Vitamins "Aevit": reviews, analogues and instructions for use

Vitamins "Aevit" - a complex of vitamins that helps stimulate the body's immunity and remove antioxidants, and it also has a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails. But it should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Why? The article gives an answer to this question.

Pharmacological properties

Vitamins "Aevit" - a combined type of drug. Its action is determined on the basis of the properties of the vitamins of the fat-soluble type, which are included in its composition. These vitamins include A and E.

The number of components in the complex does not allow us to consider it a multivitamin complex. With the joint functioning of the elements, the body increases resistance to oxygen deficiency, tissue respiration is optimized, lipid metabolism is improved, and vascular elasticity is increased.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A or retinol is a very important component that contributes to the normal functioning of the retina. With the interaction of retinol and the red pigment of the retina, the formation of visual purpura rhodopsin occurs, due to which the person adapts visually in the dark. In addition, vitamin A promotes bone growth, as well as normal fertility and embryo development. It also regulates the division and differentiation of the epithelium, i.e. It enhances the reproduction of skin epithelial cells, rejuvenation of the cell population, inhibition of the keratinization process, etc. Among other things, with its help, as a cofactor, various biological processes occur.

Vitamin E or tocopherol is a good antioxidant that promotes the development of free radical reactions, preventing the formation of peroxides that damage the subcellular and cellular membranes. The performance of this function has a positive effect on the overall development, as well as the functioning of the muscular and nervous systems of the body. In combination with selenium, it slows down the oxidation of unsaturated acids (fatty) and prevents the destruction of red blood cells with the release of hemoglobin. Tocopherol is also a non-protein compound for some enzyme systems. In addition, it restores blood circulation in the capillaries, normalizes tissue and capillary permeability, and increases the degree of resistance of body tissues to hypoxia. The function of one of the elements of vitamin E - alpha-tocopherol is not fully understood.

Vitamin Composition

According to reviews of Aevit vitamins, it is available in the form of capsules and ampoules.

Vitamins in ampoules are sold in a cardboard box of 10 pieces each. One ampoule contains 1 ml of solution for intramuscular injection and includes:

  • retinol acetate - 0.1 g;
  • alpha-tocopherol acetate - 0.1 g.
Yellow capsules

Vitamins in capsules are sold in blister packs of 10 pieces each or in a glass jar of 25 pieces each. One capsule is included:

  • retinol palmitate ME - 0.055 g;
  • alpha-tocopherol acetate - 0.1 g.


According to doctors' reviews, Aevit vitamins are recommended in the following cases:

  • with a lack of vitamins E and A in the human body, as well as with a state of increased need for them;
  • with a decrease in the intake of vitamins E and A due to diarrhea, gastrectomy, steatorrhea, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, malabsorption syndrome, chronic cholestasis, cirrhosis of the liver, atresia of the biliary tract, obstructive jaundice, cystic fibrosis of the pancreas, tropical sprue, infectious diseases, hemeralopia keratomalacia;
  • unbalanced and malnutrition;
  • quick weight loss;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • addiction;
  • alcoholism;
  • prolonged state of stress;
  • intake of certain substances (colestyramine, oils from minerals, colestipol, neomycin, products with iron);
  • diets with an increased content of polyunsaturated acids (fatty);
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • pregnancy;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • necrotizing myopathy;
  • abetalipoproteinemia.
Vitamin E

Vitamins are also taken for atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, trophic tissue disorders and obliterating endarteritis. But the effectiveness, according to reviews, and why Aevit vitamins are useful for women and men, has not been proven.

Instructions for use and dosage

The dosage of the drug depends on the method of application.

If you take the vitamin drug inside, the dosage is as follows:

  • in the form of capsules - 1 piece daily;
  • in the form of an intramuscular solution - 1 ml daily.

Vitamins can be taken on an empty stomach, after meals or between them. This has no effect on the effect of the drug.

