biotin ampoule there and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the hair for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Due to the peculiarities of the action of Biotin, it is strictly forbidden to take it in the following cases:

  1. During pregnancy.
  2. During breastfeeding.
  3. In case of diagnosis of intolerance to vitamin H.
  4. Age to fourteen years.

Side effects

In most cases, a vitamin preparation does not cause side effects. An exception is a few cases when certain properties of Biotin can cause a negative reaction of the body due to its individual intolerance. Among them:

  • skin rashes;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx;
  • hives;
  • chest pains.

Vacation and storage

Due to the absence in most cases of negative reactions of the body to a vitamin preparation, it is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription.

Store Biotin vitamins in a warm, dry place. Storage temperature should not exceed twenty-five degrees.

Vitamins for hair

Children's access to vitamin preparations should be limited.

Drug interaction

Medical reviews of Biotin indicate that some substances interact poorly with vitamin B7. For instance:

  1. When taking vitamin B5, pantothenic acid, the effectiveness of vitamin B7 is reduced. In this regard, drugs must be taken at different times of the day.
  2. Alcohol (ethyl) reduces the body's absorption of biotin. Therefore, with a course treatment with a vitamin preparation, it is necessary to abandon the use of alcohol-containing drinks.
  3. Zinc increases the degree of action of vitamin H, and therefore increases the effect of vitamin on the growth of skin appendages.
  4. The use of anticonvulsants reduces the level of vitamin B7 in the blood.
  5. Medicines containing valproic acid inhibit the activity of the biotinidase enzyme. In this regard, the absorption of vitamin H is impaired and bioavailability is reduced.
  6. Avidin (a substance found in raw egg protein) reduces the absorption of the vitamin product. Therefore, when taking the drug course, raw eggs are not recommended.

Additional Information

A feature of the Biotin vitamin preparation is the absence of recorded cases of vitamin B7 overdose. This is due to the fact that excess water-soluble vitamin is excreted along with urine.

Strong hair

Since this fast-releasing vitamin does not accumulate in the body, you need to know which biotin products contain:

  • rice, oat, wheat groats;
  • beef, pork (meat and liver);
  • chicken;
  • eggs
  • fish - salmon, flounder, sardines;
  • apples, bananas;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts
  • Tomatoes
  • Champignon
  • cauliflower.


The funds that are analogues of "Biotin" include the following drugs:

  1. "Deacura".
  2. Volvit.
  3. "Medobiotin."
  4. Imedin.
  5. "Femicode."
  6. "Perfect".
  7. Vitrum Beauty.
  8. "Alerana".
  9. "Selenzin".

It must be remembered that before replacing the drug with an alternative, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Positive reviews

There are many positive and negative reviews about the Biotin vitamin preparation. “Biotin” helps a lot of people who are really diagnosed with a deficiency of vitamin B7, as a result of which nails peel and hair falls out.

A lot of feedback on real results after a course admission. Two weeks later, women suffering from severe hair loss, as well as serious problems with nails, showed a strong effect - hair began to fall out much less. After completing the course for a hundred days, the condition of the nails became much better, and the hair stopped falling out completely.

Healthy nails

Other patients noted a quick effect from the intake, especially regarding nails. Hair also began to fall out less during washing and when combing. But the body began to grow more actively. There are also positive reviews among patients regarding peroxide-burned hair. The course intake of the vitamin preparation helped to improve their growth and significantly strengthen the nails.

A lot of positive reviews about taking the vitamin product. The absence of extraneous odors and the small size of the tablets allows you to take vitamins without difficulty. After a course intake, some women showed improvement in the skin condition - it became smooth and clean. At the same time, the nails did not harden and continued to exfoliate, but began to repel the varnish. Dry hair looks more alive, but at the same time split ends remain.

Negative reviews

Reviews of doctors in most cases are skeptical. Firstly, doctors claim that cosmetics for hair loss do not help. If a person is concerned about this problem, you should first calculate the approximate number of hairs that have fallen. If this number exceeds five hundred, it is necessary to consult a trichologist, if less, a gynecologist or gastroenterologist. Most often, the problem of prolapse is associated with a malfunction of hormones or problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

If you find a problem with hair loss, you should consult with a specialist so that the doctor determines which drug should be taken. Some people who took Biotin, without a real lack of vitamin B, had side effects in the form of acne under the skin.

The vitamin preparation "Biotin" contains vitamin B7, which is very important for the human body. Therefore, with its deficiency, this medicine is extremely useful. The main thing is to confirm that the body really lacks this substance. Otherwise, you can get unwanted side effects that will be more severe.


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