Diet Protasova: menu for the week

Protasov’s diet quickly spread around the world after being published in a newspaper in Tel Aviv. Now, fans of this diet are creating their own communities, unite in groups and themselves are successfully promoting it across the expanses of the globe, talking about their experience of use.

The advent of Kim Protasov’s diet

The inhabitants of Israel learned about Kim Protasov in the late 90s. The Russian-language newspaper published an article that attracted special attention. Only one headline - "Do not make a cult of food: a thin cow is not a gazelle yet" - has interested many readers with its irony. The author was called sane and supported his new diet to lose weight. The Russian-speaking population cut out articles, copied and sent to relatives in the USSR. So the Protasov diet left the borders of Israel, spread throughout the world and was called "protasovka".

After decades, fans of the system does not decrease. The most amazing thing is that the personality of Kim Protasov remains in doubt, it is not completely known whether such a person really exists. He does not speak on the radio, does not take part in talk shows on television, does not publish new articles or books, but the whole world knows him.

diet protasova menu

What is the basis of the Protasov diet? The menu is scheduled for five weeks. No one argues or tries to comment on this system. She works, winning the hearts of an increasing number of losing weight people. The main principle on which the diet is built is the use of low-calorie foods. For eating the foods that the Protasov diet offers, the menu is designed in such a way that the body will receive 1200-1500 calories per day.


The daily diet includes plant foods and protein. Given that the amount of food consumed is sometimes allowed not to be limited, maintaining it is much easier psychologically and physically. Protein is absorbed by the body quite slowly and slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, which come with non-starchy vegetables and allowed fruits. As a result, sugar enters the blood evenly, there is a feeling of fullness, and insulin surges that provoke uncontrolled appetite are excluded. This has some similarities to a protein diet. The benefits that Kim Protasov's diet offers are obvious. The menu is filled with fiber foods. This means that the kidneys and liver will work as usual. In a protein diet, there is always a danger of overloading the excretory systems of the body.


Positive is the fact that the diet is designed for a long time. During the observance of such a diet, the body manages to get used to it without stress. Food preferences are changing.

The duration of the special diet is a total of 7 weeks. Five of them are the Protasov diet itself . The menu of the other two weeks is prepared in such a way that the body easily and without problems leaves the system. For many, this two-week diet becomes a familiar daily meal.

Each week has its own rules, which must be strictly followed to obtain the result.

Extra bonuses

Since the menu includes a huge amount of plant foods and dairy products, in addition to weight loss, in the form of a bonus, you can get many positive changes in the body.

kim protasov diet menu

Gastrointestinal tract cleansing, detoxification, intestinal microflora are normalized, which is a very important condition for the absorption of nutrients.

One drawback that can be called is the fact that Kim Protasov’s diet (menu, in particular) is designed for high consumption of vegetables and fruits, which is difficult to do in winter. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in spring, summer or autumn.

Fluid intake

It is very important that during the diet, the consumption of pure water without gas should be at least 2 liters, emphasizes Kim Protasov. Diet, menu is good, but without water it will not matter, since it has a stimulating effect on intestinal motility. This, in turn, helps to remove food residues from the body in time. Proteins are also not absorbed correctly if there is a lack of fluid. Only in the company of water, protein is able to benefit the body.

Kim protasov diet menu

Part of the required fluid can be replaced with green tea. Coffee can be consumed without sugar, cream, milk and honey. Kefir in this case does not apply to liquids. Protasov’s diet builds the menu in such a way that kefir in it is food. All dairy products should not contain any additives and chemical impurities.

Basic Rules

  1. No sweeteners, candies, cookies for coffee.
  2. In the first stages of the diet, it is necessary to consume fermented milk products with some fat content.
  3. Eat less salt and soy sauce. This leads to water retention in the body and to heart disease.
  4. Eat while listening to your body. Appetite will gradually decrease. If the portion offered in the diet is large - do not eat it all.

Diet stages

What Kim Protasov suggested (diet, menu) can conditionally be divided into various stages. There are three of them.

protasov diet daily menu

The first stage is designed for 2 weeks. During this period, you can eat vegetables and dairy products. Their number is not limited. The proportion of vegetables and products from milk should be 2: 1, that is, two servings of vegetables should account for one serving of milk. It is allowed to eat homemade cheese, kefir, yogurt. Everything should have a fat content of up to 5% and not contain additives and impurities. Allowed vegetables: onions, cabbage, greens, peppers, eggplant, bamboo shoots, cucumbers, zucchini, artichoke, asparagus, okra. It is desirable that vegetables are minimally processed by temperature.

Three green apples can be consumed per day, which will provide the body with pectin - a carbohydrate of plant origin. This is a very important component that acts as a sorbent. Thanks to it, harmful components and toxins are removed from the body.

protasov diet menu for the week

Apples must be consumed along with other products, because, eaten separately, they can cause a feeling of hunger.

You can and should eat one egg a day. Such simple requirements include the Protasov diet. The menu for the week is easy to fold. Particular attention must be paid to cottage cheese. After the first two weeks of such a diet, you get used to life without sausages, sweet, flour, smoked and other "harmful".

First step. Start

We offer a menu for two days of the first stage.

protasov diet menu reviews


  • 1st breakfast: cottage cheese, apple and coffee.
  • 2nd breakfast: apple, hard boiled egg.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad with yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese.
  • Snack: kefir, apple.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with granular curd.


  • 1st breakfast: kefir, apple and a cup of coffee or tea.
  • 2nd breakfast: hard-boiled egg, fresh cucumber.
  • Lunch: cabbage and carrot salad, cheese.
  • Snack: yogurt, apple.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese and apple.

Be sure to drink water all day long!

These options are just a sketch of what you can afford. The diet is so convenient that it’s not difficult to come up with your own version for every day.

Kim Protasov diet menu reviews

The second stage (third, fourth and fifth weeks of the diet)

Low-fat meat of animals, poultry and fish is added to the already familiar list of products. You can eat 300 grams a day.

Dairy consumption is reduced by 1/3. The menu contains one egg and three green apples. Moreover, all this is in unprepared condition. Products can be baked, steamed or boiled.

The third stage. Exit

This period is intended to exit the diet. It is no less important than the previous ones. From this stage it depends how much the effect will consolidate and whether there will be a breakdown.

After the fifth week, it is necessary to switch to low-fat sour-milk products, but it is allowed to add oil to salads (except for sunflower). The maximum portion of vegetable fat per day is 3 teaspoons. For breakfast, you can eat porridge on the water. Two apples can be replaced with other fruits similar in weight. Forbidden: bananas, dates or grapes.


Such a popular topic as “Protasov’s diet (menu)”, reviews only positive, and a huge number. As those who have already tried this method on themselves write, the result is already visible on the 3rd week of applying the system of an anonymous author.

The stories are different for everyone, but everyone shares a common joy from an unexpectedly effective result. Of the advantages, it is noted that there is no feeling of hunger, the diet is not expensive and simple to implement. There are many groups on social networks that discuss the diet of Kim Protasov. Reviews, menus, discussions, recommendations - all participants share them with each other. Many find like-minded people and support. There are quite a few people who are united on the forums by the Protasov diet. The menu of the days offered by the participants contains many useful tips and even recipes for cooking.


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