Provincial Theater: photos and reviews. Artistic Director - Sergey Bezrukov

“Everything flows, everything changes,” ancient wisdom tells us. The old leaves, in its place a new appears. All this is true in relation to the fate of two ancient regional Moscow theaters - Dramatic them. Ostrovsky and Chamber, who, having merged "in creative ecstasy" (though not voluntarily, but at the highest command of the governor of the Moscow region), formed the Moscow Provincial Theater in 2013 under the strict guidance of Sergei Bezrukov.


The new sanctuary of Thalia and Melpomene was located in the building of the Moscow Regional House of Arts, in Kuzminki (Volgogradskaya St., 121). It is very convenient to get to: the Kuzminki metro station is five minutes at a leisurely pace, and those who wish to take a walk can go to the Volzhskaya metro station - they will have to go for about half an hour.

provincial theater
The newly formed theater has at its disposal two stages: large and small. At the last, mostly the performances of the former Chamber are staged. He kept his own website, though not quite convenient: in some places it is impossible to understand how fresh the information posted on it is.

Visitors praise the directly new Moscow Provincial Theater of Sergei Bezrukov, and there is a reason. Outside, the building fits perfectly into the city ​​landscape, inside - it is light and spacious. Wide stairs, large windows - designers deserve the highest ratings.

Large and bright temple of art

Convenience for the audience was put at the forefront: almost all reviews note the comfort of the auditorium. The chairs are at a sufficient distance from each other (“the knees do not rest against the back in front of the sitting person”), each next row rises above the previous one so that the neighbor’s tall growth does not become an obstacle to watching the performance (however, one cannot say that the lift is too cool).

The seats are quite soft and the backs are comfortable. This is important, because some performances last long enough, and spend more than three hours is better in a comfortable chair than vice versa. A number of viewers are grateful to the administration for such a gift - especially people prone to back pain.

provincial theater of sergei bezrukov

Caring for comfort

Pleasantly good-natured spectators who visited the Provincial Theater, balconies in the auditorium: semicircular, located "steps" around the perimeter, they give the room a cozy look. It is only a pity that the sound on them leaves much to be desired (at least the 2013 reviews are full of sad comments).

Of the simple human joys, the presence of two women's toilets is noted (the second opens when there is a large influx of visitors). Only ladies can appreciate such an innovation: long lines in the cherished institution are able to spoil an arbitrarily beautiful "cultural trip".

In general, with regard to the needs of the human body, the Moscow Provincial Theater, whose reviews are rather enthusiastic, received the most excellent recommendations. Complaints were made only about the prices in the buffet, where a cup of coffee costs 250 rubles, and about a too small parking lot (with reservations, however, that "this is Moscow ..."). On very hot days in the lobby it’s stuffy - but in the auditorium it’s a wonderful mode.

Theater management was successful

Concern for the comfort of the audience was noted not only by direct "consumers". The press was very impressed with the innovation that was introduced by the Provincial Theater of Sergei Bezrukov in 2013: a special translation for blind theater-goers. Now the innovation is available only in one performance - "Pushkin", but in the future it is planned to "expand and deepen."

Moscow Provincial Theater of Sergey Bezrukov
I must say that Sergei Bezrukov copes with the leadership perfectly. The new Provincial Theater, under his leadership, is gaining more and more popularity - and the merit of management in this process is notable.

Treating with due attention to the purely physiological needs of its visitors, the Provincial Theater does not forget about spiritual food - it is wonderful that in this area the assessments of everyone who bothered to leave feedback about their impressions can be described as enthusiastic.

Spiritual food

The play of the actors is defined as "magnificent", the music - "wonderful", the scenery - "luxurious". The atmosphere of the theater as a whole is called both “magical” and “sincere”, many reviews contain praise to the staff: they are responsive, smiling, always ready to help.

The provincial theater offers a very diverse repertoire: during the day, both scenes turn into the abode of fairy tales, and the halls are given over to the children, who are involved in art: many performances are designed for small spectators (the recommended age is mainly from 6 years old). There are those who can come with a “wise life” as a teenager (“Cyrano de Bergerac”).

provincial theater reviews
The creators of the productions are highly praised: a “normal text”, a dynamic plot, a successful combination of traditions and the capabilities of modern technologies, which the Moscow Provincial Theater does not disdain at all. So, in the play “The Jungle Book. Mowgli ”involved a large screen - the authors resorted to animation in those places where it was problematic to limit oneself to some scenery (and why, when does a new one knock on all windows and doors?). During the production of “Treasure Island” for the audience, with the help of a special projector, the illusion of being in the scene is created: stars flicker overhead, seagulls fly, etc.

Step towards the viewer

Grateful spectators and the foyer design corresponding to the theme of each performance celebrate. This wonderful idea is especially pleasing to the kids: little theatergoers are infinitely happy to take pictures with a “banderlog” (if the performance about Mowgli is ahead) or take part in pirate games (when “Treasure Island” is coming).

With fiction, the theater staff is also approaching a meeting of spectators who have come to evening, "adult" performances.

The repertoire of the theater is good and diverse, the cast is of high quality, burning with creative endeavors. Relatively recently, Sergey Bezrukov tried himself in a new role for himself as a theater director (reviews indicate that he was successful). The success of the production gave rise to a desire to share it with residents of other places: the first big tour of the Provincial Theater in the 2014-2015 season took place in St. Petersburg, Kazan, and even abroad (in Astana).

To summarize, a new, very worthy successor to the glorious theatrical traditions appeared on the map of the Russian capital - a young, fervent, successfully combining classics and innovation, captivating with an attentive and respectful attitude to his audience.

tour of the provincial theater
All this is a great motive to finally find time and buy a ticket: numerous reviews do not ask, but simply demand: “Come! Watch it! Enjoy it! ”


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