Why do snakes dream in water? What does it mean if a snake in water bites in a dream?

With a general dislike for reptiles, the question of what snakes dream of in water, a house or on the street is of interest even to sober-minded people. Hiddenly, everyone begins to expect impending troubles, problems and misfortunes. In an effort to prevent them or at least mitigate the consequences of future troubles, people are trying to unravel the meaning of sleep in order to take appropriate measures.

what do snakes dream of in water

Snake as a symbol

Most dream books are inclined to believe that withdrawing reptiles in almost any form is a bad and alarming sign. Such visions portend spiritual losses and disappointments, the machinations of envious people and enemies, the abundance of gossip around you. However, do not forget that in parallel the snake symbolizes wisdom. Take, for example, the personification of eternity in the form of Ouroboros or the emblem of the healers - a snake that has encircled the cup. So, when pondering what snakes dream of (in water or on land), consider the likelihood that this can be considered a warning against excessive credulity, a call for reasonable behavior with others.

What kind of snake?

In most cases, waiting in the near future for deception or betrayal - this is what snakes dream of in the water. However, there are subtleties. For example, if you had a viper, wrapped with a tail around a branch and swimming with the stream, then this is a sign that among people close to you there is a person who harbored hostility towards you and is preparing some kind of dirty trick for you. However, if you dream of the same viper, fighting on the surface of the river with a water snake, it means that the dreamer will defeat all the intrigues, overcome the enemies and dispel gossip about himself.

If there are observers for this scene in the face of deafeningly croaking frogs, the interpretation of sleep is completely different: there is a rather difficult task ahead of you, which will succeed only with considerable effort. But it’s worthwhile to attach them: the result will please you and support you for a long time.

why dream a lot of snakes in the water

The value of the type of reservoir

To more accurately understand what snakes dream of in water, you should pay attention to which one. So, if you see them, crossing the river, it means that something joyful is ahead, but you will have to worry very much before this event.

The deception of trust from recent acquaintances is what many snakes dream of in the water of a well. At least a week after such a dream, you should not let close yourself and believe the words of new faces in your environment.

A snake floating in a small pond denotes the betrayal of a close relative or old friend. If the pond is large or the pond is the sea, then someone from a more distant circle of friends will betray you. Snake in the pool - intrigues with provocations from colleagues.

The lonely reptile in the aquarium tells the dreamer that next to him is a hypocrite who does not like him, but portrays a sympathetic friend. And why dream of many snakes in the water of a domestic pond? To melancholy, sadness, and even depression. Maybe there will be reasons for them, maybe you are just tired and nervous for no reason.

why do women dream of snakes in water

Female features

As you know, a dream for a representative of the beautiful half of humanity may not mean at all what is for a man. In addition, not only gender, but also age is often important. For example, why a woman dreams of snakes in water depends on her status: a mature, accomplished lady who has had such a dream is likely to soon gain material independence from her husband. And a young girl or young wife, who stepped in a dream on a snake in the water, will soon find happiness with her beloved. However, for ladies of any age, to see in dreams many floating reptiles - an occasion to take a closer look at the chosen one: maybe he is deceiving and cheating on you.

Why do snakes dream in water: bite or attack

The attack by most dream books is regarded as an imminent danger. At the very least, a very influential (or very rich) person will want to use you to carry out your plans. In the alternative, the ill-wisher will either lead you to a situation on the verge of crime, or seriously break the way in the family. If the reptile is circling the surface of the water around, the danger is extremely close. If every now and then dives and appears in another, unpredictable place, it will be almost impossible to determine exactly who the enemy is and where he is aiming. But if you manage to drive, catch or kill a reptile in a dream, then you have good chances to minimize losses.

Another interpretation of what the big snake dreams of in the water that bites you: such a dream predicts a clash with undeniable circumstances against which you are powerless. On the other hand, if a patient has a dream, he portends an early amendment of health.

However, some dream books believe that a dream of a snake bite can talk about unexpected enrichment, for example, about receiving an inheritance from a unfamiliar distant relative.

why dream big snake in the water

Auspicious signs

In some cases, a dream about a reptile in the water bodes well. So, a snake, only crawling into a pond or stably swimming under water, promises a housewarming party or promotion on the career ladder. A dead creature lying on the water allows you to breathe a sigh of relief: the danger has disappeared, and nothing more threatens you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K927/

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