Diameter of the crown of the apple tree: description of species, varieties, sizes and features

Apple tree is one of the most common trees in Russia. The Russians love this tree very much and actively plant it in their summer cottages, house adjoining territories, etc. As an apple tree gardening culture, it has existed for a very long time. Apple trees can reach fifteen meters in height, that is, be quite tall trees, and grow in the form of a bush. In general, there are many types of apple trees.

And how many varieties exist?

In nature, there are up to fifty varieties of this plant and, accordingly, a lot of varieties are known to our summer residents. Here are some of them: “papier”, “melba”, “white filling”, “Moscow pear”, “dream”, “myronchik”, “anise scarlet”, “Baltika”, “Sverdlovsk beauty”, “Ural bulk”, “Antonovka Aport”, “Athlete”, “Veteran”, “Cherry”, “Health”, “Amazing”, “Dwarf”, “Kuibyshev”, “Lobo”, “Moscow” “Winter”, “Short”, “Orlik” ”,“ Oryol Polesie ”,“ Tatar wounds ”,“ Northern Sipan ”,“ start ”,“ student ”,“ cliff ”,“ Moscow anniversary ”, etc. And this is only a very small part.

Well, a very impressive list, agree?

What is the main difference between the varieties?

The main difference between the varieties in the ripening period and the specifics of further storage of fruits.

One of the most famous varieties among gardeners is the "papier". The size of the tree is medium, the variety is not susceptible to major pests. However, during the rainy season, “papiroka” is prone to scab damage. The crop begins to appear in the fifth year after planting, the fruits ripen in August. Apples differ in that they deteriorate very quickly (shelf life of no more than two weeks).

No less popular is the Mironchik. This variety is resistant to frost. The apple tree is quite high, with an extensive crown. Harvesting can be done already in August, for about one month apples can lie. Keep them in a cool, dark place.

After the gardener has decided on the choice of apple variety, you can start planting the plant. It must be remembered that in order to receive a good harvest every year, it is necessary to feed on time, cut off unnecessary branches in order to obtain a crown of a certain shape, notice diseases in time, and carefully process. Pests are very active.

During the period of tree care, it is very important to monitor the diameter of the crown of the apple tree. Modeling the crown is important because if you miss this moment, then gradually the tree from the cultivar will grow into a wild game, respectively, the fruits will be much smaller and more acidic. Apples in the garden apple should be smooth, juicy, without external damage and signs of the disease. The wild apple tree gives rise to acidic, bitter-tasting fruits, smaller in shape with a damaged surface. The fruit of the wild is visually different, it is immediately noticeable.

Crown of apple tree

At first glance, for a beginner gardener, the formation of the crown width is a very difficult question. The gardener has several important questions:

  1. First, for which apple tree is this or that crown size intended?
  2. Secondly, what branch pruning rules exist for crown modeling?

The branches on the tree must be distributed like tiers, then the load from the fruits will spread equally to all branches (eliminating the possibility of breaking), the branches will not block each other's light from the sun, the whole plant will receive it. Apple trees must be planted at least four meters apart, otherwise they will not fully grow and develop.

Here are some simple rules:

  1. Do not allow the formation of a dense crown, otherwise the yield will be low.
  2. Prevent the formation of a large crown, then the fruits will be inside the entire deciduous volume and not receive the necessary amount of sunlight. The strength of the plant, intended for the growth of fruits, will go to the growth of foliage. The result is a poor harvest.

Why is it necessary to prune trees?

Indeed, this is a very important issue. The fact is that in the process of photosynthesis sugar is produced, which should be evenly distributed over the development of the fruits and the tree itself, namely the branches and leaves. Constant pruning of branches helps maintain a balance in the distribution of nutrients.

In addition, if you do not prune the branches, then the apple tree will become very high, which will greatly complicate the harvest process. Many gardeners use a long stick, at the end of which, like an octopus, there is a trap with tentacles and a net. This device allows you to pluck fruits from the very tops, preventing them from falling, because fallen apples are damaged, lose their appearance and shorten their shelf life.

It is also necessary to form a crown because under the weight of the fruit the branches of the apple tree can break off. The shorter and more magnificent the crown, the less chance of a break. High branches are more susceptible to damage (both from the severity of the crop, and from a gust of wind).

