Smoothie for weight loss dinner in a blender: recipes

People who dream of losing weight try to make their diet nutritious and balanced. To do this, they include healthy and tasty dishes on the menu. Smoothies are not a drink, as most of us believe, but a tasty and healthy mixture, which is prepared from various products using a blender. Thanks to the smoothie, you can replace lunch or dinner depending on the selected components. Also, a cocktail helps to easily lose weight.

dinner smoothie

What is a smoothie?

Literally from English, smooth means "soft, smooth, and tender." Great Britain is considered the homeland of smoothies. In this country, it is widespread and is used as a light snack or lunch by office workers.

Cocktail is a hearty meal. It contains many dietary fibers that positively affect the intestines, cleanse it and improve digestion. Smoothies are perfectly digested, without creating a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and also normalize metabolism. A cocktail is recommended even for those who have problems with being overweight.

The cocktail has a low calorie content, therefore it is effectively used for weight loss, replacing dinner. For its preparation, fruits, vegetables (with the exception of particularly high-calorie bananas and grapes), natural juices, and other components are used. The desired result can be achieved quite quickly. Smoothies for dinner can normalize the water-salt balance in the body, saturate it with vitamins and minerals, and prevent a feeling of hunger.

smoothie for dinner with kefir

What is the use of a cocktail?

Smoothies are a source of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. It contains only 100-150 kcal, so it is on a par with fresh fruits and vegetables. Smoothies not only help you lose weight:

  • It positively affects the body as a whole. A cocktail of fruits and berries provides energy from easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • Plant components cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
  • Dietary fiber regulates bowel function. Fiber can quickly saturate the body.
  • The individual ingredients of the smoothie have fat-burning properties and also accelerate metabolism.

Due to the positive effect, smoothies are most often used for dinner. After all, it will have only a positive effect on the human body.

diet smoothie for dinner

How to make smoothies

All cocktails of this type that do not contain sugar in their composition, or their substitutes, can be considered useful. They should be free from fatty ingredients and have a minimum of starchy constituents. If the purpose of the smoothie is to lose weight, you need to choose only the right components, taking into account the characteristics of individual products and their combinations:

  1. Spices that enhance metabolism are added to fat-burning smoothies. It can be: cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cloves. Especially sweet fruits and berries are excluded from the composition. These include bananas, grapes, peaches and persimmons.
  2. If the smoothie contains dairy products, it is best to take nonfat.
  3. With cow's intolerance, milk can be replaced with coconut or soy.
  4. In order to enhance the nutritional value of the cocktail without harming the figure, you can add oatmeal, sprouted wheat, oats, seeds or nuts. Take components in small quantities.
  5. In addition to prunes, other dried fruits should not be included in the smoothie.
  6. As a liquid base, you can take juice, but only freshly prepared, and not packaged.

The smoothie should not include sugar and sweeteners. This can increase the calorie content of the cocktail.

smoothie for dinner recipes

How to use smoothies

A cocktail is best prepared for dinner. Thus, it will bring special benefits to the body. There are several nuances that will help to lose weight:

  • Immediately after training, smoothies are not recommended, it is best to do this 1 hour after it.
  • Smoothies do not drink like a drink. It is eaten with a spoon. This allows you to quickly feel full.

Dinner smoothies are recommended 2–3 hours before bedtime.

smoothie for weight loss dinner in a blender

Dinner Smoothie Recipes

Various ingredients can be used to make this nutritious shake. It depends on the personal preferences of losing weight.

Smoothie for dinner with kefir is prepared simply. It is recommended to use it after training. Due to its protein content, the process of losing weight will pass quickly and correctly.

The composition of the smoothie includes such components:

  • fat-free cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • kefir - 300 ml;
  • prunes - 30 g;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Prunes are poured with boiling water. Finely chopped. All components are placed in a blender. Beat for at least a minute. Poured into glasses. If desired, cocoa powder can be added to only one part of the drink. The result is a two-layer cocktail.

Diet smoothie for dinner is suitable for quick weight loss. To prepare it, you need to take: Chinese cabbage (100 g), a celery stalk, 100 ml of water, half an avocado and 4 asparagus stalks.

All components are whipped with a blender until smooth. Poured into glasses, you can add a sprig of greenery.

Despite the fact that many smoothies for weight loss are prepared from fruits, most of them are vegetables that have significant fat-burning properties. After all, they have a minimum of sugar and a large amount of fiber.

smoothie for dinner slimming recipes

Nutritionists recommend using the following vegetables: celery, cabbage, beets, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes. In the smoothie, you can also add greens, which speeds up the metabolism and helps burn fat.

You can make a smoothie from the following components:

  • carrots (130 g);
  • broccoli (180 g);
  • apple (120 g);
  • cilantro;
  • spinach (100 g);
  • skim milk (50 ml);
  • oranges (2 pcs.).

Peel all vegetables, finely chop. Put the ingredients in a blender, except for oranges. Beat for 1.5 minutes. From oranges you need to get juice. Add to blender. Beat for 30 seconds.

Apple and celery smoothies can be prepared for dinner. The result is a low-calorie cocktail that has fat-burning properties. Such a drink is especially useful for taking for dinner, which will allow you to lose weight.

The main ingredients include:

  • water (170 g);
  • sour green apple (120 g);
  • a bunch of spinach;
  • lemon juice (1 teaspoon).

The smoothie preparation method is as follows:

  1. Dice celery stalks.
  2. Peel the apple, remove the core. Cut in small pieces.
  3. Put all the components in a blender. Grind for a minute.
  4. At the end, add water and lemon juice. Beat for another 20 seconds in a blender.

Serve smoothies for dinner for weight loss immediately. It should not be prepared for the future.

A healthy smoothie stands out among the variety of cocktails. It consists of: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flax seeds, a glass of any berries, powdered stevia (1 tbsp. spoon). Grind all components in a blender and serve immediately in glasses.


Despite the mass of positive properties, a smoothie for dinner has some contraindications:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • individual intolerance or allergy to cocktail components;
  • diseases of the digestive tract in the acute stage;
  • ulcerative lesions of the digestive system.

Therefore, before using a smoothie for dinner for weight loss, you need to consult a specialist.

slimming dinner smoothie

The opinions of those who have lost weight

Smoothies for dinner - a healthy cocktail, which is enjoyed with pleasure by those who wish to lose weight. Reviews about him are most often positive.

One group of women ate vegetable smoothies for dinner in addition to good nutrition. As a result, they managed to get rid of 2-3 kg of weight in a week. In addition, they liked the various tastes of the cocktail.

The second group of girls includes smoothies in the diet to maintain their ideal weight. A cocktail helps them keep it for a long time. Smoothies, thanks to a variety of ingredients, women enjoy for dinner with pleasure.


There are many recipes for smoothies for weight loss dinner. Anyone who wants to lose weight can make a cocktail using various ingredients. It depends on the personal preferences of the person. As a result, you can speed up the metabolism, cleanse the body of harmful substances and saturate it with useful elements.


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