Fashion is ... About fashion psychology and style

Today, many people are interested in what these or other usual seemingly words mean in our vocabulary. For example, almost everyone knows that fashion is something about the fashion world, but what exactly, few will answer. In this article we will understand what meaning this word carries in itself and in what cases its use is appropriate.

What kind of beast?

So, saying that feng is a fashion, no one will be mistaken. After all, fashion borrowed from English is translated exactly as “fashion”. However, the word itself has a more vague concept than is usually attributed to it. For Russian-speaking fashion, this is a design style, fashion shows, unusual and vivid images.

Fashion is fleeting. Style forever

In the modern world, fashion is an integral part of our life. Not one of its spheres is complete without fashionable trends. Only now the fast fashion that prevails in our time is changing very rapidly.

New trends that appear every season oblige people to comply with them so as not to be ranked as lagging behind. Fashion houses of the most famous designers produce collections with trendy things, which instantly makes them the object of desire for a huge number of men and women.

Fashion show

However, blindly pursuing fleeting fashion, people completely lose their personality. According to stylists, it is much more important to find your own style, your own niche. Therefore, in contrast to the concept of “fast mode”, a phenomenon such as “slow mode” appeared. It implies a reasonable approach to choosing clothes and preference for high-quality and concise things.

Stylish girl

Fashionable accessories may well dilute the wardrobe. There is an opinion that people who adhere to such tactics experience less stress and, in general, are more balanced individuals.

Fashion psychologist: profession of the future

A rather interesting and new term in the fashion industry is the psychology of clothing. More recently, an American with a degree in psychology literally invented a new profession. Hearing such a combination of words, many may think that it means unraveling the character of a person by his clothes. But in fact, fashion psychology is studying the effect of clothing on the state and standard of living of a person. After all, you probably could have noticed that in one outfit you are ready to turn mountains, and in another you feel like a gray mouse or, worse, a loser. Experts say the whole thing is in the special influence of the color, style and style of your chosen clothes. They, in their opinion, set up a person in a certain way.

Fashion Psychology

Despite the interest in this issue, fashion psychology is still not officially recognized. Only a few women in the world study it. However, the demand for their services every year more and more. After all, this fashion psychologist helps his client to make out the wardrobe and understand in which clothes this particular person will feel harmonious and confident. And also, wearing such things, he will be able to achieve his goals.

Fashion photography

An integral part of fashion and style is photography. It is quite difficult to imagine the world of fashion without famous photographers and model photos. A feature of such works can be called the clarity of shooting, careful preparation of the frame and indispensable editing in special programs. To distinguish a regular photo taken on a smartphone from a professional fashion photo, just open any fashion magazine. In the latter you will see a perfectly constructed image of the model, high-quality light, well-chosen colors and an external gloss. All this distinguishes a photo in fashion style from simple amateur photography.

Shooting model

Today, fashion and fashion are considered extremely fashionable minimalism and graphic design. Solid tones and a minimum of scenery, a small number of colors and straight lines give photographers the right shots. As for the models, the current time is quite tolerant of non-classical female beauty. In fashion magazines, from now on, we can see overweight girls, freckles or non-standard facial features. "To be wrong" is pure fashion! Wide natural eyebrows and a minimum of cosmetics, a combination of incongruous and confidence in their irresistibility are the main principles of the model for successful work on fashion photography.

Having defined what the translation of fashion means to a Russian person, and also what areas of life belong to him, you can easily navigate in such an ambiguous fashion world.


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