Taking into account the diameter of the crown of an apple tree is also important because caring for trees with a natural crown is much more difficult (it is higher, more susceptible to pests and bark disease).

Any variety of apple trees tolerates the pruning process and the gardener does not harm the tree, but only helps. The crown should be cut annually in the spring, and the procedure is carried out before the sap flow begins. Sap flow is the process of moving water together with beneficial substances inside the plant. There are ascending (from the roots to the crown) and descending current (from the crown of the tree to the roots).

How to properly form the crown of an apple tree: mechanism of action

The formation of the correct diameter of the crown of the apple tree occurs in stages, in four years. At each stage, a tier of branches is gradually formed.

The beginning gardener always has one main question: “Where to start?” The annual plant should be cut. The first most important task is to determine the zone of the stem. What is a standard and where is its zone? The height of the stem is the length of the tree trunk from the soil itself to the place where the branches begin to diverge and the skeleton of the plant begins to form. So, this distance should be about half a meter. Thirty centimeters are visually measured from the zone of the stem. For convenience, you can put a note on a tree trunk. Just do not spoil the bark! From this point begins the first tier of branches, which consists of three branches. All others are cut off.

The next year, the gardener will improve the already formed tier. The second year of care should also begin in the spring before sap flow. For the whole year, branches will appear on the stem, they should be removed. The first tier consists of three branches, and they should be modeled. The first branch is left about fifty centimeters long, the other two, located above, are cut at the same level. Therefore, it turns out that all three branches are on the same level, but in length, they are not the same (one is longer and two are shorter). Moreover, the growth of one (the longest) should be directed in one direction, and the other two - in opposite directions. Where there was a cut on the central pillar last year, new branches may appear. They are strongly worth removing, as these are competitor branches. Three branches are modeled on branches. Their length should not exceed thirty centimeters. Such short branches bear good and plentiful fruit.

The third year of modeling. It is necessary to form two more new skeletal branches, they must be formed fifty centimeters from the branches of the first tier, that is, between the new branches and the branches of the first tier there must be at least fifty centimeters. Other branches are removed, because in this case they are, as already mentioned, competitor branches. If one of the branches is higher than the other, then it is necessary to bring everything to one level.

The fourth year is the final stage. Only one new branch is formed (at a distance of forty centimeters from the main tier).

Experienced gardeners believe that on this the formation of the diameter of the crown of the apple tree is completed. And they do not recommend touching the crown for two years. After this period only branches that have grown from the central trunk are cut. Do not allow abundant growth of the crown. It should not exceed more than two and a half meters in height.

Berry apple tree

Berry apple tree

Before finding out what diameter of the crown of a “berry” apple tree, it should be classified as a species. It belongs to the small-fruited type of apple trees (the fruits are very small, with a diameter of only one centimeter). For residents of the middle zone this will seem a serious drawback, but for the population of Buryatia, on the contrary. A significant plus of this species is that it is very resistant to low temperatures, withstands frosts up to minus 56 degrees.

This variety is characterized by unpretentiousness and high yields. It is widely used in landscape design, since this apple tree is stunted and blooms for a long time. The crown diameter of the “berry” apple tree practically corresponds to the height of the plant (an adult tree can reach up to ten meters in height).

Siberian apple tree

Siberian apple tree

The Siberian or Siberian apple tree also belongs to frost-resistant varieties. Short, the fruits are not quite palatable: bitter and sour. The diameter of the crown of the "Siberian" apple tree is quite significant, since the crown is quite sprawling. It is actively used for landscape design: it is especially decorative during the flowering and ripening of fruits. The apple tree is very durable, the cycle of her life, attention: three hundred years! This is a long-liver! This tree loves light very much, moisture consumption is moderate, not capricious to the quality of the soil. The apple tree is unpretentious, therefore it is not surprising that it is actively growing: the crown diameter of the “Siberian” apple tree is about six meters.

