Why dream a sawn tree: interpretation, meaning of sleep

Whatever you see in the night dreams, do not leave this unattended. Dreams carry much more valuable information than it might seem. In particular, the dreamer is disturbed by the plot, in which there is a sawn tree. Why are you dreaming? Interpretations can be many depending on the details.

what is the dream of a sawn tree near the house

General decryption

What is the dream of a sawn tree for? The interpretation lies on the surface. It’s enough to know: a tree is a symbol of life and everything connected with it. If in a dream you yourself sawed off the trunk, then in reality you are wasting yourself in vain. Uselessly spend vital energy and material resources on minor things, not paying attention to the main thing. Thus, you drain yourself spiritually and physically.

If someone else sawed the tree in your dream, then there is an ill-wisher in your environment. We can talk about an energy vampire or a real enemy that undermines your vitality and prevents you from achieving goals. Thus, after such a dream, you should take a closer look at your surroundings, as well as reconsider your attitude to life.

what is the dream of a sawn tree apple tree

Family problems

Problems and conflicts in the family - this is what a sawn tree near the house dreams of. Vision encourages you to show more attention and understanding towards your loved ones. If you follow a selfish line, do not be surprised that your family will also "pull the blanket over themselves." This can lead not only to scandal, but also to the complete breakdown of family ties.

If there was a person in your dream sawing a tree near your house, try to remember who it was. It is from this person that a threat comes to your family happiness. We can talk about someone who has encroached on your soulmate and is trying with all his might to destroy your union. Thus, you should lead a more secretive life, hidden from prying eyes.

why dream of cutting down an old tree

Tree features

The interpretation of what a sawn tree dreams of depends on some features. Here are some common visions:

  1. If the tree had a spreading green crown, then, in reality, large material losses await you. For business people, this means disrupting a profitable deal.
  2. If the tree was dry or diseased, then see it cut down - a positive symbol. It means: soon you will get rid of what is bothering you in life - objects, habits, diseases or affections.
  3. If the tree was young, alive and healthy, it is a symbol of the fact that because of your inability to compromise, you risk destroying relationships with loved ones.
  4. If the crown of the tree is wild, then in the near future a period of stagnation will begin in your life. This may be due to a creative crisis or a depressed state.
  5. If the crown was strewn with fruits, then, in reality, you risk losing the result of your own work due to excessive temper, inattention or gullibility.


What is the dream of a sawn tree? Interpretations generally contain warnings against rash actions and deeds, as well as from wrong thoughts. Here are the basic meanings:

  1. The dream in which you tried, but could not prevent a person from cutting a tree, means that in reality you will encounter an evil person. You will not be able to resist it.
  2. Cut the tree yourself - do not know the boundaries in trying to defend your opinion. But before defending your point of view, think about whether it is right.
  3. If you saw many fallen trees, the vision encourages you to be more attentive to yourself. Do not neglect the rest, watch the diet, otherwise you may encounter serious health problems.
  4. If you cut down not a whole tree, but only one or a couple of branches, perhaps you will quarrel with a loved one for a long time. It is also possible that some of your relatives will go very far.
what is the dream of a sawn tree spruce

Trunk Actions

If you dreamed of not just a sawn tree, but specific manipulations with it, this can also have a certain meaning. Namely:

  1. Watching trunks rafting down the river is a symbol that some event will soon happen that will force you to change your beliefs and outlook on life.
  2. To cut branches from a felled tree - under duress you will have to do something that is contrary to your moral principles. Most likely, it will be associated with work.
  3. Sitting on a felled tree is a symbol of carefully concealing your misconduct from others. But sometimes it’s better to open up to get valuable advice and help.
  4. Carefully folded crafted trunks are a symbol of your hard work on future well-being.
  5. If you saw how the trunk is being cut into pieces, it means that you will soon have to become a member of some kind of “division”. Perhaps this will be due to an inheritance from distant relatives.
why dream of a dry sawn tree

Which tree

Interpretation may depend on which particular tree was sawn in your dream. Pay attention to the breed:

  1. Physical and mental health is symbolized by conifer. Why dream sawn spruce? Vision symbolizes a deterioration in well-being due to hard work and neglect of oneself.
  2. Sawn birch symbolizes problems in love. This can symbolize betrayal by a loved one or an inseparable romantic feeling.
  3. Material well-being is symbolized by any fruit tree (for example, an apple tree). What is the dream of a sawn tree strewn with flowers or fruits? This symbolizes large material losses.
  4. A sawn oak tree means that because of your arrogance, you risk losing touch with an influential person who, until today, has patronized you.
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Modern combined dream book

In the modern dream book on the theme of sawn trees, one can find such interpretations:

  1. In your life, the time has come for radical changes - this is what dreams of cutting down an old tree. But do not expect everything to happen by itself. You will have to show courage and perseverance to bring good innovations into your life.
  2. Seeing a freshly cut tree is a symbol that you will be able to expose someone’s misconduct in hot pursuit.
  3. If the sawn tree turned out to be dry and empty (or rotten) inside, then you have to face a fake friendship.
  4. Getting benefits from some business in which you took an indirect part is what the hemp from sawn trees dream about. Perhaps you will suddenly receive gratitude from the person who helped to get what you want.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a sawn tree, take a look at Miller's interpreter. Here are some interpretations in it:

  1. If in a dream you stumble upon an already sawn tree or see someone else chopping the trunk, this is a symbol of the fact that not all events in life you can influence. Soon you will have to deal with the consequences of phenomena that are not up to you.
  2. The end of some bad period in your life is what a dry sawn tree dreams about. Soon the “white streak” will begin.
  3. If you dreamed that someone sawed a tree fell on you, it means that in reality someone will create serious problems for you. It is possible that someone is trying to "sit down" at work.
  4. If you saw a very young thin tree sawn down, it means that someone will try to interfere with you in your new and promising business.
  5. If someone sawed off a tree on the branches of which you were sitting, remember who did it. In reality, you should not allow this person into your environment and dedicate him to your affairs.
dream interpretation

Dream Book of Medea

The interpreter of Medea on the sawn tree says the following:

  1. If someone sawed off the tree you planted, then in reality the competitors are not asleep. At any convenient moment, they will nullify all your achievements.
  2. If in a dream you sawed a tree yourself, it means that because of your frivolity and arrogance, you risk destroying your valuable relationship.
  3. If the tree was not cut completely, but only lacked a crown, this symbolizes emotional decline and physical exhaustion. You need a good rest from work and household chores.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9363/

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