Learn how to install a driver on a laptop

A laptop is an extremely convenient and useful device. With it, you can work and have fun, browse photos and listen to music, write programs and articles ... In short, for a modern person, its capabilities are simply irreplaceable.

how to install a driver on a laptop
Unfortunately, anything can happen to the OS: viruses, your own careless actions or the purchase of a “clean” computer on which there is no operating system in principle. The problem is that you can ask Windows to install some acquaintance, but you will probably have to deal with how to install the driver on a laptop.

A bit of history

By the way, what is it all about? A driver is a special software “layer” between the “hardware” of your computer (including peripheral devices) and its operating system. Simply put, if you connect a printer to the laptop, then without the appropriate driver it will not work. The system must be "taught" to work with such a device.

The main ways

There are the following main sources from which you can get the driver you need for a particular device: the Internet and the CD or flash drive that came with the device. As a rule, all modern manufacturers apply such a carrier to their products.


all laptop drivers
Since installing a driver on a laptop for beginners can be difficult, we are reporting good news. Almost all the most common and modern chipsets installed in the vast majority of laptops are automatically recognized by the system. No user involvement is required.


By the way. A small remark regarding owners of old cars. Before you install Windows 7 on your laptop , be sure to find out if there are all the necessary "firewood" under it. It may happen that the installed system will resemble a miserable and heartbreaking sight, since you can’t even put a driver for the video adapter there simply because it does not exist at all!

Fortunately, this is not always the case. Most often, a question or exclamation mark appears in the device manager , which stands in front of some unidentified device. For example, Samsung laptops so often happens with a wireless adapter.

In this case, you need to insert the disk (which should be attached!) Into the drive, wait until autorun starts, and then agree to install all the necessary drivers.

If autorun does not start, you need to right-click on the drive in the "My Computer" window and select "Open Autorun". Since installing the driver on a laptop using this method is very simple, there is simply no need to paint it by points.

how to install windows 7 on a laptop

If there is no disk

It happens. In this case, you need to visit the manufacturer’s page on the network, find the “Download” item or something similar there, and then download the driver package you need.

After downloading, right-click on the downloaded installation file, select “Run as administrator” in the context menu, and install the software you need.

Typically, all laptop drivers require a reboot after installation. This is due to the fact that they are deeply embedded in the operating system, so Windows cannot update the necessary system files “hot”.

So you found out how to install the driver on a laptop!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9242/

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