The duration of the course of treatment is from 20 to 40 days. Between courses it is necessary to maintain a gap of three months to six months.

The vitamin complex can also be used as an external agent. To do this, you need to purchase vitamins in ampoules and lubricate the contents of the nail plate. This helps to strengthen the nails and prevents their fragility.


A vitamin drug is not recommended for people who have the following symptoms:

Beautiful hands
  1. Allergic reaction, including skin rash.
  2. Pain in the epigastric region.
  3. Dyspeptic disorder in the form of nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis or cholelithiasis, if treatment takes a long time with a large dosage.
  5. The appearance with intramuscular injection of soreness, infiltrate or calcification of soft tissue areas.
  6. Hypervitaminosis of elements E and A.
  7. Hypersensitivity.
  8. Age to 14 years.

Special instructions

  1. According to doctors' reviews, Aevit vitamins for women during pregnancy or breastfeeding are prescribed with extreme caution (especially for the first trimester).
  2. It is not recommended to exceed the prescribed doses in connection with the possibility of developing the problems of hypervitaminosis E and A.
  3. When taking a vitamin preparation, it must be borne in mind that it is not a preventive, but a therapeutic agent. In addition, it contains an increased dose of vitamin A (100,000 ME).
  4. Vitamin A reduces the effectiveness of calcium-containing drugs, as a result of which hypercalcemia may develop.
  5. Retinol weakens the effect of calcium preparations, increases the risk of developing hypercalcemia.
  6. The absorption of vitamins E and A is reduced when taking colestyramine, colestipol, mineral oils or neomycin.
  7. When taking oral contraceptives, the content of retinol in the blood plasma increases.
  8. Taking isotretinoin increases the risk of vitamin A intoxication.
  9. With the simultaneous use of retinol and tetracycline in large doses (from 50,000 ME and above), the risk of developing hypertension (intracranial) increases.
  10. Tocopherol enhances the effects of NSAIDs, GCS and antioxidants, and also helps to increase the effectiveness and reduce the toxicity of vitamins D and A and glycosides (cardiac). In addition, taking a large amount of vitamin E can cause a deficiency in the body of vitamin A.
  11. Tocopherol increases the effectiveness of epilepsy medications in people with high levels of lipid oxidation (peroxidation) in the blood .
  12. With the simultaneous intake of vitamin E in high doses and anticoagulants (derivatives of indandion and coumarin), the risk of bleeding increases and contributes to the development of hypoprothrombinemia.
  13. The use of iron-containing drugs in large doses helps to increase the oxidative processes that occur in the body, and therefore the need for vitamin E increases.
Vitamin E

According to reviews of the Aevit vitamins instructions, there are no structural analogues of active ingredients for these vitamins.

Positive reviews

About Aevit vitamin complex there are a lot of various reviews. First of all, it is worth considering a positive assessment of people. According to reviews of Aevit vitamins for women, they are inexpensive and very convenient to use. The small size of the transparent golden beads makes them easy to ingest. People who use them will soon notice an improvement in the condition of the nails (they become stronger and cease to exfoliate). In addition, reviews of Aevit vitamins indicate that they are also effective in reducing vision.

Many positive feedback from those who use the external method of application. The laudations about the Aevit vitamins for the skin indicate that when oil content is added to the cream-oil for the body and hands, as well as in the face gels, an improvement in the appearance of the skin is noticeable. Almost immediately after the start of application, the color improves, elasticity increases, the skin becomes smooth and delicate. If you smear oil on eyelashes and eyebrows, then noticeably an improvement in their growth and increase in density.

According to reviews of Aevit vitamins for hair, their use, for example, by mixing with almond oil, significantly reduces hair loss. To do this, you can mix three vitamin capsules and oil (almond), then massage into the head with massage movements. After an hour, the mixture must be thoroughly washed with shampoo.

