Parade of movie stars. The most beautiful actresses in Russia

Russian girls are rightfully considered the most beautiful on the planet. Many foreigners who visited our country, in their assessments will certainly note the beauty and charm of our women. However, the slim figure and expressiveness of the face make them beautiful and irresistible. Spirituality, harmony, self-esteem, grace and smooth movements, internal magnetism, a mysterious look, and, of course, grooming create around the Russian woman that particular aura that sets her apart from others.

Another hallmark of our beauties is a sense of style. An example of this is the most beautiful actresses in Russia. They can cause admiration among a multimillion-dollar audience. Seeing them on the screen, you involuntarily think about how generously endowed by their nature: a beautiful figure, impeccable skin, chic hair, perfection of features, a charming smile and inner radiance. To this we must also add an innate talent, which allows us to get used to the necessary role with such accuracy every time and create an image that will become a favorite for more than one generation of cinema fans.

The most beautiful actresses in Russia

The most beautiful actresses in Russia

Russian cinema is exactly 105 years old. The first Russian film director is rightfully considered Alexander Drankov. It was he who, in 1908, directed the first Russian feature film “Ponisova Volnitsa” about the legendary rebel Stepan Razin. Over a century of history, many bright stars were lit in the sky of Russian cinema, some of which stood out for their special beauty and charm. Let's see who they are - the most beautiful actresses in Russia in the history of Russian cinema.

  • Vera Cold.
  • Lyubov Orlova.
  • Ellina Bystritskaya.
  • Anastasia Vertinsky.
  • Larisa Guzeeva.
  • Natalya Kustinskaya.
  • Natalya Fateeva.
  • Irina Alferova.
  • Alexander Yakovlev.
  • Galina Belyaeva.

Of course, you can recall many more names, for example, Natalya Varley, Natalya Andreichenko, Natalya Kustinskaya, Tatyana Samoilova, Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Larisa Udovichenko, Margarita Terekhova, Anna Samokhina, Olga Kabo and others. Despite the fact that all these actresses were the most popular in Russian cinema also played a large number of roles, each of them remained in the memory of the audience thanks to one, the most vivid and characteristic image, with which it is identified among the people. So, Larisa Guzeeva fell in love with everyone, playing the role of Larisa Dmitrievna in “Cruel Romance”. Irina Alferova is famous for her role as Constance in the “Three Musketeers”, and Natalya Varley will forever remain in our memory Nina from the “Caucasian Captive”.

The most beautiful young actresses in Russia

All of the above names refer to Soviet-era cinema, however, in modern Russia there are many talented actresses who differ not only in their outstanding play, but also in excellent external data.

the most beautiful young actresses in Russia

So, the most beautiful actresses of Russia in the 21st century, according to a mass survey, are:

  • Elena Korikova.
  • Anastasia Zadorozhnaya.
  • Tatyana Arntgolts.
  • Svetlana Hodchenkova.
  • Anna Kovalchuk.
  • Elizabeth Boyarskaya.
  • Ekaterina Guseva.
  • Marina Alexandrova.
  • Agnia Ditkovskite.
  • Julia Bullfinch.

And according to a recent survey, the title "The Most Beautiful Actresses of Russia 2013" deserves:

the most beautiful actresses of Russia 2013

  • Ekaterina Guseva, who starred in the movie “12 Months”.
  • Agnia Ditkovskite, who played the role of the main character in the film “Agent”.
  • Anastasia Zadorozhnaya, who played in the film “Priceless Love”.


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