Why is the wedding dreaming? Dream Interpretation

Wedding day is one of the most joyful moments presented to a person by fate, and the memory of him is indelible, especially for those who have experienced it only once in a lifetime. It is not surprising that night dreams sometimes immerse us again in the atmosphere of this unforgettable celebration. Meanwhile, as can be seen from the dream books, the wedding is not always a plot of night visions that carries a positive. Its interpretation depends on many circumstances. Let's try to figure it out.

The highlight of the wedding

The interpretation of the great fabulist

First of all, we will take an interest in the opinion of a recognized expert in the field of dreams - the ancient Greek poet and fabulist Aesop, who lived almost six centuries before the birth of Christ, but to the subtleties of the mystery of the human soul. It is not known whether he himself was married (by the way, some historians generally question his existence), but the ancient Hellenes, before creating an exemplary antique family, also arranged wedding celebrations, which were then relived in a dream. So there was plenty of research material for Aesop.

From those records on the basis of which the Aesop’s Dream Book is very popular these days, it follows that to see yourself at the wedding as a bride or groom is a very good omen, promising in real life the adoption of some extremely important decision that can change the best of all further fate. However, according to the same dream book, someone else's wedding, at which a person sees himself as a guest, does not portend him anything joyful. Changes in life will come, but will not bring additional positive. The worst thing to see in a dream is a wedding procession or motorcade - in this case there is no reason at all to hope for any changes in life. However, if a person is already happy - why should he change something?

If at the wedding the dreamer was assigned the role of a witness on the part of one of the young people (as you can see, such a formality already existed in Ancient Greece), then we can confidently say that some happy changes in his personal life await him. Somewhat fewer reasons for joy are those who, in a dream, have the role of a toastmaster. The wise Greek advises them not to tune in to fun, but to work hard to achieve their life goals. And if the dreamer somehow manages to interfere with someone else's wedding, then in real life he can pay for it by becoming a victim of secret attackers.

Opinion of another venerable Hellen

Aesop's fellow countryman, who lived two centuries later - the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, also did not fail to speak about night visions. According to the dream book compiled on the basis of his notes, the interpretation of the wedding contains one very curious nuance. In particular, the venerable Hellen wrote: if, when he sees himself as a bride or groom, a person burns out of lust in anticipation of a wedding night, then in reality he may become the object of a false accusation.

Fabulist and dream expert Aesop

In this case, his own reaction to a flash of passion is crucial. In the absence of any unpleasant sensations, one can hope that in real life the slander will not cause him serious troubles and will soon become completely silent. However, if the dreamer, languishing from voluptuousness, experienced burning suffering, then in reality the consequences of the stipulation can be very serious and can lead to extremely negative changes in life.

The predictions of the British skeptic

Now we are mentally transported from the ancient world to England in the mid-18th century, where the outstanding astrologer Zedkiel comprehended the secrets of human dreams. According to his dream book, seeing a wedding (especially fun and crowded) is a very bad omen. In real life, the result of such a joyful, at first glance, plot can be dramatic events that unexpectedly invaded the dreamer's house, or misfortunes that befell his loved ones.

Further, the astrologer catches the fear on his readers with the message that if they see themselves in the role of a happy bride or groom, then real life will turn out for them to long years of dull loneliness or some other kind of misfortune. Especially detrimental is such a dream for a sick person. It promises him at least a complication of the disease, and in the worst case, a near end.

According to the same dream book, to see someone else's wedding, in which the role of the bride or groom is assigned to his own wife or husband, means for the dreamer the inevitable collapse of his family life, burdened by all the attendant legal burdens: the division of property, disputes over who the children will remain with, and etc. In this case, the author advises to come to terms with the inevitable and try not to lose heart.

Beginning of a joint life

Having exhausted the whole reserve of skepticism on this, Zadkiel finally gives a single plot, which, in his opinion, can carry a positive. He writes that if at the wedding the dreamer was assigned the role of only a guest, moreover, he was met without much joy, then in reality he will receive worthy compensation for the grief he has experienced. It can be a romantic meeting or receiving the long-awaited news.

Austrian psychoanalyst faithful to his traditions

As you know, the Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, whose interpretation of dreams is very popular these days, sought (and found) explanations of many movements of the human soul in the sphere of his intimate life. Of course, he could not ignore such a delicate topic as dreams depicting a person in anticipation of his married life.

As a true expert in his field, Freud pays maximum attention to the details of what he saw and sometimes gives them the most unexpected interpretation in his dream book. A wedding dress (and what kind of marriage can do without this most important attribute), according to the author, is a symbol of a naked female body. Based on this, he writes that a dream in which the bride demonstrates her outfit indicates that in reality this person has a very high opinion of her charms and secretly seeks the opportunity to show them to someone.

He touched the venerable master and wedding dreams, which were still seen by young people of both sexes who had no sexual experience, as well as those who, for various reasons, retained innocence, having reached a mature (or even “overripe”) age. Their similar visions can be a manifestation of excitement and even fear of sexual intercourse - a phenomenon by no means rare and sometimes hindering a normal personal life.