There are many positive comments about the use of a vitamin preparation during a diet. According to reviews of Aevit vitamins for the face, when using the drug inside even during the winter diet, the hair becomes soft and smooth, and the nails are strong and long. In addition, the effect becomes noticeable quickly enough. In combination with a low price, this tool does not compare with expensive analogues. After completing one course, the nails will stop flaking and breaking, and the problem of hair loss will also be solved.

Among all the reviews about Aevit vitamins for skin, hair and nails, almost everyone agrees that two to three capsules per week are enough to take orally to avoid health problems. In this case, external use can be used in unlimited quantities. This method does not cause side effects, but the oil is absorbed quickly enough and nourishes the skin well.

Clean skin

Based on reviews of Aevit vitamins for facial skin, we can safely say that the vitamin preparation perfectly removes puffiness in the eye area, especially after a night's sleep. In addition, positive results are noticeable when applying oil to the lips. They become juicy and fresh, even in winter with constant weathering.

Negative reviews

Negative reviews about the instructions for the use of Aevit vitamins in most cases arise in connection with the described allergic reactions that may occur due to the increased content of tocopherol in the preparation. Despite taking vitamins three times a week, some may experience nausea, dizziness, and a rash.

Some women who took the drug 1 capsule per day for more than 3 months had cracks on their lips (they were not there before), hair began to fall out actively, the skin on the body and face became coarser and lost its elasticity. Other people have exacerbated chronic kidney disease, increased peeling of the skin, decreased visual acuity, and problems with the skin near the eyes.

According to reviews of Aevit vitamins from wrinkles, some women did not notice the results at the external use of the drug at all. They compare the effect of vitamins with regular oil or good cream.

Negatively minded women advise drinking such vitamins only to those who should not drink milk, and who for some reason do not eat carrots, eggs, and butter.

Neutral reviews

Among the reviews about Aevit vitamins for the face, hair and nails, there are also many neutral ones. According to these reviews, the drug gives results only in some areas. For example, when taking vitamins, people with problem skin had insignificant improvements in its condition, and the effect was achieved only when taking the drug with other means (for example, creams and tonics for problem skin of the face). People who do not suffer from problems with the nails showed a slight improvement in their quality.

But positive reviews are noticeable when treating inflamed pimples on problem skin. When squeezing oil on a problem place at night, the redness in the morning subsided.

Healthy hair

There are also positive reviews about the effect of vitamins on hair growth, and also along with the effects of other drugs. For example, when oil was added to the shampoo, hair loss was noticeably reduced. But at the same time, the hair began to oily faster due to the fact that the shampoo texture due to vitamins becomes more oily.

There are a lot of positive reviews about Aevit vitamins from women who add capsule vitamins to all face, body and hair care products. The condition of all these areas is improving, and in combination with the low cost of vitamins, the result lives up to expectations.

Medical reviews about Aevit vitamins

Some doctors prescribe a drug for dermatoses accompanied by impaired keratinization (for example, seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, various forms of dyskeratosis). The price category is classified as available.

Doctors do not recommend self-medication with the help of a vitamin preparation, since if taken improperly, it can harm the body. The vitamins in the preparation are fat-soluble and accumulate inside the body. Therefore, doctors strongly do not recommend taking vitamins as a preventive measure.

Doctors also note the ability of this drug to normalize the cycle of menstruation, while the effect is not achieved immediately, but gradually. The strengths of vitamins also include their participation in the regulation of the action of female hormones of the genital area, especially in adolescent girls during the rebuilding of the body and the inertness of the ovaries.

Doctors do not reveal serious deficiencies in the vitamin preparation. Most often, it is recommended to take it on your own when there is a sensation of vitamin deficiency, a loss of strength, the appearance of dull skin, etc. At the same time, vitamins are advised to be taken only for one course. Further admission should be agreed with the doctor.

The vitamin preparation "Aevit", despite its poor composition, has a large number of useful properties. For external use, no restrictions. But ingestion must certainly be agreed with a specialist.


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