"Nutridrink Compact Protein": instructions for use, reviews of doctors

Today, everyone knows the benefits of a balanced diet. To create the correct ratio of vital substances in the body, a person often helps a unique specialized product - Nutridrink Compact Protein. It is a high-calorie and mega-protein-rich drink that is available ready to drink.

Nutridrink compact protein
A delicious dietary product is designed for a balanced diet of adults, suitable not only for healthy athletes, but also for those who need nutritional support. These are the surgeon's patients during preparation for the operation or having undergone it, people with oncological or neurological problems, gastrointestinal diseases, inability to chew and swallow food, and many others. Judging by the reviews, this product gives a chance to avoid exhaustion and becomes an indispensable assistant in the fight against the disease.

Nutridrink Compact Protein: Composition and Energy

The drink helps to create an additional supply of nutrients to prevent loss or maintain a healthy weight due to saturated mono- and polyunsaturated acids, polysaccharides and sugars. High-quality protein, which is part of the product, in just six months allows you to restore metabolism, strengthen the body's defenses to effectively fight any disease.

Healthy athletes Nutridrink Compact Protein provides an opportunity to build muscle and increase the result of regular training, due to the high biological value of natural protein, which is rich in a specialized drink. In addition, it is saturated with biotin (H), choline, niacin (PP), as well as B vitamins (B1 and B2, B5 and B6, B9 and B12), A, C, D, K and E.

Nutridrink compact protein instruction
The composition of a tasty and nutritious product also contains many micro and macro elements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, copper and iron, manganese, iodine, fluorine, chromium and chlorine, phosphorus, sodium and molybdenum. When developing a specialized drink, the ideal balance of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids was found. It is also complemented by a set of 6 carotenoids of natural origin. The energy value of the contents of each bottle is 300 kcal. In terms of this, it is 240 kcal per 100 ml of a balanced drink.

Nutridrink Compact Protein: instructions for use

In the annotation, the manufacturer describes the product as a complete nourishment of the body, when necessary. Different flavors - banana, strawberry, vanilla, peach / mango, neutral and coffee (mocha) - allow everyone to choose the most attractive. This specialized nutrition is made ready-to-eat for people who have an increased need for protein, vitamins and energy. High-quality protein provides a supply of building material for every cell and body tissue.

Nutridrink compact protein instructions for use
The balance of PUFAs Omega-3 and Omega-6 creates the maximum anti-inflammatory effect. A whole complex of vitamins and minerals, a set of carotenoids produce a powerful antioxidant effect and serve as natural stimulants of the body's immune system. Carbohydrates, which Nutridrink Compact Protein is rich in, supply energy to all cells and tissues, activating the processes occurring in the human body, and also provide a feeling of fullness with delicious food.

A healthy product is free of genetically modified components, cholesterol, as well as gluten and lactose. Therefore, it is safe for people, including those suffering from celiac disease (gluten intolerance) and the inability to digest milk sugar (lactose). In the instructions for use, manufacturers of the drink also note that it can be used both as an additional source of protein to the usual human diet, and as the only supplier of nutrients.

Fields of application: to whom the protein drink is shown

The key to a healthy lifestyle - Nutridrink Compact Protein - is prescribed by specialists in the pre- and postoperative periods, during severe illnesses, lack of appetite or inability to swallow and digest food. If, before surgery, the patient needs to saturate the body with useful substances that will help him easier to undergo the operation, then after it the megaactual protein product will accelerate the recovery of the body and make this process more comfortable.

A protein drink is perfect for rehabilitation after a long illness. An easily digestible set of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals helps the body to get a fully balanced diet, which is digested much better than a home diet.

Nutridrink compact protein reviews
For people with gastroenterological problems, a delicious product makes it possible to cope with the burden on the digestive tract, as the body will receive nutrients from the cocktail in the form that is easiest to digest.

Drinking Nutridrink Compact reduces the risk of the onset and development of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and gastric ulcer. This unique product assists neurological patients in the rehabilitation process after a stroke by obtaining a complete set of nutrients in an easily digestible and concentrated form.

