Romanian sex symbol Radu Volcano: volcano of passions, charisma and charm

Before becoming an actor, he was a DJ and TV presenter. Thanks to the broadcast in our country of the series “My Oriental Nights,” Russian viewers learned how Radu Vulcan is. The biography of the Romanian handsome is in our article.

rain volcano

The first glimpses of the sex symbol

Radu was born in 1977 in Bucharest. From childhood, he considered himself modest and insecure to commit any actions. Like, for example, the desire to become an actor. He did not have it, because Radu saw himself in the profession of an economist. As a teenager, Radu Vulcan became interested in sports. Constant physical activity made his body attractive not only for students of the Faculty of Economics. The handsome guy was noticed by modeling business agents.

Beauty is a terrible power

It would be fairer to say that the modeling business appeared by chance. However, art requires sacrifice, and Radu experienced this in his own experience. When he advertised ice cream, he had to eat enough portions for the director to take a double. But afterwards he could not look at this disgusting product!

At first, Radu was very shy. It seemed to him that everything he was doing was ugly. Time and advice of friends helped to overcome uncertainty. In the modeling business, Radu Vulcan met the beauty Andrea Eska, who she considers to be the ideal of female beauty. At the same time, she is a fairly open person, ready to provide support to any newcomer.

Rada Volcano and Madalina Dragichi

From covers to screen

The appearance on the pages of glossy magazines paved the way for television. The volcano became the VJ of the Romanian MTV, worked as a sports channel reporter, and after that as the host of the True Stories talk show. Attractive appearance did its job - Radu got thousands of fans who not only created a fan club, but everywhere followed the star. The expected stage of his creative career was the proposal to star in the movie: one of the roles in the 2011 series “On an argument with life” was played by Radu Vulcan. The biography of the recognized sex symbol of Romania includes another participation in the soap opera. Released on the screens of "My Oriental Nights" even more confirmed the actor in this status. Since 2014, the series has been broadcast in Russia.

Still ahead

According to Radu, he does not consider himself a sex object for worship, but, definitely, he is very pleased with this recognition. He does not intend to get hung up on his popularity, realizing that fame can quickly end. Instead, Radu Vulcan wants to focus on new projects. Unfortunately, the producers see in him a certain type and are reluctant to trust images that require more professionalism. He hopes that his career will be complemented by a number of interesting projects. Meanwhile, the actor is considering someday realizing his potential as an economist and financier.

rada volcano personal life

Radu Vulcan: personal life

The actor speaks openly about this side of life. The first recognition by the fans imposed on him the burden of the star, because he understands the desire of fans of his talent to learn as much as possible about his life, hidden from the public. In particular, all fans of Vulcan are interested in whether he has a girlfriend. Radu Vulcan himself admits that he was already married. At 26, he married for the first time, but after he realized that he had taken this step early. The relationship did not last long, but it was a good experience, which is always useful. After the divorce, Radu again became a "tidbit." But why bind yourself immediately by marriage? The actor believes that you can do without official registration. The main thing is that the feelings be real.

No one is safe from the office romance

Relationships on the set are quite common. “My Oriental nights” were no exception. Radu Vulcan and Madalina Dragichi, playing key roles, did not torment the public and admitted their feelings. For a long time, their connection fueled interest in the series, and the paparazzi tried to get pictures of the sweet couple. But the passionate romance did not last long, and the couple decided to leave.

Rada Volcano Biography

Dragichi is not the only one with whom Vulcan was credited with an office romance. His “too friendly” relationship with his partner in “Nights ...” Adela Popescu was forced to talk about a secret connection between the actors. Popescu, by the way, is nine years younger than Vulcan.

Interesting Facts

  • The volcano dreams of someday creating a real family and giving birth to a daughter. In his opinion, without children there cannot be a happy family; they should become an integral part of all life.
  • In his free time, the actor is interested in football and fishing, and also loves spending time with friends. He admits that he has a change of mood - at such moments Radu is trying to retire.
  • Since Radu Vulcan became a model, he has been carefully following his figure: he regularly visits the gym, monitors proper nutrition.
  • The actor made himself several tattoos, each of which symbolizes a period in his life.


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