The demo version is ... Analysis of test versions of paid software

We all heard an expression like a demo. So called early or demo versions of computer software. The article describes in detail about its types and differences from the final product.


demo version is

The demo version is a way to show the target audience of a future product its main features and stage of development. This can happen both at special exhibitions and through the Internet. A program or other digital product is shared, where anyone can download it for review.

But it also happens that the product is completely ready, but the manufacturer still distributes its demo sample. In this case, the demo version is a kind of advertising โ€œprobeโ€, after which a person can decide whether to purchase a full-fledged product. After all, such solutions are implemented mainly by manufacturers of expensive commercial programs, and not everyone can afford to buy a license right away. And if, given modern realities, people often use pirated software without any particular fear, then for business or government agencies, the demo version is the only way to get acquainted with the program without buying it and without threatening to pay a huge fine.

Game industry

demo games

With games, the situation is very similar. Now, when the development of games on a budget does not differ much from expensive films, the future consumer needs to be interested in advance, so that by the time of release the players are already waiting for a digital blockbuster, and not stumbled upon it, half a year later and on some kind of torrent. So the demo versions of games are an effective way to interest the audience, demonstrate innovations to competitors, and simply do not let fans get bored, because sometimes the game development process drags on for many years or even be postponed. And so there is a constant heating of interest, this is especially true when the release date is constantly shifting, and ordinary articles, screenshots and trailers are clearly not enough to keep the target audience.

A striking example is STALKER. Creating a game took much longer, but demo pieces of the game regularly appeared on the Web. True, according to the official version, hackers stole them from the developers, but many are convinced that such statements are only additional ways to attract attention to a project that many did not believe in anymore.

Also, stripped down versions of games were popular in the 90s, when the sizes of computer disks were quite small, and often they recorded a few dozen โ€œdemosโ€ instead of full-fledged games. And sometimes sellers did the same, passing them off as complete.

Demo version: antivirus with a trial period

demo version of antivirus

Antiviruses are paid and free. Free most often you can freely use it for any purpose, whether itโ€™s the treatment of a home computer or working PC enterprises and institutions.

To use paid ones you need to purchase their license. The cost varies quite widely and depends on the purpose of use - commercial or private. In any case, almost all well-known security programs have a demo period, so that users can evaluate their work and decide whether to pay money.

Unlike other software, their capabilities are not cut back, and this is very logical. Usually the trial period is 30 days, after which the program is suspended.


As we found out, the demo version is a good way to show the user what a product is, for the use of which you need to pay money. Each developer limits the functionality of such versions in their own way, but sometimes even such truncated programs are enough for one or another need, especially if you need to use them only a couple of times.


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