What distinguishes a family from other small groups. Family as a small group

What distinguishes a family from other small groups? Everything. This is the social unit of society, the basis of which is family ties and / or marital relations. But this is too short an answer. Better to make it more detailed.

what distinguishes a family from other small groups


The history of the appearance of this unit of society is what distinguishes the family from other small groups in the first place. It all started a very long time ago. At the end of the primitive communal system, to be more precise. That is, about 300 thousand years ago, when the era of the Middle Paleolithic reigned.

Initially, the family existed in the form of polygamy. This term comes from the Greek concept. This, if translated into Russian, group marriage, polygamy. A little later, the relationship evolved. And couples began to form.

It is worth noting that in primitive society there was a form of matriarchy in the family. Then it was normal that the mother, the founder of the clan and the ruler of the clan community , was predominant . She ran a household, regulated relations. However, this is a slightly different topic. But what sets the family apart from other small groups is its story. This cell of society appeared before everyone else. And that is a fact.

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This is the second that distinguishes the family from other small groups. The functions of this unit of society are numerous and important. To begin with, it is worth listing the functions of a practical nature, and here are some that are usually allocated:

  • Household. Material needs are easier to satisfy if done together. A simple example: everyone needs an apartment. And if the newly made husband and wife do not have housing, then together they will earn much faster on it than individually.
  • Economic. Maintaining a joint economy and budget, sharing responsibilities between two people greatly simplifies the existence of both of them. In addition, the norms of family life oblige each spouse to help and support each other, including financially.
  • Joining forces. Gediminas Navaitis, a well-known psychologist, liked to designate this function separately. He assured that every need that is satisfied by a family can be realized without it. But! Only a family makes it possible to satisfy them in a complex, which is much more convenient and practical.

As you can see, marriage is also an interaction. Not only useful, but also beneficial for both spouses. And let it be about what distinguishes the family from other small groups - joint activities and partnerships make it similar to a small enterprise. The main thing here is that the business approach does not turn the relationship into a chronic attempt to capitalize on everything.

what sets the family apart from other small groups

Social component

Emotional mutual satisfaction is what distinguishes a family from other small groups. And which symptom best confirms this? The presence of intimacy. Traditionally, only marriage provides for it. But this is not the main component, but only one of. Also, the family is distinguished by the warmth reigning in it, mutual understanding, love. If not, behavioral and emotional difficulties arise. It is very important that family members satisfy each other's social needs: show sympathy and respect, provide support in difficult situations, provide psychological protection. All of the above is the basis for a healthy relationship.


What distinguishes a family from other small groups? Joint leisure is an essential component. In this aspect, recreational function is manifested. When the couple are together engaged in the restoration of their intellectual and physical strength after work, and also jointly organize entertainment, this has a beneficial effect on the microclimate in their family.

In addition, a common hobby or hobby gives an extra pleasant reason to be together more often. New topics for conversations and discussions appear, the spouses' interest in each other does not fade away, they are getting closer and closer and create new memories. In many couples, a joint hobby is a tradition that perfectly strengthens marriage and constantly gives impetus to a better understanding.

In addition, we must not forget about the communicative function. In the family, it is customary to communicate with each other. If at work employees of an enterprise can avoid close (or generally any) contact with each other due to mutual hostility, which, in principle, is not uncommon, then this will not work at home. Because this behavior is not the norm, but a problem. Or even an occasion to arrange a session of psychotherapy.

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General views on life and all its aspects are what distinguishes a family from other small groups. Common preferences in clothes, food, music and films, the same perception of religion, goals of existence, identical prioritization ... When the spouses agree on everything, even in such trifles that we have noted, it is amazing. And great. Because life with a like-minded person who can support always and in everything is incredibly easy and brings only joy.

Of course, not every marriage has such a relationship. Spouses may not agree on some issues. But they should not be complete opposites either. Because there will be conflicts. And this is the most acute way to resolve contradictions regarding views, goals, interests and opinions, the methods of which usually go beyond the framework of moral rules and norms. Which is unacceptable. Especially in a marriage, in a family where mutual understanding and respect should reign, as mentioned earlier.

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This is the last feature that distinguishes a family from any other group. Initially, she stood along with the household. In many families, children appear, which entails the emergence of several more functions - educational, implying the formation of a child’s personality, and teaching, aimed at instilling certain skills in the “flower of life”. And this is very important not to forget. Unfortunately, in modern society, some people, having performed the reproductive function, forget about the upbringing and learning. And this is very bad, because children are a responsibility. If the child was born, then parents must do everything to become a full-fledged, worthy member of society.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9279/

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