Ordinary apple tree

Apple tree

This apple tree is quite tall. The variety is resistant to frost. The life form of the “ordinary” apple tree is oval; the crown has an oblong shape. It grows for a very long time before it begins to bear fruit; the yield is only for 8–9 years. The fruits are juicy, sweet, yellow in color with a greenish tint. Apples do not last long; they deteriorate quickly. Cropping starts from the second year. Gardeners recommend removing every new third branch. In addition, anti-aging pruning should be performed annually every spring. In this way, according to professionals, the diameter of the crown of an “ordinary” apple tree is formed.

Apple tree "lobo"

Apple tree Lobo

This variety of apple trees is very unpretentious in care. It differs in elegant flowering, as well as a beautiful color and shape of the fruit. It is recommended to grow in warm regions of the country, since the variety withstands a temperature drop of only minus thirty degrees. But it is resistant to drought. The first crop can be obtained after 3-4 years after planting, again, if you properly care for the tree and regularly prune.

“Lobo” tolerates pruning, which can be carried out from the first years of life. It is extremely important to observe the required diameter of the crown of the apple tree “forehead”, since this will extend the fruiting period of the tree. The apple tree gives a good harvest until the age of seventeen, then the volume gradually decreases.

Apple tree "Melba"

Apple tree Melba

The apple-tree "Melba" is low. The variety is extremely painful, very unstable to scab, so it needs regular feeding and prevention. The first crop gives after five years of growth. Fruits ripen by the end of summer, are characterized by high transportability, red blush of the fruit and sweet and sour taste. Annual crown pruning required. The gardener should form a small diameter of the crown of the apple tree "melba", in shape it should resemble an oval.

Apple-tree "white filling"

Apple-tree White filling

One of the most popular among many varieties of apple trees is the "white filling". Unfortunately, he is prone to scab infection and can often get sick. To avoid this, it is recommended that the tree is constantly processed. The apple tree belongs to trees of medium height. The diameter of the crown of the apple "white filling" is about six and a half meters, the crown is rounded in shape. The fruit ripens in August, but is stored for almost three months. The color of the apple is white, without veins, the flesh is sweet and sour to the taste.

Apple tree "home"

Apple-tree Home

This name of the variety combines various hybrids of fruit apple trees. This variety is also durable, as well as the "Siberian" apple tree: grows about three hundred years. Possible landing individually or in groups. When planting in a group, it is necessary to take into account that the distance between plants is at least four meters.

The crown diameter of the “home” apple tree is about six meters. The apple tree has a spreading crown, medium in size. The tree is very decorative during flowering or fruiting, exudes a delicate aroma. The leaf shape is very successful, so this variety is actively used in design. According to the description, the shape of the leaf of the apple tree is round.

Apple tree "Antonovka"

Apple tree Antonovka

Antonovka combines several varieties. The variety is winter-hardy, it withstands frosts pretty well, but is unstable to pests and diseases of the bark, leaves: it often suffers from scab. For the first harvest, Antonovka needs to grow three or four years. The apple tree is quite high, the crown is wide and spreading. The crown diameter of the Antonovka apple tree is approximately six meters. Experienced gardeners recommend a sanitary pruning, during which old, dried branches are cut. The fruits ripen by the beginning of August, they are yellow in color with a greenish tint, the flesh is juicy, the taste is sweet and sour.

Apple tree of "Nedzvetsky"

Apple tree of Nedzvetsky

This is a decorative variety of apple trees, so it is actively being introduced into the decoration of the landscape. A bit of history ... Traveling around China, the famous Russian scientist, biologist V.E. Nedzvetsky, noticed a delightful apple tree. It bloomed in an indescribable pink color and was all covered with flowers. Naturally, he immediately took samples of this apple tree. His colleague Georg Dick grew a tree in Kazakhstan. So the apple tree "Nedzvetskogo" appeared in Russia.

The apple tree is frost-resistant and it is grown in different regions of Russia. It is very interesting that at the very beginning the apple tree resembles a pyramid in shape, but subsequently the branches bend under their weight, and the crown takes the form of a ball. The crown diameter of the Nedzvetsky apple tree is about six meters.

So, as you know, there are a lot of varieties of apple trees. Before choosing a variety for themselves, gardeners recommend reading about it. Each type of tree is specific in its development, requires special planting rules, the type of fertilizer and processing, and is unique in the method of crown formation, a tendency to a particular disease. Take care of the plant, and it will respond with gratitude: it will give a good harvest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9310/

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