Want to know what a praying mantis is for? The dream book will tell!

Information on what a praying mantis dreams of can be found in any dream book. Insects, like images, are very symbolic. And if you had such a dream, then you should familiarize yourself with the interpretations offered by popular dream books. They can tell you something interesting.

What does a praying mantis mean in a dream

The interpreter of Miller

An unusual set of circumstances, which will bring many disappointments - this is what a praying mantis dreams of. After such a vision, it is worth gaining strength, because they will be needed to withstand the blows of fate. However, if in an dream it turned out to kill an insect, you should not worry. Waking will miraculously avoid all problems.

The dreamer did not kill the creature, but caught him, and then put him in a jar? This is even better! Such a vision portends a worthy reward for work.

But if a person dreamed of a whole swarm of praying mantises curling around him - this is to the mass of unfinished business. It is necessary to return to work as soon as possible, otherwise the troubles will accumulate.

But even worse, if the insect has bitten. This dream says - it’s time to immediately make a decision over which a person thinks for too long.

It is recommended to be on the alert after a vision in which the insect has sat on its shoulder or arm. Why does a mantis dream in such a context? To the betrayal of a close friend or treason of the second half.

Why dream a mantis insect

21st Century Dream Interpretation

This popular interpreter is also able to talk about what praying mantis is. The insect foreshadows the following:

  • Young girl - unpleasant news.
  • Woman - problems because of someone else's secret.
  • Each person in a relationship is a quarrel with a second half.
  • Man - problems in work and business.

But again, if the dreamer, regardless of gender, crushed the beetle - he and in reality will be able to cope with any obstacles.

What does dreaming mantis mean?

What was an insect?

This is necessary to remember. Otherwise, it will be difficult to say why a mantis is dreaming. Here's how the nuances of his appearance affect the interpretation of vision:

  • A huge and bright green beetle symbolizes a clear danger. Perhaps a person will soon face dangerous situations and bad news.
  • A dark, soft beetle dreams of troubles that, although they will cause inconvenience, will be quickly forgotten.
  • The dried, dull, dead mantis, despite its unattractiveness, does not bode well. On the contrary, his image suggests that everything that happens around the dreamer will not touch in any way.
  • A dark, almost black beetle warns - in the immediate environment of the dreamer there is one who wishes him harm.

The main thing is that in the vision this insect does not appear in a person’s house. Because in this case, no matter what color it is, you will only have to wait for conflicts, scandals and domestic problems.

What does a mantis bite dream of?

Psychological interpreter

Something interesting can be learned from this dream book. What do praying mantises dream of ? The answer to this question depends on the details:

  • Did the man hold it in his hands or just touch it? So, in reality he is too gullible. Maybe you should not tell so much about yourself to everyone in a row?
  • Did the dreamer kill the insect? This is because someone else will soon pay for his mistakes.
  • Did he make a strange decision to eat a mantis? Such a vision usually indicates health problems.
  • Did the dreamer catch a bug and put it in a jar? It promises new acquaintances.
  • Had to feed and care for the insect? To unexpected guests.
  • Had a giant mantis tall as a man? This means that in the life of a dreamer there is a person on whom he is highly dependent emotionally.
  • Beetle was unwell, but because the man decided to start treating him? It promises recovery. Either him or someone close.
  • Man dreamed how he draws a mantis? So, soon he will discover hidden talents.
  • Was the dreamer so scared that he even started running away from the insect? This vision suggests that in reality something scares him.

Why dream a mantis bite , somehow got into bed with a person, is also worth knowing. This is the personification of his tensions with the opposite sex. But maybe you shouldn’t put all the blame on the shoulders of the second half, but pay attention to your own behavior?

And sometimes something out of the ordinary can be imagined. For example, a conversation with this creature. And if a person happened to have a conversation with a praying mantis in a dream, it means that in reality he will find out someone else's secret.

But best of all is the vision in which the dreamer sat with the beetle at the same table. Such a strange dream portends - very soon a person will feel a sense of pride in his achievements. It is possible that he will also be deservedly rewarded.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9251/

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