How to transplant a palm tree at home: step by step instructions

In many houses, various plants are found. Periodically, they must be transplanted, fertilized. Each plant has its own rules for performing these procedures. Many housewives are interested in how to transplant a palm tree at home. There are several varieties of this plant that do not take root at home. A room palm is considered to be whimsical, therefore, for transplantation, some rules should be followed.


This indoor plant can not only be purchased at the store, as it is easily grown independently. It is necessary to take a bone of a ripe fruit and vertically place it on an average size ceramic pot.

how to transplant a palm tree at home

The soil is moist sand and sawdust. After 4 months, a sprout appears. After this, the question arises: how to transplant a palm tree? At home, it is easy to do this step by step.

What is necessary?

First you need to prepare the soil, which consists of:

  • From the turf land.
  • Leaf land.
  • Peat.
  • Humus.
  • Yellow sand.

how to transplant a date palm at home

The components are mixed in a ratio of 2: 2: 4: 1: 2 with the addition of charcoal in a small amount. This composition ensures the normal development of the plant.

Pot selection

In order for the palm to grow perfectly, you need to choose a suitable container. She should not only be beautiful, but also meet several indicators:

  • Choose a capacity larger than the previous one in diameter by 2-3 cm to fit the sprouted roots.
  • There should be holes at the bottom.
  • You should not buy a pot with a margin in size, as there is a risk of water retention and death of the flower.
  • For an adult flower, a glass-shaped container is an excellent choice. The material of the pot does not affect palm growth, so it can be anything.


Palm trees have a complex root system. They are sensitive. Typically, a transplant method is used for transplantation. The plant must be handled carefully. Care must be taken not to damage healthy tissue.

how to transplant a palm tree dracaena at home

Performing this procedure, you must be careful not to tear the remnants of the family from the roots. A sprout appears, similar to a small green stick. This confirms that the plant is developing correctly.

How to transplant a palm tree at home so that it develops correctly? To do this, you need to choose a spacious pot, the diameter of which should be equal to 8-10 cm. It should be put in a lit place. If sunlight arrives, this will allow the palm to grow, strengthen.

When transplanting, you need to flush the root system every year. If required, some roots can be trimmed so that it does not harm the plant. It also improves the flow of nutrients to the leaves and trunk. After trimming the roots, they are treated with disinfecting components - charcoal or ash, epin. After drying, the palm should be transplanted into a larger pot.

Expanded clay should be put at the bottom of the tank in order to prevent strong soil moisture. Then you need to water the palm tree. If it is not possible to water it every day, then this must be done every 2 days, taking into account the state of the soil and the temperature. In the afternoon, the plant should be sprayed, creating the effect of heavy rain.

Transplant non-common species of palm trees

Saves the plant in excellent condition competent transplant. This is necessary for its normal development. How to transplant a palm tree at home? It is necessary to choose loose soil without lumps and hard layers. It should have nutritious components for the normal development of plants. It is advisable to perform a transplant in spring, when the palm tree rested from winter.

how to transplant yucca palm tree at home

How to transplant a date palm at home? This procedure is performed according to the standard method, as for a regular indoor plant. It is important to choose the right soil, carry out maintenance, fertilize.

After 5 years, there is no need to transplant the plant every year, so the procedure is performed after several years. Before acquiring a pot, you need to inspect the root system of the palm so that the container fits. It should fit in size. It should be borne in mind that the roots grow in breadth and inland. If there is any doubt about how to transplant a palm tree at home, then you should ask a specialist to do this.


It is important to know not only how to properly transplant a palm tree at home, but also how to perform care. Due to the drying of the plant, many pests that were in the soil can appear. It will be possible to prevent trouble by disinfecting the soil, which is performed before transplantation.

Experts advise warming the soil mixture (1 kg) at high temperature in the microwave. So all unnecessary microorganisms will die. Drafts are terrible for palm trees, so they must be put in a safe place. If there is no good drainage in the pot, then there will be stagnation of water and rotting of the root system. Yellowing of the leaves indicates the need for transplantation and top dressing.

how to transplant a palm tree at home

To prevent the death of plants, this procedure must be performed in the near future. Drying of the ends of the leaves indicates a lack of moist air. To solve this problem, spraying plants with warm water from a spray bottle will help. You can wipe the leaves with a rag. Natural conditions should be for palm trees, and then they will perfectly develop.

Interested in how to transplant a palm tree Dracaena at home? This procedure is standard. It is important to follow the same principles as for an ordinary room palm. Plants can hurt, so if signs of deterioration are found, then you need to show it to a specialist. It should not be delayed with this, as some diseases lead to the death of palm trees.

Plants are often affected by viruses that are common in the room. To prevent this, you need to do an inspection of the leaves every day, and during transplantation, and the root system. How to transplant a yucca palm at home? The procedure is carried out according to the same specifics as with a conventional plant.

For irrigation, you should choose purified water. Its temperature should be the same as that of air. If tap water is used, then it must be defended within 24 hours. In all types of palm trees, the frequency of watering is different. Water must be used so that excess flows out through the drainage. With insufficient moisture in the earth, salt accumulates, and therefore the plant suffers.

Types of palm trees

Common types include the following:

  • Rapis.
  • Chrysalidocarpus.
  • Date fruit.
  • Howea.
  • Hamedorea.

Each type of palm tree has features of development, transplantation, fertilizer. If you properly care for plants, then they will be the best decoration at home.


Seed propagation is considered a complex process. With this method, there is little chance of germination. Acquired seeds may lose their properties and not germinate. Before planting, it is necessary to file a hard shell, soak it in warm water for 4 days. When a sprout has appeared, transplantation is carried out in a small pot so that the plant is protected from the growth of roots.

how to transplant a palm tree at home step by step

Propagation by parts of the plant may not occur with all palm trees. Thanks to careful care and constant watering, it will be possible to control growth. Palm will delight its owners, as well as purify the air in the room.


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