Dream Interpretation - what a rooster dreams of: meaning and interpretation of a dream

Why do men and women dream cock? Fortunately, this proud bird is rarely a harbinger of grief. More often, it promises people something pleasant. The interpretation depends on the plot of the "cock" dream, which must be resurrected in memory.

What does a rooster dream about: Miller’s dream book

What does Gustav Miller say about this? What prediction does his dream book make? What is a rooster dreaming about ? The bird symbolizes a high position. The dreamer will soon have to exalt himself in the eyes of society, but this will not bring him happiness. A person will make serious mistakes, guided by his own vanity. He will lose touch with his friends, surround himself with flatterers and insincere people who will please him for personal gain.

White rooster

Cockfight is also a dream not good. Such a plot promises protracted conflicts, participation in which cannot be avoided. Bird singing is a good sign. If such a dream is seen by young boys or girls who have recently married, then they will have long years of a happy life with the second half.

Bird cry

What is a rooster dreaming about? If the sleeper hears in his dreams the sonorous cry of a bird, then in reality he will have an insight. A person will discover in himself talents that he had not previously suspected. He has to learn something important about himself that will help him in his future life.

Golden rooster

The hoarse cry of a rooster symbolizes hard work. The dreamer will have to work long and hard to achieve a great goal. There is no doubt that his efforts will be adequately rewarded.

Does the bird scream in the evening or at night? Such a plot indicates that the dreamer makes one mistake after another. At heart he understands this, but he cannot force himself to admit his own wrong. Also, sleep can promise the sleeper to receive unpleasant news. If the rooster sings at dawn, happiness and family well-being await the person.


Why do chickens and roosters dream of fighting each other? If the birds cluck loudly during the battle, in real life the dreamer will have to witness a quarrel between his opponents or competitors. It is better not to interfere in this conflict, it is much more profitable and safer to stay away.

Rooster in a dream

In his dreams a man can separate fighting birds. In reality, the dreamer has to intervene in someone else's conflict. He will take on the role of a peacemaker and try to forge relationships between quarreling colleagues or friends. There is no doubt that he will succeed.

Plumage color

Be sure to consider the color of cock feathers. Why is the white rooster dreaming ? Such a plot promises a quarrel. Fortunately, the conflict will end with the reconciliation of opponents. Yesterday's enemy will become the dreamer's best friend, contradictions will remain in the past. If a golden rooster appears in night dreams, waking man awaits boundless happiness. All his problems will be left behind.

Dreamed cock

A red bird dreams of a quarrel with a representative of the opposite sex. The conflict between a man and a woman can be a source of mutual interest. It cannot be ruled out that reconciliation will be followed by a passionate love affair. Relations are unlikely to last for a long time, but pleasant memories will remain. If in a nightly dream a red rooster sits on the gate, in reality it is worth fearing a fire in the house. You must make sure that the wiring is in good condition, and also do not leave household appliances unattended.

Why is the black cock dreaming? The bird symbolizes the threat that a person should fear. In the near future, someone will try to provoke him. It is necessary to stay away from conflict situations, not to let emotions go free. If a black rooster attacks the dreamer, such a plot indicates the appearance of envious people. Someone is annoyed by the success of the sleeper, and this someone will try to destroy his life.

Bird attack

What is the dream of the rooster that is chasing the sleeper, trying to peck it? Such a plot warns that a person has forgotten about something important. He needs to complete this work as soon as possible, otherwise serious problems are possible.

Live roosters in a dream

Suppose a rooster succeeds in pecking its prey. Such a dream should be taken as a warning. A man faced a choice that would affect his whole future life. If he does not think it over properly, he risks making a fatal mistake.

Is a rooster trying to peck someone else? Such a dream also serves as a warning. Someone close can let a person down. If the dreamer is waiting for someone's help, has entrusted someone with an important matter, then he will have to be disappointed. Taking control of the situation is the best that the sleeper can do now. Therefore, it is worthwhile to independently solve your problems.


Why do live hens and roosters dream of the fair sex? If the birds coexist peacefully with each other, then this is a good dream. There is no doubt that a woman will be lucky in love. Married ladies should not pay attention to minor quarrels with a spouse, as soon the reasons for conflicts will disappear. Lonely young ladies have to arrange their personal lives, meet a soul mate.

Live cock

A rooster chasing a chicken in a dream? Such a plot promises a representative of the fair sex of a persistent boyfriend. The cavalier will make every effort to win the lady. However, the dreamer will remain indifferent to his attempts.

If a future mother sees a rooster in a dream, this promises her a safe birth. A woman will give birth to a healthy and strong baby. It is highly likely that the child will be a boy.

Catch a bird

What does a rooster dream of if a person tries to catch him? Wake up he will have a laborious and responsible work. The dreamer will be tempted to quit, but this is not worth it. The completed business will bring him the long-awaited recognition, improvement in financial standing.

What does it mean to catch a rooster in their dreams? Such a dream predicts respect and recognition. People around a person will finally begin to appreciate him.

Kill, kill

The above describes what live roosters dream of. If the bird was dead in night dreams, the dreamer's waking life will fail. There is a threat of a dangerous disease that will require long-term treatment. Such a dream can warn that it is time for a person to take a break from work and pay attention to their well-being.

Why live roosters dream

If the dreamer intends to slaughter a bird in his dreams, then in reality he needs to look at his closest surroundings. The man approached false friends who envy his successes. These people do everything possible to destroy the dreamer's life. While they keep their actions secret, however, soon there will be no way to hide it.

What night dreams are warning about, in which a man killed a bird, which prevented him from sleeping at night. The dreamer is proud of his cunning, but soon he will suffer because of it. Also, the plot can predict a sleeping betrayal by someone close.

Dream Interpretation of the Magician Yu Longo

What is a rooster dreaming about? In a dream, this bird can be seen by a person who is in reality ready to prove the truth with his fists. The sleeper is in captivity of aggression, and this can destroy his whole life.

Bird singing dreams of bad news. The dreamer will lose peace for a long time when he receives this news. A cockfight in night dreams predicts a reconciliation of quarreling friends. It may also be a warning that the dreamer should not impose his point of view on others.

Rooster and chicken

Why do chickens and roosters dream? These birds symbolize a relationship with the second half. Sleep predicts problems in marriage that will cause serious conflict. The quarrel is most likely to happen due to the frivolity of one of the spouses. To see chickens in a dream is a hassle. The dreamer will be asked for the help he will provide. In the future, this will bring him large profits.

If hens and cocks dream of a man, this suggests that he often intervenes in other people's lives. It cannot be ruled out that his children suffer from over-custody of the sleeping person. The time has come to enable them to show independence.

Various plots

Why dream of pinching a cock? In reality, a person should be more attentive to his expenses. He began to spend too much money on things that are not necessary and important for him. If the dreamer does not stop in time, his financial situation will be shaken.

Why dream of chickens that peck grains? Well-being will reign in the sleeping man's house. All problems will be left behind, the family will not need anything. The financial situation is stabilizing, the threat of ruin can be forgotten. If chickens in a dream gleamed a bed, in reality you should beware of a dirty trick from family members.

The un-plucked rooster in the pan is a dream that bodes a man a surprise.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9262/

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