Dubovitskaya Regina: biography, personal life, photo

Our today's heroine is the permanent host of the Full House Dubovitskaya Regina. Biography, year of birth, marital status - all this interests her fans. You too? Then we recommend reading the article. It contains comprehensive information about the beloved television presenter.

Dubovitskaya regina biography

Biography: Family

December 31, 1948 in the city of Shadrinsk (Kurgan region), a girl Regina was born. Dubovitskaya is the real name of our heroine, inherited from her father.

What family brought up the famous TV presenter? Her mother, Nina Zhamkochyan, graduated with a degree in biology. And her father, Igor Alexandrovich, was a professor. In the period from 1940 to 1942. He headed the Department of Russian Language and Literature at the Pedagogical Institute of Shadrinsk.

Regina for a long time asked her parents for a sister or brother, but they still did not decide on a second child.


Soon after the birth of his daughter, the whole Dubovitsky family moved from Russia to the Republic of Moldova. The childhood of the future “Full House” star was held in Chisinau. Regina attended a comprehensive school, as well as several circles (needlework, dancing, and so on).

Our heroine grew up a smart and obedient girl. She learned to read and write early. While her peers were playing outdoor games, Regina spent the day reading another book. When she was 11 years old, the family again changed her place of residence. This time Dubovitsky settled in Kostroma.

Dubovitskaya regina biography year of birth


In 1964, our heroine was awarded a certificate. Where did Dubovitskaya Regina continue her studies? The biography says that the girl went to Pyatigorsk, where she entered the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(German faculty). Friends and relatives were sure that Regina would become a successful journalist. The girl herself dreamed about this. But only for admission to the appropriate university required at least 2 years of experience in journalism.

Getting started on the radio

In the late 1960s, the girl graduated from high school with honors, but she did not begin to work in her specialty. Dubovitskaya Regina, whose biography is considered in the article, got a job in the letters department, created by the editors of the humor and satire of the All-Union Radio. For two years, Regina has been sorting through correspondence. Management noticed and appreciated her efforts. Dubovitskaya was appointed editor of the program "Good morning!".

Regina Dubovitskaya real last name

It was in the studio in which the radio program was recorded that she met some future members of the Full House. The first comedian Regina made friends with was Vladimir Vinokur. Also in her radio broadcast were M. Evdokimov and E. Shifrin. A huge number of people listened to them. It would seem that our heroine could continue a successful career in this area. But one day she announced her decision to leave the radio.

"Full house"

The beginning of changes in Regina’s life coincided with the period of perestroika in the country. Broad publicity began on TB, and only the radio continued to live according to the old laws and regulations. Despite this, Dubovitskaya decided to take a chance and break into television.

In 1987, Regina Dubovitskaya (photos of the presenter are presented in the article) created a program with the catchy name “Full House”. Participants of the program in different years were E. Shifrin, Y. Galtsev, Novikova Klara, Yan Arlazorov, S. Drobotenko and others. Each of them performed with his jokes, funny skits and parodies. The theater of humor often went on sea cruises. This gave the program a special flavor.

Regina Dubovitskaya photo

Over the 20-year history of the “Full House” several times passed from one channel to another. The format of the program also changed, but this did not affect the respect and love of the audience for comedians and the permanent host.

In the early 2000s, the popularity of the Full House was slowly but surely declining. And there’s nothing to be surprised at; on Russian TV, a lot of humorous programs have appeared that are suitable for viewers of different age categories. Of course, “Full House” remained loyal fans. These people are ready to watch this program now, but it is no longer on the air network.

Regina Dubovitskaya: biography, personal life

In youth, our heroine was a slender, pretty and modest girl. Many guys liked her, but Regina was in no hurry to build relationships with one of her boyfriends.

With her future husband, Yuri Ayvazyan, Dubovitskaya met at the age of 18. They met by chance on the Pyatigorsk-Sochi train. The student was going to Sukhumi to her grandmother, and the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Yuri was sent to Sochi. They exchanged phone numbers. After some time, Regina and Jura met in Moscow. Their romance lasted 3 years, then the lovers played a wedding. There were many guests at the celebration, and all of them did not skimp on gifts and wishes for the newlyweds.

Today, many of us know who Dubovitskaya Regina is. Biography, leading children are of interest to fans. Especially for them we inform that Dubovitskaya has one daughter (born in 1968). Her name is Ilona. She is already an adult woman who is married. Ilona has a journalistic education, works on television.

Dubovitskaya regina biography children

R. Dubovitskaya and Y. Ayvazyan have 18-year-old granddaughter Regina. Grandfather and grandmother doted on the girl, they try to pamper her with gifts.


In 2007, R. Dubovitskaya and E. Vorobei, while on vacation in Montenegro, got into an accident. The host of the Full House and the popular comedian nearly died due to the fault of a drug addict who crashed into their car. In the case of Elena, everything turned out to be minor injuries, but Regina's doctors predicted a loss of leg mobility. Both victims were sent from Montenegro to Moscow.

Dubovitskaya was placed in one of the best metropolitan clinics. Comedian colleagues visited her every day, brought various goodies and tried to distract her.

At first, Regina did not believe in her recovery. But at some point she pulled herself together, began to perform the simplest and necessary exercises. And the results of the efforts were not long in coming. The accident occurred in May, and already in December Dubovitskaya participated in the filming of the New Year's issue of the Full House. Such will power can only be envied.


Since 2011, the “Full House” program has been extremely rarely aired; special issues for the Old New Year are usually filmed. Most comedians known to us by the Full House began performing in the program “Laughing is permitted.” And where did Dubovitskaya Regina go? Her biography continues to interest many Russians.

Regina Dubovitsky biography personal life

Regina Igorevna lives in a country house with her beloved husband. She did not say goodbye to television. It is known that Dubovitskaya collaborates with the Russia-1 channel. Our heroine is the editor of several programs. She considers the idea of ​​the revival of the "Full House" to be unpromising.


We talked about where Dubovitskaya Regina was born and studied. The biography, career and personal life of the TV presenter - all this was discussed in detail in the article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9342/

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