What is self determination? The right to self-determination and the problem of personal self-determination

It is extremely important for every person to find their place in this world. This applies not only to the profession, but also to personal qualities. Self-determination is necessary for gaining self-confidence, self-realization, the ability to get out of conflict situations and mastering social roles. However, not all people are equally easy to find themselves and their place in life. What is self determination? What problems can a person face on the way to him?

What is self determination?

Throughout their lives, people have been searching for their destiny and place in this world. Self-determination is the process of a person’s selection and establishment of individual values, opportunities, needs, ways and norms of behavior, as well as the criteria by which he evaluates himself and his achievements.

The search for your destination takes more than one year. This process is very complex and lasts throughout our lives. What is philosophical self-determination? First of all, this is an attempt by man to find and find the meaning of his existence. People are constantly thinking about how to behave correctly in certain situations, when and who should help, what to do in order to bring maximum benefit to society - all this is self-determination.

what is self-determination

The meaning of self-determination

Self-determination of a person plays the most important role in the formation and formation of him as a person. People who could not find their place in the world are deeply unhappy. They do not see the meaning of their existence, and, accordingly, they have nothing to strive for, there are no goals that they would like to achieve. A person who has lost interest in life falls into a deep depression, closes in on himself.

Self-determination contributes to the socialization of the individual. It helps a person to find a way out of difficult situations, correctly and with dignity to resolve conflict situations, to behave confidently in society, to observe etiquette.

Self-determination is an important step towards self-realization. A person who has correctly determined for himself what he wants to do in life, succeeds in his career, becomes financially independent. If work brings not only material wealth, but also pleasure, people feel truly happy.

self determination is

Types of self-determination

Conventionally, there are 3 types of self-determination: personal, professional and life. All of them are closely interconnected and very often intersect.

Personal self-determination is inextricably linked with human values. Forming them, people decide what they should be, what norms of behavior are acceptable for them, how to relate to other people, how to evaluate themselves and their actions.

Professional self-determination consists in choosing a person for specialization, making decisions about who to become and what kind of work he will like. The first step towards this is getting an education.

Self-determination in life is a choice of strategy and lifestyle. It is very important for each person to understand the meaning of their existence and act in accordance with it.

All these types of self-determination constantly interact with each other on the basis of causal relationships. Some of them either serve as a prerequisite for the formation of others, or exist and develop simultaneously.

personal self-determination

Professional self-determination

Everyone has the right to self-determination - both personal and professional. From early childhood, a child is asked who he wants to become. This question really arises before graduation, when a young man needs to decide on his future specialty and further educational institution.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to adequately assess your interests and opportunities, as well as learn as much as possible about your favorite profession. Of great importance is the prestige of the specialty and how well it is paid. As a rule, career guidance for schoolchildren is given great attention. Universities and colleges arrange open-door days for applicants, during which they talk in detail about each specialty, its pros and cons. Various tests and trainings to identify a tendency to a particular field of activity can help in professional self-determination .

The choice of a specialty is a rather difficult matter. Too many people can not immediately correctly determine their profession. Starting training or having already completed it and going to work, very often a person is disappointed in his choice. That's why we have so many people getting a second education.

right to self-determination

Personal and life self-determination of a person

Each person is unique and independently chooses his own path of development. What is self identity? First of all, these are the values ​​that a person puts for himself above all.

There are several areas of personality development. Someone prioritizes spiritual development. At the same time, a person must go a hard way, get rid of bad thoughts, shortcomings, addictions and devote himself to serving God.

Another area of ​​personal development is caring for loved ones. In this case, the main values ​​of a person are children, family, friendship.

Some people live exclusively for themselves. They try to satisfy all their needs, travel, do not deny themselves anything. Sometimes the goal of such people is self-realization and achieving maximum success in terms of career.

Not every person can easily find their life path. For some, the search for oneself is delayed and becomes an independent direction of personality development.

self-determination problem

Self-determination problem

In search of his place in the world, a person can face a lot of problems. The main difficulty is the choice of a suitable profession. Many schoolchildren do not know at all who they want to become in the future. They are used to living without problems and worries, not thinking about tomorrow and about what self-determination is. To make such a responsible choice for them is very difficult.

Some young people do not independently decide who to become in the future. The choice for them is made by parents who are trying to choose the highest paid specialty for their child, without completely thinking about his interests. As a result, students do not have the slightest idea of ​​what they have to do all their life, or, even without starting school, they hate their future profession.

With personal self-determination, there are also many problems. Very often, people who are confused in themselves and their values ​​turn to consultations with psychologists. Difficult life situations make unstable values ​​seem to shake, as a result of which a person loses the meaning of his existence. Various trainings, seminars and high-quality psychological support from relatives and specialists help to cope with this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9267/

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