All tired and do not want to work, what to do?

Choosing a future profession is a very responsible step that every person takes once and for all in his youth. However, it often happens that after choosing a path in life, after a few years you get the feeling that this is not yours, that you are not created for this work. Finding yourself in a similar situation, do not despair, because you are not alone. Many people, after several years of work, realize that once they made the wrong decision and it is time to change jobs. After all, you yourself constantly repeat: "I do not want to work, what to do with it?" The answer is very simple. Perhaps it's time to think about moving to another job? You can’t imagine any better! Since often people lose interest in their occupation after a couple of years, or even months. Work no longer gives them joy, does not bring self-satisfaction, you no longer feel that you want to do this, that all this has hurt you.

However, as a rule, those specialists who have made a firm decision to change their careers are, first of all, experiencing a fierce internal struggle. After all, they are going to radically change their lives. Change occupation, go into a completely new and unfamiliar team, and who knows what it will be like in a new job. But how could it be otherwise if you are tired of work? You’ll have to take a chance and check how much you can advance in another field.

Nevertheless, if you clearly know that your thoughts about “I don’t want to work, I don’t know what to do with it” will not go anywhere, it means that the time has come to change everything.

So I do not want to work, what should I do?

First of all, think about whether you are determined to change your profession, and whether really nothing can be changed. Seek advice from your boss, perhaps as a more experienced specialist he will give you good advice. Who knows, maybe such indignation is only temporary and in a couple of months everything will be resolved. Or are you just tired and you need a rest? Think about it so that it doesn’t happen that you “chopped off your shoulder” and then regretted it.

If nothing is able to convince you, and there is simply no other way out, then do not be afraid. Indeed, self-confidence and in your decision will help you overcome all obstacles. Since in fact your well-being and your career depend entirely on you. And if you feel that your previous work can no longer give you anything, and there are no prospects on the horizon, then be decisive, leave it. It may not be easy for you at first, but in the end you will find an activity that will bring you unprecedented satisfaction and joy.

Thus, the answer to the question “I do not want to work, what to do” is elementary. If at work something goes wrong and the reason is not in you, then this means that it is time to self-actualize in another area. Never be afraid to experiment and improve, because by gaining new skills you guarantee yourself a comfortable life in the future and recognition not only among your colleagues, but also outside the workplace.

So, having tried everything, you realized that you need a new job, think about what you would like to do. If you have always dreamed of any courses, sign up for them. For example, having passed the courses of a hairdresser or makeup artist, you can easily apply your skills to a new job, sitting in a beauty salon. Perhaps on the first day in a new place you will realize that you made a mistake and want to go back.

If you feel the need to leave, do not be afraid to take a chance. And remember, having failed, you can always return to your normal course without any loss. Indeed, real and highly qualified specialists are needed everywhere and always.

So what to do, do not like the job? Having decided to change your profession, try to adhere to the following scheme:

  • Try to overpower yourself and not leave. If all efforts are in vain, then the time has come.
  • Think about what your soul “lies” to.
  • Sign up for courses or take home classes.
  • Get a new job. And in no case do not regret what has been done.


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