The resettlement of a communal apartment: features of the procedure

The program for the resettlement of communal apartments in the Northern capital is carried out with the aim of improving the quality of housing conditions of the population. Participation in the state program is available to all those in need.

The regulatory framework of the resettlement program in St. Petersburg

The implementation of the program “Resettlement of communal apartments” in St. Petersburg (2016 and previous years) is regulated by a number of legislative acts and regulatory documents, the earliest of which, determining the reasons for the need to implement the program, but not the stages of its implementation, is dated 2004. The main issues directly related to the target program are regulated by the law of St. Petersburg “On the target program ...” of 2007. The last document describes in detail the mechanisms for implementing the resettlement procedure, requirements for participants, documents and other features. Initially, the program provided for resettlement until 2016, but was later extended to another 2017th.

resettlement of a communal apartment

In addition to the targeted program providing for the resettlement of a communal apartment, several more are also operating in the Northern capital, also aimed at improving the comfort of the living conditions of the population. Relevant programs exist in other cities and regions of the Russian Federation. So, for example, the resettlement of communal apartments in Moscow will last until 2020. The program itself was adopted three years later than in St. Petersburg in 2010. Another project, with the help of which it was planned to end communal utilities, was implemented by the city authorities back in 1998-2003.

Objectives of implementing a program for the resettlement of communal apartments

The resettlement of communal apartments (2016-2017) is carried out in order to improve the living conditions of citizens of St. Petersburg, who are on the list of those in need. Thus, the city authorities strive to ensure exclusively single-family settlement of the apartment, which, of course, will affect the general standard of living of citizens.

State assistance in the framework of the program

The resettlement of communal apartments (2016-2017) is carried out thanks to the help of the state. The actions of authorized persons and bodies that contribute to the successful implementation of the target program are as follows:

  • providing families with housing from the state housing fund;
  • providing social benefits to the needy (accrual procedure and formula for calculating cash payments below) to improve living conditions: construction, purchase or repair of housing;

resettlement of communal apartments 2016

  • exchange of premises in the manner prescribed by current legislation;
  • transfer to the needy of vacated apartments or rooms under a sales contract at a reduced price (relative to the market price);
  • involvement in facilitating the implementation of the program of legal (organizations) and individuals participating in the state program “Resettlement of Communal Apartments” in St. Petersburg.

Priority assistance is provided to individuals and families who meet the conditions of the above target programs. Of these individuals, assistance is primarily given to families with three or more minor children.

How the resettlement program works: 5 ways

There are five ways to implement the state program "Relocation of a communal apartment." Most of them are implemented without attracting investors, but an option involving legal entities is also present. So, the resettlement of the apartment is represented by the following interaction options:

  • Residents of a communal apartment under a contract of sale transfer rooms to a single buyer and purchase their own (separate) housing in the secondary market. Families are assisted in finding and acquiring apartments.
  • One of the families living in the shared apartment acquires rooms from other residents - neighbors. Thus, the apartment becomes a separate housing.

resettlement of communal apartments in St. Petersburg

  • In the event that the apartment already has one or more free rooms, or those are freed up as a result of improving the living conditions of other tenants, the family can buy out the living space at a price lower than the market value. The price of the purchased room can be up to 70% of the market price and depends on the period of registration of the family as needing to improve living conditions.
  • There is also a mechanism for the redistribution of housing, exchanges in order to ensure the occupancy of the apartment by one family.
  • Attracting investors to conclude an agreement on the resettlement of a communal apartment and further implementation of the program according to the signed document.

Participation if tenants reach a settlement agreement

In the event that residents managed to reach agreement on the advisability of participating in the program, the resettlement of a communal apartment is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • It is necessary to obtain the consent of all registered residents to participate in the state program.
  • Each of the adult residents should submit an application to the authorized bodies on the inclusion of a separate communal apartment in the list and provide a package of necessary papers (which documents are required below).
  • The administration, after considering applications and documents, informs residents of the decision.

program of resettlement of communal apartments

In the future, residents have the right to apply for social benefits in order to improve existing housing conditions. To get paid, you should:

  • provide an application for social benefits and the necessary documents to the IFC or structural units of “Gorzhilobmena”;
  • an authorized organization forms a list of citizens applying for payments, determines the priority and approves the list;
  • after updating the data, the Housing Committee of St. Petersburg makes a final decision regarding the calculation of social benefits;
  • the organization informs residents about the possibility of receiving cash, after which the persons apply for payments.

Participation if tenants have not reached agreement with neighbors

If the residents have not reached an agreement with their neighbors, the communal apartment will be resettled in this way, however, people who ask for help in improving their living conditions cannot apply for priority payments.

subsidy resettlement of communal apartments

So, you must:

  • Contact the authorized bodies with a statement and a package of necessary documents.
  • Wait for information on the results of the consideration of the package of securities.
  • In case of a positive decision of the Housing Committee, you should apply for a payment.

In cases where the situation with consent regarding resettlement changes during the consideration of documents, it is necessary to inform the Housing Committee about this. This fact will make it possible to have a priority right to improve living conditions compared to citizens who have not reached an agreement with their neighbors.

Package of documents

The program of resettlement of communal apartments provides for a certain procedure for the provision of documents (which was outlined above for two cases) and a specific list of necessary papers. So, in the MFC or the territorial divisions of Gorzhilobmen it is necessary to provide:

  • application for inclusion of a specific apartment in the list;
  • copies of documents confirming the identity of the applicant (s) and their originals to verify compliance;
  • a document with information about the composition of the family and a copy;
  • documents confirming the ownership or use of the premises.

the resettlement of communal apartments in St. Petersburg 2016

Papers are filed in families and are accepted only if the originals are provided to verify the authenticity of the copy.

Payout Procedure

Payments are provided to the participants of the program "Resettlement of communal apartments" in St. Petersburg. Cash payments can be used:

  • to purchase a separate apartment in the secondary housing market ;
  • to purchase a room, if the latter is bought in addition to occupied;
  • to participate in the construction of a house or apartment, provided that it is at least 70%;
  • to pay a share fee ;
  • to pay the cost of the assignment of rights for shared construction.

Acquired housing should be located on the territory of the Leningrad Region or in St. Petersburg and cannot be less than that stipulated by the housing provision standard for all family members. The subsidy “Resettlement of communal apartments” cannot be used to purchase housing that is declared unfit for living, does not meet the requirements or is under bail.

Where to go to get public service

The implementation of the program is carried out by authorized bodies of St. Petersburg. For registration and further receipt of social payments for the resettlement of an apartment, the applicant must personally apply and provide a package of necessary papers:

  • in “Gorzhilmenmen” or territorial representations of the organization;
  • to multifunctional centers.

resettlement of communal apartments in Moscow

In addition, the applicant can use the online portal "State Services". So, you don’t even have to leave your home to get a public service. Filing documents online saves both time and effort. The notice in this case, the applicant can receive both by regular and by e-mail.


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