Programs to disable Windows programs, processes, and services: the most popular utilities

It's no secret that in Windows-based systems, by default, so many background processes and services that are unnecessary to the user are often activated by default, that they simply spin around. It is natural that many people think about system optimization issues, as some applets load the computer resources quite heavily, which is why even user programs work very slowly. But if the matter was limited only to this! But often many people do not pay attention to the fact that the system constantly monitors user actions, uses data about its location, updates its own components without its knowledge, etc.

windows icon

Deactivating all unnecessary or unused processes without special knowledge will be very problematic. That is why it is best to protect yourself from possible incorrect actions that can lead to unstable operation of Windows, and use special programs to disable some components to disable programs and the system itself, and application components that were installed by the user working in the background. But which application to prefer, because on the same Internet you can find many such applets, and each developer praises its own software product, claiming that it is the best?

Problems disabling unnecessary programs on Windows systems

To begin, let's briefly dwell on the problems of deactivating background processes and services using the systems themselves. The fact is that in Windows (any modification, version, or assembly), some kind of slightly standing program for automatically disabling programs and services, combining all the possibilities for simultaneously managing system components, is absent as such.

Startup and Windows Features

Users have to deactivate unnecessary processes in the startup section, disable unused Windows components, change the process launch settings in the service control section, etc. But some applets are important components that ensure the correct functioning of Windows. In addition, services sometimes have such abstruse names that without special knowledge it will be difficult to deal with them.

What processes can be disabled?

Before you start using any program to disable programs, services and processes, you should decide what you can deactivate and what is better not to touch. In most cases, Windows fine-tuning experts recommend that you disable only the processes and services shown in the image below.

What processes can be disabled?

In addition, as an additional measure, before using any optimizer, just in case, you need to take care in advance of the possibility of a system rollback to a previous state if something goes wrong, creating a recovery point in advance.

Most popular programs for disabling unnecessary processes

As for the applications themselves, as mentioned above, you can find a lot of them on the Internet. However, among the most popular and popular programs among users for disabling programs, services and processes that do not require special knowledge and skills (besides working perfectly safe for the system), the following packages can be distinguished:

  • CCleaner;
  • Easy Service Optimizer;
  • Windows Manager

Naturally, this is not a complete list of utilities that can almost automatically deactivate unused or unnecessary processes. But they deserve close attention because of the ease of use and the maximum possible effect when trying to increase the speed (performance) of the computer.


This well-known utility, of course, is a kind of standard software that allows you to optimize the OS by cleaning your computer from garbage, fixing registry problems, etc. However, the undoubted advantage of this application is that it is able to manage startup items that are in standard settings Windows are not displayed, and also exclude background processes from the Task Scheduler task list.

Schedule in CCleaner

In addition, it is this utility that can be used as a time-out program for user-selected components. For this, it has a special section for setting the schedule.

Easy Service Optimizer

This utility is interesting in its own way, since it comes in the form of a portable modification that does not require installation on the hard drive, and even at the first start it automatically scans all system processes and offers to perform optimization with its own default settings.

Easy Service Optimizer

Ordinary users are encouraged to use the secure settings that are offered initially. But for fans of experiments, two more modes are provided - optimal and extreme. True, you need to apply such parameters, as they say, wisely.

Windows manager

Before us is another program to disable the programs, processes and services of the Windows systems themselves, the presence of which many users do not even suspect. The application can be found in several versions designed exclusively for a specific modification of Windows (10, 8 and 7). Immediately it is worth noting its main drawback. The application is paid, and you will not find freely distributed activation keys on the Internet. But on some domestic sites there are versions with an additional patch file, which can also activate.

In addition, when installing the main product, the 1-Click Cleaner utility is also installed (if you do not need it, you can remove it immediately). The essence of using this program to disable programs, services and processes is to select the most suitable tool in the right section and use it for certain actions.

Optimization in Windows 10 Manager

So, for example, the service management toolkit deserves special attention, in which, after starting the scan and receiving the results, it will be proposed to perform smart system optimization with complete deactivation of unused or unnecessary background applications and processes. In general, there are a lot of tools in this package for all occasions.

Additional utilities

Finally, as additional tools, you can use all kinds of optimizers, in which there are modules for quick management of services and programs. Sometimes it is recommended not even to turn off background processes, but to delete the programs corresponding to them. All the packages presented above cope with such tasks without problems. However, it is believed that packages like iObit Uninstaller are most effective, allowing you to easily get rid of even applets embedded in the operating system shell with automatic removal of all possible residues.


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