In the elderly, due to the slowdown of redox processes in the tissues, metabolic reactions are less active. Therefore, a small bottle of a delicious product that resembles fruit yogurt perfectly compensates the representative of the older generation for any meal.

In addition, Nutridink Compact is recommended for:

  • oncological diseases (including for recovery after radiation and chemotherapy);
  • HIV infections, AIDS;
  • neurological ailments;
  • mental disorders;
  • cardiopulmonary failure;
  • diseases of the digestive tract (including liver problems).

Healthy and active people

The rapid pace of today's life makes a person do much more than usual, sacrificing time for good nutrition. As a result, even healthy people have problems with the work of various organs and systems: digestive upset, weakened immune defense, decreased concentration and mental activity, as well as other functions. The Nutridrink Compact Protein cocktail, according to reviews, provides a chance to quickly and safely restore strength, to ensure a balance of vitamins and minerals, to stock up on energy for a long time.

Nutridrink compact protein doctors reviews
For those who are constantly exposed to nervous overload, a concentrated protein drink can be a panacea for the unpleasant effects of stress. It not only replenishes all the necessary nutrients, but also strengthens the psyche and immunity. The product is good for people who follow a strict diet, as well as athletes experiencing increased physical activity.

For pregnant women and nursing mothers

The unbalanced diet of the expectant mother adversely affects her health, the course of pregnancy, as well as the development of the fetus. It is known that in this crucial period the need of the female body for nutritional support increases many times. The described product allows you to solve this problem during pregnancy and in the lactation period. It helps to optimally balance the diet, which positively affects the development of the child's body and the health of the mother.

How to take a healthy drink and its differences from Nutridrink

When recommending Nutridrink Compact Protein, the instruction advises you to consume it no more than two or three packs per day. The dosage for the patient is calculated by the doctor based on the needs of the patient. The bottle with the drink is equipped with a tube, which you can carefully pierce the protective foil under the cap and drink from it. If it is inconvenient to use the product with a straw, you can simply remove the foil and absorb a tasty cocktail in the usual way. It is necessary to drink it slowly, for half an hour, in small sips.

Nutridrink compact protein composition
The minimum course of use of the product is 14-28 days. The maximum period is not limited. The difference between Nutridrink Compact Protein and Nutridrink drinks is the concentration of proteins, which affects the consistency of the contents of the bottles. The Compact has a more viscous, viscous and saturated liquid: 18 g of protein per 125 ml, while the Nutridrink usual 200 ml package contains only 12 g of protein. Another distinctive feature of the two products is the lack of a chocolate flavor at Nutridrink Compact Protein, but it comes with coffee (mocha).


A cocktail is not prescribed for people suffering from:

  • allergic to proteins derived from cow's milk;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the mixture;
  • galactosemia;
  • children (including newborns) and young people under the age of 18.

Doctors comments: product pros and cons

Most experts who recommend this cocktail to their patients, friends and acquaintances agree that it has a number of advantages:

  • contains the maximum amount of protein and energy - this effectively affects weight conservation and improves the effectiveness of therapy, as well as reduce the severity of side symptoms;
  • due to the small volume, liquid form and easy digestibility of the components, the body is saturated with energy even with difficulties in eating by individual patients;
  • enriched with omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which provide anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, which is especially important for mucositis and some side effects.

Nutridrink compact protein
In addition, Nutridrink Compact Protein in the reviews, doctors praise:

  • for the sterility of the form, which allows you to use a specialized product, avoiding the risk of infection (this is especially important for people with immunodeficiency);
  • for emulsion consistency, which gently affects the oral cavity and intestinal wall;
  • for the optimal packaging size of a ready-to-eat product, which eliminates the share of the load on cooking and its reception.

The disadvantage of a specialized cocktail is that doctors and consumers consider its high cost, so most patients who recover, gradually switch to their usual diet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9250/

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