Why do mushrooms dream?

To solve a dream in which mushrooms appear in one way or another is not so simple. And all because the interpretation of such a dream can be exactly the same as there are dream books. Of course, if on the eve you enjoyed the taste of pickled champignons or, for example, are an avid mushroom picker, then thereโ€™s nothing to be guessed at. Well, if not? Let's try to figure out why mushrooms are dreaming.

Usually mushrooms symbolize suspicion and caution. After all, it is not in vain in Russian fairy tales that it is from fly agarics that evil sorceresses brew a potion, with the help of which they enchant and send misfortunes. In other cases, mushrooms, on the contrary, symbolize wisdom. So, for example, the mushroom-boletus in many legends is considered a good spirit and the keeper of the forest, a meeting with it promises prosperity and good luck.

As in many cases, in order to solve a particular dream, you need to remember as many details as possible. For example, what kind of mushrooms were dreamed in a dream, what action was associated with them. So, if in a dream you suddenly find yourself in a mushroom glade - waking should be careful. Some of your imaginary friends are trying to trick you. The dream in which you see a basket of mushrooms predicts unreasonable suspicions about you, which will have to be refuted. The dream in which others were picking mushrooms, and you only got the legs, warns that because of excessive suspicion, you can miss a great chance. A bad sign promising all sorts of troubles and misfortunes is to see wormy mushrooms.

You can try to find out why mushrooms dream in different dream books. So, if you believe Aesopโ€™s dream book, then seeing yourself in a dream in the form of a mushroom means that in real life you have to take responsibility. There is a mushroom soup in a dream , according to the same dream book - to suspect someone from relatives of an unseemly act. And if in front of your eyes mushrooms grow the size of a house - those around you will appreciate your wisdom. The ABC of interpretation of dreams also gives answers to the question - why do mushrooms dream? Such a dream, as a rule, warns of illusory plans and dubious pleasures, but in some cases it can mean a reward. To see grebes and fly agarics - to deception and lies, to collect - a lot of work remains. Seeing mushrooms growing in an unusual place means that the venture you started is very risky.

The opinion of the Ukrainian dream book is interesting as to what mushrooms dream of. It is considered a good sign to see poisonous mushrooms, such a dream promises profit. In a dream, women gather mushrooms - for the imminent birth of a child. Seeing dried mushrooms means that in reality it will be possible to avoid some kind of misfortune, but if one eats mushrooms in a dream, he is destined to live to a very old age.

If you dreamed about porcini mushrooms

To collect porcini mushrooms - to the beginning of a new business, which will be profitable, to receive a bonus or reward. In addition, such a dream promises a successful purchase and a successful marriage, or just a quiet family life. Why dream of porcini mushrooms to a woman? In this case, sleep is not always good. Such a dream for a woman can portend disappointment in her husband, and also warn about an unwanted pregnancy.

Many dream books give an interpretation to such dreams, in which any specific mushrooms appear, for example, honey mushrooms or champignons. Why do mushrooms mushrooms dream ? Collecting these mushrooms means that you can inadvertently inflict severe mental pain on a loved one or break off your relationship with him for a long time. If in a dream you dry honey mushrooms and string them on a string, you will be defeated by enemies; if you fry, expect advancement on the career ladder. A lot of fans foreshadow the woman honey mushrooms in a dream. Well, if you dream of champignons, then in reality you imitate other people's tastes and adhere to someone else's opinion.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9311/

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