Anti-submarine aircraft IL-38N: technical specifications, weapons

In the late 90s, to ensure effective opposition to NATO submarines by Russian designers, work began on the modernization of the IL-38 aircraft. The new modified aviation model received the designation IL-38N.

deep bombs

The modernized aircraft entered service with the Russian Navy in the 2000s and was rightly called by the Americans "a submarine killer." The article provides a description of the anti-submarine aircraft, its technical characteristics and weapons.

Beginning of work

In the 90s, aviation designers from the Ministry of Defense of Russia received an order for the re-equipment of combatant IL-38 with new radio-electronic equipment. The task was set for the developers: to create an aircraft that, like its predecessor, would be used to destroy enemy submarines, but would be more efficient.


The IL-38N project was dealt with in the Design Bureau of S.V. Ilyushin. The essence of the work was to modernize the existing IL-38.

kb ilyushin

This aircraft was once created at Ilyushin Design Bureau on the basis of the Il-18V passenger aircraft as part of the Tuna project. The release of this model was carried out from 1967 to 1972. During this time, 65 such aircraft were assembled . IL-38 in service for almost 50 years. This is considered a considerable life of the aviation unit. In this regard, some military experts suggested that after such a long operation, the IL-38 would be cut into scrap metal or handed over to the museum as an exhibit. However, the aircraft uses a very high-quality "filling" and a reliable glider. For all the years of service with the IL-38, only two flight accidents happened, the cause of which was the human factor. Now, the designers decided to improve the IL-38 as much as possible, equipping it with a new search and sighting system and extending its operational life by 15 years. Simultaneously with the modernization of the aircraft intended for the Russian Navy, a similar aviation model for the Indian Navy was designed at the Ilyushin Design Bureau: Il-38 SD. Russian experts have upgraded six basic IL-38 models. The aircraft were re-converted and transferred to the customer in 2010. At present, four Il-38 SDs are already serving in the Indian Navy.


For the first time, the IL-38N with a red tail number was tested in April 2001. The aircraft was controlled by the commander of the crew V.M. Irinarkhov and assistant commander, Honored Test Pilot of Russia V.I. Butovoi. A few years later, an anti-submarine aircraft with a yellow tail number was sent for re-testing. The tests were finally completed in 2012. The upgraded IL-38 was transferred for the needs of the Northern Fleet of Russia. To date, information about the use of this aircraft unit is not made available for free access.

About the system from JSC Leninets

The improved IL-38N differs from previous models in the presence of a new search and sighting system, which endows it with significantly expanded capabilities. The basis for this system was the export model Sea Dragon ("Sea Snake"), which was launched by American aircraft designers in 1962. The Russian version is listed as the Novella-P-38 system. Upon receipt of the order of the Ministry of Defense, Russian designers decided to equip the old IL-38 with this search and sighting system. Thanks to the implementation of this system, it became possible to identify air targets at a distance of up to 90 thousand meters by the Il-38N aircraft. In addition, the upgraded IL-38 is capable of monitoring 50 surface objects within a radius of no more than 32 thousand meters. The position of the targets does not affect tracking performance.

Cab device

The search and sighting complex is controlled from the Il-38N cockpit with the participation of two operators. The cabin is equipped with two workstations.

silt 38n specifications

Operators are provided with two LCD color multifunction screens, a control panel and a keyboard. The screens depict tactical conditions and a digital navigation chart.

airplane il 38n

System components

The Novella-P-38 installation is a navigation sighting and search complex. The system consists of the following components:

  • High resolution radar system.
  • The Lanner-A tele-thermal imaging system with laser, television and thermal imaging channels for which gyroscopic stabilization is provided.

silt 38n

  • Radio-acoustic system.
  • Magnetometric system.
  • Team tactical.
  • System responsible for electronic intelligence.

Characteristics of the IL-38N

The aircraft is equipped with four AI-20M engines. The power of each is 4250 liters. from. The aircraft, reaching a height of 6 km, is able to reach a maximum speed of 650 km / h. IL-38N has a cruising speed of 465 km / h. Different aviation versions have their own practical ceiling, which varies between 8-10 km. The upgraded IL-38 is capable of transporting cargo weighing up to 8400-9000 kg.

The composition of the aircraft

The crew consists of seven people:

  • Two pilots. Of these, one performs the functions of a ship commander, and the second - its assistant.
  • Navigator navigator.
  • Navigator-operator of the radar station.
  • Operator SPIU (aircraft receiving indicator device).
  • Flight engineer.
  • Bortradist.

External design

The fuselage of the upgraded IL-38 is dark gray. The side number of the aircraft is indicated in yellow numbers. The IL-38N is equipped with new attachments, which is a RTR system that carries out electronic reconnaissance.

Novel system

The location of the attachment was a special container above the fuselage. There is an assumption that the RTR system will be used in the future to maintain communication with the Liana RTR marine reconnaissance and target designation system. However, the reliability of this information, which became known to the media, has not yet been verified.

The location for the search and search system is the nose of the fuselage. A special spherical container has been developed for the system.

About weapons

For the combat version of the modified IL-38, there are:

  • Anti-submarine depth charges.
  • Radio-acoustic buoys of various types. The total number of buoys does not exceed 150 units.
  • Torpedoes AT-1 or AT-2 and APR-2.
  • Lighting aircraft bombs.
  • Sea mines.

The optionally upgraded IL-38 can be equipped with Caliber-A air-launched missiles with a range of 5,000 km. The payload for which the anti-submarine aircraft is designed is not more than nine tons.

About destination

At one time, the IL-38, independently or together with ships, performed the following tasks:

  • Search and destruction of enemy submarines.
  • Conducted marine reconnaissance and search and rescue operations.
  • With the involvement of IL-38, minefields were installed.

According to experts, the appearance of the IL-38 off the coast, even at a great distance, has a tangible psychological effect on a potential enemy. For this, it is enough to carry out scheduled flights without violating the rules for using airspace. A striking example of this is the disruption of US-Japanese exercises in 2010. Both sides feared that the Russian IL-38, tuned to their radar frequency, would be able to intercept top-secret information. For this reason, the military maneuvers of the United States and Japan were curtailed.

As a result of the modernization (see above), the combat capabilities of this anti-submarine aircraft were increased four times. Thanks to the introduction of the components of the new search and sighting system, it became possible to use the improved IL-38 to solve various military tasks, including the detection of underwater and surface targets, as well as the quick destruction of submarines using depth charges. Depending on the combat mission, the composition of the equipment may vary. The aircraft is able to patrol the area assigned to it for a long time. Having received the necessary information about the target, the commander of the IL-38N can transmit the received information to other planes or ships, as well as successfully attack the enemy independently.

The use of aircraft is not limited only to the fight against enemy submarines. This aviation model is used to solve various national economic problems. Due to the presence of special sensors that can detect any gravitational anomalies, the modernized IL-38 is very much in demand in oceanology, ecology, geological exploration, ice reconnaissance, etc.

anti-submarine aircraft

Today, using the IL-38 equipped with the Novella-P-38 system, magnetic and gravity maps of the Arctic Ocean are compiled.


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