How to make money in Odnoklassniki on "classes"? Improvise and be patient!

Thanks to the intensive development and popularization of social networks, modern users have many opportunities to earn money through simple manipulations on the Internet. Most often, such methods of earning do not even require an initial contribution, or it is a really ridiculous amount. Odnoklassniki is one of such sites that can help accumulate start-up capital for further serious Internet business. In this article we will consider this way of earning. How to make money in Odnoklassniki on "classes"?

What are “classes”?

how to make money in classmates in classes

To begin with, it would be nice to understand what they are. If we draw an analogy with the equally popular social network “VKontakte”, then the “Like” button performs the function of “classes” there. On the international video hosting YouTube, this is the “Thumb Up” button, on Facebook it is “Like”. By clicking this button, users express their approval for any content, whether it’s a video, status, photo or note. For some users, a large number of “classes” is just a way to increase self-esteem, and some skillfully make money on it.

How to earn "classes"?

Of course, a lot will depend on what content you are going to promote in order to know exactly how to make money in Odnoklassniki on “classes”.

  • The best way to get “classes” is to have many virtual friends. This does not guarantee constant page traffic, but significantly increases the chances of success.
  • You can create a newsletter among friends asking you to rate a video or photo. People more often agree than refuse, because nobody is hard pressed to press one button. But with such “begging”, the petitioner may be complaining, designating his mailing as spam, which may lead to subsequent suspension of activities on the page.
  • There are also special communities for exchanging "classes." They have the principle of “service for service”, but the result will have to wait a long time.
    how to earn points in classmates
  • There are several not too working programs for wrapping classes, but using them is even more dangerous than mailing. For example, this is OK OKNeo, KSPromotion.

But then how to make money in Odnoklassniki on "classes", even if you can’t get "classes"? It's simple, but, unfortunately, you have to pay for it. For a small amount, special network promotion companies will promote your profile and content. For example, Markapon, SMM agency Laika, Darvin Studio and others.

If you approach the matter wisely, you will not only return the money spent, but you will become an expert in how to earn “classes” in Odnoklassniki, and you will begin to receive a steady income.

Improvise and be patient!

how to earn classes in classmates

None of the above methods are likely to bring absolute success, therefore they can and should be combined. Earned "classes" can be exchanged for the internal currency of "Classmates" - oki, and they, in turn, - for real electronic money.

Before you earn points in Odnoklassniki, be patient and immediately prepare yourself for the thought that this is not quick money, but the result of hard and painstaking work. You need to monitor progress on a daily basis and even draw up a unique business plan, and then you can already tell novice users how to make money in Odnoklassniki on “classes”.


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