Why dream of salted fish? Why dream that I eat salted fish?

Why dream of salted fish? Many people believe that a resident of the water element in dreams is a sign of profit, good luck and prosperity. But is this statement always true? Ancient and modern dream books will help you to dream.

what is salty fish dreaming about

Miller's Dream Book

Why dream of salted fish? According to this interpreter, such a dream portends profit. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to receive money or wealth. It can be, for example, a good harvest. Toast salted fish - for an unexpected trip. As a rule, it will be connected with the business or educational sphere. The dreamer should definitely remember the size of the dreaming fish, because the larger it is, the farther you will have to leave the house. "Why dream that I eat salted fish?" - This question is most often asked by female persons, since there is a version that fish in a dream is pregnant. Miller's Dream Interpretation interprets this vision in its own way. According to him, such a dream is of good value only for young girls, as it portends the beginning of new love relationships, which may develop into a happy marriage. What does a middle-aged woman dream of salted fish? The interpretation of this dream depends entirely on the dreamer's sensations. If the vision did not cause rejection, then fate in speed will generously thank you. If the fish smelled bad or looked unappetizing, it means that the dreamer is in serious trouble.

why dream that I eat salted fish

Female dream book

What is salted fish dreaming of? This dream portends happy love to a girl, unpleasant news from distant relatives or friends to a woman aged. Particularly favorable vision for family people. For example, a woman who could not conceive for a long time , not only salted, but also any fish portends the imminent conception of a child. If a man dreams that his wife gives him salted fish, then this indicates that he has a wise and faithful wife, able to provide support in difficult times. Why dream of salted red fish? As a rule, this vision warns the dreamer about possible diseases of the throat. Therefore, having seen such a dream, you should be more attentive to your health. There is red fish full of caviar - to future changes in life that will have unpleasant consequences for some people from the dreamer's environment. Buying salted herring means that soon the dreamer will have a big holiday, where he will meet old friends and restore peace of mind.

what does a woman dream of salted fish

Explanatory Dream Book

Asking the question of what the fish dream of (salted or dried), you should look into this publication. According to his interpretation, such a dream could portend a journey. To see sea salt fish - for long trips, river - to neighbors. The distance is also indicated by the size of the dreaming fish. Accordingly, the larger it is, the longer the trip. Why does a woman dream of salted fish? Prepare it - to solve all problems, use it - for the emergence of new friends who will help achieve the goal. As a rule, a dream about salted fish means that all the dreamer's dreams will come true, but this will require a lot of time and effort.

what is salty red fish dreaming about

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Why dream of salted fish? According to this interpreter, any fish, because of its peculiar form, is a phallic symbol. Therefore, dreams with her, as a rule, are intimate. For example, eating her with someone means wanting closeness with that person. To see a sick or unpleasantly smelling fish - to the loss of vitality, impotence. Rotting pieces of fish indicate hostility towards the opposite sex. Some ask: "Why dream that I eat salted fish?" If a woman had this dream, it means that she subconsciously wishes the male abuser to lose manhood.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

When asking about what salted or dried fish dream of, it should be remembered that this vision is a collective image that expresses many aspects of the personality. So, for example, a fish of a dark color - to the appearance of enemies, negative influence. Rotten - to money earned by dishonest means. I dreamed of a dried fish - wait for stagnation in business. A dream in which fish has several shades is interpreted in two ways. He portends sick people to recovery, he warns healthy people about possible diseases.

what does the girl dream of salted fish

Dream Book of Medea

Sea inhabitants, according to this publication, express deep unconscious processes. For example, joint cutting of salted fish for women and men means sexual interaction. The use of seafood - to enrich the inner world. It is possible that by type of activity the dreamer will have to visit any cultural institutions in which he had never been before. For unmarried girls, such a dream portends an acquaintance with the man of his dreams and a quick marriage. For family people, such a dream is also a good sign, meaning a happy future and the addition of a family. The dreaming remnants of the eaten herring mean that in the recent past the dreamer showed insensibility, for which he will be punished. There is red fish - to new knowledge. For students, this dream means passing exams. A huge salted fish lying on a platter is a sign of good change. Any beginnings of the dreamer will be successful, the main thing is not to miss the chance presented by fate.

Ukrainian dream book

Salty fish dreams of rain, bad weather, tears. Red fish for a man and a married woman - for prosperity, for a young woman - for pregnancy. Large fish lying on a dish - to profit. Moreover, the dreamer himself will not have to make any efforts for this. A rotten herring means that one of the envious colleagues collects dirt on the dreamer, so you should be careful. A lot of small fish - to minor troubles that will be resolved quickly. A man has salted fish - to the appearance of a mistress, a pregnant woman - to a quick resolution of the burden. Cutting herring - to litigation, to clarify the relationship. The outcome of the events depends on the dreamer's mood: if it was elevated, then, in reality, the completion of the case will be successful. Salted fish is a bad sign for gamblers. This dream portends a major loss or an extended black line in life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9317/

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