Anton Gusev: ex-member of Dom-2 and a successful businessman

Many fans of the Dom-2 reality show Anton Gusev was remembered as an active and positive guy who managed to achieve the heart of the obstinate Eugenia Feofilaktova. Let's look at the biography of this young man together.

Anton Gusev

Children and teenagers

Anton Gusev is a native of Moscow. He was born on July 21, 1989. Our hero is from a wealthy and intelligent family. Such as Anton, today are called majors. After all, he always had the best toys and quality clothes.

Gusev Jr. studied at the Quartet and the Five. He took part in amateur competitions and theatrical productions held within the walls of the school. Several times a week, the boy visited the pool. In high school, he got a serious hobby - boxing.

After secondary education, the guy applied to the Academy of Business. His choice fell on the Faculty of Economics and Management at the enterprise. Anton was enrolled in high school. Even then, Gusev Jr. decided to become an independent and independent person.

He refused to take money from his parents. In his spare time, the guy worked as an expert in the capital's real estate agency. His salary was enough to buy food, clothes, as well as pay for visiting a fitness club. For several years, Anton managed to tighten his figure and build muscle.

The history of the stay at "House-2"

At the end of December 2011, our hero appeared on the set of the famous project. Anton expressed sympathy for one of the top members of "House-2" - Margarita Agibalova. The girl did not reciprocate.

The young Muscovite did not despair. He turned his attention to the bright and eccentric blonde Oksana Strunkin. Their romance lasted only a couple of weeks. He was interested in another girl - Eugene Feofilaktova. The petite brunette severed relations with Sasha Zadoynov, which means that Anton had a chance to conquer her. And Gusev succeeded. He gave the beauty flowers, arranged romantic dinners. Soon Anton Gusev and Evgeny Feofilaktova settled in a separate room. Many members of Dom-2 were confident that their union would quickly disintegrate. But they were very mistaken.

Anton Gusev: wedding with Zhenya

Our hero made a sweetheart proposal after 2 months from the date of declaring himself a couple. Touched to tears, Eugene answered in agreement.

Anton Gusev and Eugene Feofilaktova

The celebration was scheduled for June 15, 2012. On this day, lovers in a luxury car drove up to the Gagarin registry office. Then the newlyweds together with their guests went to celebrate the wedding in a restaurant on Mayakovsky.

In December 2012, the spouses of Guseva became parents. They had a first-born son, who was named Daniel. For some time the guys were absent from the project. They were on maternity leave. And in June 2013, Anton, Zhenya and baby Daniel appeared on “House-2”. An entire house with all amenities was prepared for their arrival. However, the Gusevs did not have a happy life in it.

Young mother Zhenya was constantly attacked by another participant, Elina Kamiren. In June 2013, a brawl broke out between the girls. After that, the Gusevs decided to leave the project forever.

Successful business

It all started with the opening of an online clothing store in 2013. A few months later, this business began to bring tangible income. Then Zhenya and Anton decided to open a real store. They rented a room in one of the capital's shopping centers. The Gusevs offered customers quality items at affordable prices. This formula has been very successful.

Now GUSEVY brand boutiques are open in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Krasnodar and a dozen other cities of the Russian Federation. Ex-participants of the reality show sell the franchise, earning a good income from this.

anton gusev wedding

Anton Gusev and his wife Eugene actively use social networks. Spouses post photos demonstrating their financial well-being. Former members of "House-2" often dine in the capital's restaurants, travel a lot and go shopping. Anton drives a Porsche. And he gave his beloved wife a 30-year-old snow-white Mercedes.

The Gusevs are not going to stop there. They plan to increase the number of their stores. It is possible that GUSEVY boutiques will appear in some CIS countries.


Anton Gusev is a bright, active and purposeful young man. Our hero can be called an exemplary family man and a successful businessman. We wish Anton and his wonderful family all the best!


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