Sigmund Freud

On the whole, Mr. Freud excluded the presence of a negative color in such dreams. For example, in his dream book, someone else's wedding is a harbinger of good news, sometimes relating to his personal life, and sometimes related to the service sphere. Own marriage, seen in a dream, according to the author, indicates that the dreamer will soon have a surprise that can give him great pleasure.

The meaning of the image of the wedding according to "Wangi's Dream Book

The Bulgarian prophetess, who astounded the world by the fact that many of the events that presented her inner gaze, subsequently found their real embodiment, left us interpretations of dreams, among which there was a place for wedding plots. According to her, for example, a vision in which a dreamer participates in other people's marriage celebrations portends him an important meeting that can affect his entire future destiny, and it will happen at a fun party. If it was his own wedding, then he will soon have to make some important decision.

The plot in which a person sees himself as a bridegroom at a wedding is interpreted in Vanga's dream book as a harbinger of the fact that soon someone will need his help. The needy cannot be denied, since the dreamer himself, in all likelihood, will also find himself in a situation from which he will not be able to get out without outside support. However, helping one's neighbor should be independent of the content of dreams seen.

"New family dream book": what is the dream of the wedding?

This concludes our brief review of the opinions of those authors who have already become the property of history. Let us now find out what is said about the wedding in dream books compiled by modern connoisseurs of night visions. Let's start with the publication, which, judging by its name, is designed for reading in the circle of relatives and friends.

So, having opened the “New Family Dream Book”, you can find out that young women who often dream of a wedding have, to put it mildly, not too good temper. If, at the festivities that he dreamed, one of the guests was dressed in mourning, then their own family life would soon crack. So, in any case, consider the compilers of the dream book.

Wedding in an Orthodox church

A wedding for an unmarried girl is also not always a good omen. If, for example, the future bride dreamed that her parents were dissatisfied with what was happening, then in real life they can resist the choice that their daughter will make one day. At the same time, the girl who accepted the offer in a dream, in reality, can count on universal respect and sympathy. In addition, all the promises made to her in a dream by the groom will someday come true in real life.

What did the nobles dream about?

Very interesting in terms of the interpretation of dreams associated with the wedding, a dream book compiled by Nina Grishina. In it, she systematized records that she inherited from several generations of her noble ancestors and concerning the consequences of certain night visions. In this regard, the fruit of her labors was called the “Noble Dream Book”. Somewhat pretentious, but arouses interest in everything that is written in it.

First of all, Mrs. Grishina warns that for a single person to see himself married is an extremely bad omen, which soon promises him a serious illness. However, a dream interrupted at the moment of betrothal is a joy. In this regard, an explanation is given that if the bride was a certain person who in reality wreaked havoc on the dreamer a lot of blood, then after that she would certainly disappear from his life.

By the way, in cases where the bride in real life is not familiar to the dreamer, her appearance is extremely important. The fact is that the young and beautiful portends a real danger to his parents, and the old can be a threat to himself, as well as his brothers and sisters. It is best, according to the author of the dream book, to see yourself present at someone else's wedding. In real life, this promises fulfillment of desires.

There are also such weddings

Notes of modern interpreters

Let us now take a look at the publication with the modest title “Modern Dream Book”. You can also find a lot of interesting things in it. For example, its compilers argue that if a young woman dreams of herself secretly marrying everyone, then in reality her moral appearance may be a reason for gossip and gossip. At the same time, it is especially dangerous to have a certain old man, even a very rich one, as a groom. Such a plot portends the dreamer a serious illness.

The wedding of a friend is very interestingly interpreted in the "Modern Dream Book", especially if she is married to her husband or the dreamer's lover. According to the authors, this is a sign that a woman who sees such a dream in reality is subject to outbreaks of unreasonable jealousy, causing her a lot of suffering. If a friend marries an outsider, it is possible that in reality the dreamer had a real reason for suspicion.

Pleasant chores

Interpreted in many modern dream books and preparing for the wedding. This very enjoyable waking dream lesson can have a number of meanings. For example, trying on a wedding dress seen in night dreams can portend a wedding in real life. At the same time, to see oneself in a wedding attire at someone else's marriage means a quick illness.

A curious version of the interpretation is given in the Esoteric Dream Book. To prepare for the wedding and suddenly see someone else's holiday motorcade passing by, according to the compilers, means a real danger emanating from a secret rival. It may well be that this insidious woman-lover is an unknown woman, but she certainly exists, and all available measures should be taken to put an end to her intrigues.

The most joyful day in life

Do not repeat previous mistakes!

Let us dwell on another noteworthy topic, which is often found in currently published dream books - the wedding of an ex-husband or lover. In this case, most authors agree that a similar plot can portend the dreamer herself to an early marriage or at least the beginning of a stormy and emotional romance. But interpreters are not limited to this. They vied with each other to say that if a familiar woman or girl acted as the present bride, then one should be on the alert, because in real life a lady who saw such a dream could be threatened by treachery from her secret detractors.

However, among the compilers of dream books, there are also hardened skeptics who claim that any plot of night vision in which the “former” marries and tries to create a new family is a formidable warning. They see in him evidence that with a new partner a woman who has a dream involuntarily repeats the same mistakes that once led to the breakdown of her previous relationship.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9258/

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