Mormyshki on bream in winter. Winter bream fishing on mormyshka

Like most other carp fish, the bream does not go into hibernation in the winter, but continues to lead an active lifestyle. Its activity, of course, is not as high as in spring or summer, but still the need for protein makes this fish look for an appropriate feed. Therefore, with the establishment of sufficiently strong ice, you can safely go fishing for a winter bream. Before you begin preparing gear, you should find out how he behaves and where he lives at this time of year.

Where and when to catch bream in winter

At the very beginning of winter, when the air temperature does not exceed -10 0 C, in large ponds you can search for bream at a depth of 5 m. The best places for fishing will be differences in depths and edges. You can also try to drill holes near the thickets of reeds or reeds - until the vegetation has rotted, the bream will stay close to it. When severe frosts occur, the fish will go to deeper places. Pits more than 5 m deep will become a refuge for bream until ice melts.

Mormyshki on bream in winter

In small shallow ponds, you need to identify the deepest places. Having no other alternative, the bream will go there for the winter.

The best time of day for winter fishing on this fish is morning and afternoon. Of course, these conditions only apply if the weather is good and stable. Rare periods of thaws also contribute to good biting.

The best tackle for winter bream fishing

In order to get a good catch, you will need the appropriate gear. For ice fishing on bream, an ordinary winter fishing rod with a nod equipped with a mormyshka is successfully used. This universal device can also be used for catching other fish, such as roach or perch. Fishing a bream in winter for mormyshka does not require special skills, so even a beginner, subject to the basic rules of winter fishing, will not be left without a catch. It is only important to properly equip a winter fishing rod.

In the winter, fishing for bream

The design of a winter fishing rod for fishing a bream on an mormyshka

The tackle for winter fishing for bream on a mormyshka consists of the following elements:

  • a fishing rod (strong blank 30-50 cm long, equipped with several through-rings and a convenient handle with a holder for the reel);
  • nod of medium hardness 15-25 cm long;
  • reel for fishing line;
  • fishing line 0.1-0.17 mm thick and about 20 m long;
  • large bream mormyshka.

For fishing on bream, anglers often use a home-made nod from a clock spring. Its rigidity at the correct length provides the best bite signaling and self-biting of the fish.

The fishing line must withstand 1-1.5 kg per gap, otherwise the bream will easily break it off the edge of the hole. If you plan to catch large fish, you can use a cord with a thickness of at least 0.12 mm.

The coil can be any, the main thing is that it is reliable.

Mormyshki used for fishing with bait

Experienced anglers argue that winter mormyshki on bream should have three important characteristics: large size, oblong shape and dim color. A large bait will provide a quick lowering to a significant depth and reduce the likelihood of tearing down the course.

Winter bream fishing on mormyshka

The greatest efficiency in winter fishing for bream have mormyshki of such models:

  • Uralka;
  • inverted uralka;
  • "Oatmeal";
  • A drop.

These are the most catchy mormyshki on bream in the winter, intended for use with bait. Their shape and the correct game allows you to catch this fish even during the dead end season.

Each of these lures has its own advantages. In the winter, fishing for bream in the course and at great depths, for example, will be more effective when using the uralka. “Ovsyinka” and “droplet” are more suitable for small specimens, and also when there is a chance of biting of the scavenger and other types of fish: roach, perch or ruff.

When choosing the color of the bait, it is better to give preference to black, gray, green and white. Too bright mormyshki on bream in winter do not use. Colors that are not natural for this time of year are alarming and scaring away fish.


On water bodies with a fast current, mormyshki-bezmototy can be used. This type of bait does not require additional use of bait. They are made in the form of insects or small aquatic inhabitants, which are the natural food of fish. For reservoirs with rich fauna, these are the best mormyshki for bream in winter. Photos of such baits are presented below.

Catchy mormyshki on bream in winter

In addition, they are great for fishing on the stream. A bait game created by a water stream mimics the natural behavior of an insect or crustacean.

In the winter, fishing for bream is very often carried out by such mormyshki. There are several types of them:

  • "nymph";
  • "Little devil";
  • "goat";
  • flat mormyshka, etc.

