Details on how to respond to comments on Instagram

One of the most popular modern social networks is Instagram. By the end of 2014, the number of its active clients exceeded 200 million people, and this figure is constantly and steadily growing. The Russian audience in November-December amounted to 13.3 million customers, active authors among them - 2600000. Can you imagine how wildly popular Instagram in Russian is?

How to deal with comments

how to respond to comments on instagram
A rare person has never heard of this project, but some people wonder how to use this social network. But the popularity of the application is due in part to its simplicity. One of the most common is the dilemma of how to respond to comments on Instagram. Everything is simpler than it may seem to inexperienced customers of the program. Let's get it together. So, a short instruction on how to respond to the user on Instagram. It does not provide for communication through private messages. Such an opportunity is in other similar programs. To the question how to answer a person on Instagram, there is only one answer - leave a comment. You can write it to any photo if you have access to it, that is, in conditions where the user has not hidden his profile with privacy settings. Let's look at how other people write comments so that they can see them and be able to answer you.

Rule number 1. Responding to opinions

how to answer a person on instagram
If subscribers left a review, and you would like to answer it, you need to open comments under the post, enter the “@” symbol, called “dog” and start entering the name (nickname) of the interlocutor (the program is so consumer-oriented that it will even offer you a list of those whom you can choose), and then enter your message. Your friend will immediately receive a notification that he was mentioned in your statement, in the department where usually likes to photos are shown.
Friends' comments left under your photos will also be displayed in the specified tab. Your new subscriptions will also be displayed there.
It is not necessary to indicate the interlocutor’s nickname before the message, you can do this in the middle or at the end, in any case, the person will be notified by the system about this comment.

How to respond to comments on Instagram even faster

how to respond to user on instagram
In versions of the application on Apple devices, it is possible not to click on a comment, but to swipe it from left to right, and then touch the button that indicates the answer. Next, a nickname will also appear, and you only need to enter a message.
Another way to respond to comments on Instagram is to open them and then just hold on for a couple of seconds the nickname of the user you would like to reply to. Then, in the same way, a window opens for entering your message with the name of the interlocutor already indicated there, and you only need to write a comment.

Rule number 2. Commenting on photos of friends

Instagram in Russian
In those cases when you do not respond to opinions, but want to speak out about another user's photo, writing a person’s nickname is not necessary at all, because he will already see a notification that someone left a message under his picture. Sometimes not all comments may be reflected. A situation may arise when there are too many of them, and part will not be displayed. To see everything, you need to click on the line “View all comments”.

Rule number 3. Delete opinions

It is not scary if you suddenly made a mistake when writing or noticed that your subscribers leave suspicious comments, links to extraneous sites, advertising. Then we recommend deleting the message data. It is important to know that you can clear your own comments or opinions that users have left under your photos. Under your posts, you have the right to remove all labels, and under strangers - only personal ones. The following is a step-by-step instruction for deleting a comment under your Instagram photo.

Step 1. Open the photo you need by simply touching its image.
Step 2. Click the "Comments" button. A list of posts attached to this post will open.
Step 3. Easily grip the replica with your finger and slightly shift it to the left so that a button with a basket icon appears.
Step 4. A ribbon appears with two icons: “Reply to comment” and “Delete”. Click on the last option.
Step 5. If desired, you can send a complaint to the author to the project administration.


So, in this article we figured out how to respond to comments on Instagram, examined the basic rules for commenting. Following them, you can easily communicate with your friends. We hope that our tips have helped you, and now you have become a confident user of this application. In conclusion, Instagram is a completely free application. It is curious that it creates square-shaped images, similar to those shot by instant camera, for example Polaroid.


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