Design features of mormyshek on bream

When choosing a mormyshka, experts recommend paying attention to its shape and type of hook. Bait for bream have their own characteristics. Firstly, the bream jug must be drop-shaped, and secondly, the tip of its hook should be directed to the place of entry of the main fishing line. This is all due to the structural features of the body and the way the bream is swallowed. Other baits, he can easily spit out, pricked about a sting.

Some anglers are convinced that the most catchy mormyshki on bream in winter should be hollow. Indeed, with an excellent game, they are able to cause not only hydrodynamic, but also special sound vibrations that attract fish. In addition, when they tap the bottom, a certain sound is also created, which in most cases makes the bream react.

Mormyshki on bream in winter photo

Given the nature of this fish and its fastidiousness in food, it is better to have a set of different mormyshki with you. This will not particularly affect your financial situation, but will significantly increase the likelihood of returning home with the catch.

Bait for winter fishing for bream on mormyshka

As already mentioned, some mormyshki on bream in winter are used along with bait of animal origin. Most often in their quality are applied:

  • bloodworm;
  • caddis flies ;
  • larvae of burdock moth;
  • maggot.

Bloodworms are considered the most effective bait for winter fishing, not only bream, but also other fish. However, in certain periods, its use may not bring the desired result. Then the fishermen go to the trick: either use it with a different type of bait, or they plant a “sandwich” of several different bait. The size of mormyshka on bream in winter should also depend on the type of nozzle. A bunch of bloodworms or insect larvae should not completely cover the body of the bait. Their purpose is to make it more attractive and fragrant.


As for the need for feeding, here the opinions of fishermen differ. Some believe that bait is needed, while others, on the contrary, argue that it will only interfere by attracting other fish. But be that as it may, extra knowledge about its composition and application will not hurt.

Lures are fed either with purchased mixtures for cyprinids, or home-made based on sunflower meal, breadcrumbs, rye flour. As a flavoring add sunflower, linseed or hemp oil. Any bait for bream in the winter should include additives of animal origin. Most often, a feed or chopped bloodworm is used for these purposes. Its component in the mixture should not be less than 10%.

Winter mormyshki on bream

For feeding, special plastic feeders with a load are used. They are lowered into the hole with a fishing line and left for the entire time of fishing.

The tactics of catching bream on mormyshka

Wells are drilled perpendicular to the shore at a distance of at least 10-15 m from each other. In the proposed parking lot they need to be made 3-5, after which they should be fed. After 15-20 minutes, you can begin to catch holes.

Large mormyshka is usually used first. In the winter the bream is most impressed by the size and color of the bait, and only then its smell. The first bait should be a bunch of bloodworms. If there is a bream, he will not miss the opportunity to profit from them. But besides bait and bait, the fishing method plays a huge role.

In the winter, bream is caught in two ways: on a fixed mormyshka and on the playing one. The first method is that the bait with the bait sinks to the bottom. The fishing line should be pulled. The fishing rod is mounted above the hole on the stand. During the bite, the nod straightens, and the weight of the bream bait increases. Thus, self-undercutting occurs.

The most catchy mormyshki on bream

When fishing on a playing mormyshka, the following techniques can be applied:

  • lowering the tackle to the bottom, holding it for several seconds, slowly lifting it to a distance of 3-10 cm with further repetition;
  • lowering the mormyshka to the bottom, tapping (5-7 times), raising the gear to a distance of 30-60 cm with small jerks;
  • accelerated rise of mormyshka to a distance of 50-60 cm and smooth lowering;
  • low-amplitude loosening of the bait from side to side.

In bodies of water with a strong current, bream may not feel the game of mormyshka. To attract fish, anglers often supplement with snap-in with a regular hook. A heavy mormyshka with bait is attached to the main fishing line, and above it (15-20 cm) a leash 10-15 cm long, equipped with a hook with a nozzle, is attached to the main fishing line. This solution doubles the chance of biting. It turns out that we have a stationary mormyshka and a bait playing on the course.


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